Recently, the whole world has been paying attention to the disturbance of the Dragon nationality. First, several big families revolted together, and even foreign visitors were contacted. When the dragon family met with great changes, Jiang Heshan, the confidential minister, and many officials were killed, and the upper level of the dragon clan was imprisoned.

At a time when people still feel incredible, Hong Jia Hong Tian is rising like a comet. The timid guy in the past has disappeared. Instead, he is a brave, resourceful and ruthless hero.

He killed his own father, and used the body of his father Hong Wei to gain the support of Hongwei's old army. He fought back against Yanjing, successfully persuading the empty sect experts in the foreign Xiuzhen world to kill the Yang family and the Tu Li family. He successfully occupied Yanjing and was in power for a time.

At the same time, the empty school masters failed to encircle Chen Mo, and a half step golden elixir and nine top Shenjing masters were slaughtered, and the top and central officials were rescued.

Then came the Yang family. Yang Dingtian, once the God of war in Yanjing, came back. He repeatedly attacked Hong Tian and was defeated and escaped by the experts sent by the empty school to protect Hong Tian.

Finally, he was designed by Hong Tian, and Yang Dingtian was trapped. When he was ready to blow himself up, Chen Mo came back strong and killed all the experts of all schools without any strength to fight back. He saved Yang Dingtian.

Yang Dingtian is blessed by misfortune, and is possessed by the evil and forms a magic pill. He destroyed the wanlei strangling array in the Miao area, slaughtered the empty school experts, and destroyed the space transmission array, thus cutting off the last hope of the kongfu faction to send people to the earth.

However, Ma san dao besieged and killed Chen Mo's grandfather, which led Chen Mo to fight back strongly. He killed all the people who besieged Mo men. It's not too bad to call it a bloody river.

He also fought against Yang Dingtian in the Miao area, protecting 300 boys and girls and a group of practitioners. He took Yang Dingtian as a demon servant and shocked the whole world.

At this time, the front line of the ancient Wu people had the upper hand, the long army suffered heavy losses. In the court of civil strife, the military without commander-in-chief situation, the guwu people have pushed the front line to the hinterland of the Dragon nationality. At this time, hearing that Chen Mo was so strong, many generals urged the general of guwu to retreat immediately, so as not to provoke master Chen and lead to the destruction of the whole ancient Wu nationality.

However, the high-rise buildings are not willing to. After all, they have been waiting for this day for too long and spent too much manpower and material resources. If they do so, they will not be able to easily get something to see and hand it over to others. It is really frustrating for people.

Therefore, the general ordered all the troops to stop attacking, stand by and wait for Chen Mo's return. They tried to negotiate with Chen Mo to retain some of the results of the war. At the same time, they were ready to burn Chen Mo's jade.

Meanwhile, the situation in Yanjing finally stabilized, and he ascended to the top again. Taking advantage of Chen Mo's remaining power, he cleaned up many troublemakers in the rebellion, and many families in power were replaced. Meanwhile, the experts of martial arts and big sects were organized into military teams under the control of the state, so as not to bully others with force.

The situation in Yanjing calmed down in a very short period of time. At the same time, the Dragon army finally got a commander. He was a senior general newly appointed by the upper level. He was an old minister of the same age as old general Hong Wei. He had a high reputation in the army and could suppress the current chaotic situation. After all things were settled down, the higher level would appoint another general.

Under the organization of the new commander, the Dragon army was finally displayed in an organized way to confront the two armies of the ancient Wu nationality.

Everyone's waiting. They're all waiting for a guy named Chen mo.

This guy now controls the fate of a country, but suddenly disappeared after the defeat of Yang Dingtian. Even when he helped them clean up Yanjing, Yang Dingtian was the only one with Chen mo.

"He Where the hell have you been? " The superior looked anxiously at the horizon and said to himself.

At this time, Chen Mo came to Tianshan alone.

After he subdued Yang Dingtian with the forbidden demon talisman, he learned from Yang Dingtian that the reason why the empty school came to this world was actually the dragon vein of the earth.

The lack of aura on the earth makes the practitioners' strength low. Before Chen Mo and Yang Dingtian, they didn't even have a golden elixir. The reason for all this is because of the dragon vein of the earth.

Yang Dingtian learned from the experts of the hollow school that the dragon vein of the earth is in the Tianshan Mountains, and it seems that a super Bull has gathered the aura of the whole earth in the dragon vein with the supernatural power against the sky, which is the most fundamental reason for the lack of aura on the earth.

Now Chen Mo's cultivation has reached the golden elixir. The current concentration of aura on earth can't support him to improve his strength again. However, due to the empty school, the space transmission array has been destroyed. If Chen Mo wants to improve his strength again, he has to enrich the aura of the earth, that is to say, he must release the prohibition of dragon veins.

When Chen Mo came to Tianshan, the powerful mind of Jindan period was displayed in an instant, and the whole picture of Tianshan appeared in his mind in a moment.

"Is this dragon vein?" After seeing the whole picture of Tianshan Mountain, Chen Mo can't help but wonder. Chen Mo also saw dragon veins in his last life. Every dragon vein is extremely powerful. Even his cultivation in the God transforming period of the last life can't touch the Dragon veins, because the aura of the Dragon veins is too strong and full. If it is absorbed by force, it will be burst by life.But now Chen Mo's Dragon veins are just like dead things, like a dry branch.

"No!" Chen Mo gazed carefully, and finally found a different place. The Tianshan mountain seems to be just a section of the dragon vein. It looks more like the head of the dragon vein. When he looks at the Tianshan Mountain, the Kunlun Mountains, Alps and other mountains are actually a complete dragon vein.

"Which strong man in the end turned the dragon vein of the whole world into a complete dragon vein! It's not too much to call this kind of means against the sky! " Chen Mo's eyes are constantly wandering in this complete dragon vein. However, his divine consciousness needs to cover the whole world, but it makes his mental strength a little over consumed.

He quickly closed his eyes and stopped observing.

"The unification of the Dragon veins in the world is really a powerful means. However, I don't know why it failed. Otherwise, the Dragon veins would never die like this. If that person succeeds, I'm afraid there will be more immortals in the world! Although the Dragon veins of the earth look extremely weak today, I can still feel the terrifying energy. No wonder there were so many immortal cultivation bulls on the earth in ancient times. If we rescue this dragon vein, I am afraid that the whole earth will benefit from it, and the strength of those cultivators will also increase rapidly like a rocket. "

"If I can benefit from one hundred million of its benefits, I can also benefit from my future practice for life, just How can we save this lifeless dragon? " Chen Mo stares at the Dragon veins with burning eyes, frowns and says to himself. , the fastest update of the webnovel!