"Good come!" Ma San Dao's face was happy. He waved a mountain knife to Chen Songzi and drank: "open the mountain!"

Ma San Dao is just like his name. He has three moves. The first one is "cutting the mountain".

Chen Songzi showed no weakness. He jumped up and said, "the mountain is broken!"

The Qi of fists and Dao Qi collided in the air and made a roar. Ma San Dao's mountain knife directly chopped Chen Songzi's fist strength, and then continued to move forward with unstoppable momentum.

Chen Songzi immediately used the simplified version of the second movement of Tianxuan Shenquan to divide rivers!

Divide rivers with fists, and block rivers with potential.

The second fist of Tianxuan Shenquan is mainly composed of lingering fist strength. The superposition of fist and fist reaches the potential of dividing rivers. When it reaches a certain critical point, it spurts out. This is the essence of Fenjiang.

Chen Songzi's understanding is not low. Although the power of the simplified version of Fenjiang is much less than that of the original version of Chen Mo's cultivation, the way of practice and the rules of understanding are the same.

After a long time of understanding and polishing, Chen Songzi had already realized the true meaning of dividing rivers. At this time, he even hit a punch with a faint momentum of rising and falling tide and surging tide of Haihe lake.

However, the sabre of Ma San Dao is just like a reef in the sea, and the mountain in the river is as firm as a rock in the river. Actually, it directly smashes the branch river of Chen Songzi.

Chen Songzi seems to have known the consequences for a long time. The third type of town follows the heaven and the earth closely. In the world, the upper and the lower reaches of the earth.


The three movements of Tianxuan Shenquan finally blocked the sword of Ma san dao.

In fact, it's not that Chen Songzi is too weak. He's only in the spirit state. His cultivation is quite different from that of Ma San Dao's golden elixir. In addition, his body is already injured. Although he has the high-quality skill of Tianxuan Shenquan, he is still not the opponent of Ma San Dao.

Although his whole body strength finally blocked Ma San Dao's first knife, in this gap, Ma san dao had already bullied him and seized Chen Songzi's throat. His genuine Qi filled his whole body and blocked Chen Songzi's Qi.

Ma san dao looked grim and said, "you can struggle and resist. You are a low-level sect like Mo men and a low-level world like the earth. In my eyes, they are just scum. I kill you like killing a dog."

"Er ~ ~ Er ~ ~" Chen Songzi's breath became weaker and weaker, and his struggling movements became smaller and smaller.

"Today! The Mormon must be destroyed Ma san dao shouts in a deep voice. His roar is like thunder and spreads all over the world.

On the occasion of Chen Songzi's life and death, a golden light fell from the sky.

The terrifying momentum is like a sky fire meteor, which falls in the direction of Ma san dao.

"The sky fire is coming, everybody run!" I don't know who yelled. In an instant, the scene was a riot.

Ma San Dao is furious, just like the sky fire. What's the fear? He threw Chen Songzi away, and the whole person was covered by the yuan Qi mask. He pointed the mountain knife in his hand at the sky fire, and said, "broken ground!"

The second form of mountain knife is to break the ground, even the earth can be broken.

Ma san dao turns into a group of light, and rushes to the golden sky fire in the sky.


The Qi of the sword is vertical and horizontal, and the sky fire is scattered. Ma Sandao screams and falls straight from the sky. It just hits a chariot, crushing the chariot into iron sheet.


The golden sky fire fell on Chen Songzi's position, and a terrible pit burst out of the whole open space below. The surrounding troops and chariots were crushed to pieces by the terrible energy in an instant, and there was no time to call out a cry.

When the smoke and dust dispersed, there was a man in the pit who seemed to be healing Chen Songzi.

"Who is that man? It seems that he came out of the sky fire. Is he a fairy

"What immortal must be a powerful immortal cultivator like Ma Changlao. In fact, his power must be incomparably terrifying. Even elder Ma is not the enemy of his combination."

"He seems to be Chen Mo! I've seen him before! "

"What? Is he Chen Mo? Chen Mo, the number one God

"That's him! Master Chen in legend? The founder of Mormon? "

"He is so powerful that even elder Ma of the empty sect is not his opponent! Will we be avenged by him when we besiege mermen today

"Is it worth saying? It is said that Chen Mo is a man who will report his revenge. We followed elder Ma to attack the gate of mo. even his grandfather Chen Guoliang just blew himself up and died. Let alone Chen Mo, I'm afraid that even my grandfather was forced to death, and I will never let go of the people who forced my grandfather to death! "

"Ah? What should I do? Chen Mo is so cruel. Now Ma Changlao is defeated by another move. Don't we have to wait for Chen Mo to come and kill us? Can he let us go if we ask him? "

"Think too much! Please him, you will only lose your final dignity. If you twist them into a rope, you may have a chance to live! "

"Yes, yes, no matter how strong he is, can he still fight against the practitioners of our whole world? Can he beat so many Shenzhou masters of the empty school?""We are not afraid of him. It is said that the purpose of Ma Changlao's attack on Mo men is to force Chen Mo to come out. We are united and must kill Chen Mo this time."

"Master, you are back at last!" Under Chen Mo's spiritual power, Chen Songzi finally wakes up.

"Disciple, I'm sorry for you!" Chen Songzi sobbed and said: "Shizu he In order to protect Mo men and everyone, Shizu has already blown himself up and died! "

Chen Mo gives a thump in his heart. It's no wonder that when he was on his way here just now, he didn't expect that something had happened to the people around him.

However, Chen Mo has been a man of two generations. Although he still has ups and downs in his heart for most things, he will not lose his mind.

He took a pill from his arms and let Chen Songzi take it. Then he walked out of the pit.

"Ma san dao." Chen Mo said to the direction of Ma San Dao's falling: "didn't you want me to come? I've come. Don't you want to kill me? I'm here. Why don't you do it? "

Why doesn't Ma san dao start? Because Ma Sandao found a terrible thing. Originally, he thought that Chen Mo was half a step of the golden elixir at most, and then he arranged a large array to kill the purple clothes and other top Shenzhou masters. However, after the competition between the two of them in the air just now, Ma Sandao suddenly found a frightening problem after he felt the terrible power It is also the golden elixir cultivation, and its strength seems to be even higher than yourself!

"Chen Mo!" Although Ma Sandao knew that he might not be Chen Mo's opponent, he still stood up and said to Chen Mo: "you don't have to be proud. Even if you are more powerful, can you beat the whole world? Today I'm going to let you know what it's like to be enemies of the world! "

"Against the world?" Chen Mo snorted coldly and said, "how about fighting against the world? I am Chen Mo here. Who dares to fight?"

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