A white light suddenly appeared in the night, which made the whole world lively.

When everyone's shock has not faded, the whole world, moved.

It's like an earthquake like shaking, whirling, landslides.

Numerous mountains are collapsing, many plains are uplifting mountains, and huge waves are turning up in the sea, mountain torrents are erupting, and volcanoes are gushing out

The atmosphere was affected by this violent vibration, and suddenly there were dark clouds and heavy rain.

"The end of the world is really coming!" Someone was crying in the disaster.

This is a devastating disaster that covers the whole world. I don't know how many people lost their lives in this disaster.

The end of the world is coming too fast to give mankind any time to prepare.

"Chant! Chant The dragon in the white light kept rushing left and right, but it could not escape the white light and could only keep roaring.

In the space under the Tianshan Mountains, Chen Mo is experiencing a big event that he has never met.

The whole Tianshan falls down!

The reason for the collapse of Tianshan Mountain is that the dragon head has survived.

The dragon head opened his eyes, the pair of longan is full of indifference to the world, which is the disdain of the superior to the inferior.

Chen Mo escapes from falling boulders and rises in the air, overlooking everything below.

I saw that several mountains connected with Tianshan collapsed one after another, and the giant dragon finally raised his head, and the collapsed mountains finally revealed a small part of the dragon's body.

With the extension of Chen Mo's mind, the more mountains he saw collapsed, the larger the body of the dragon.

"Fuxi! What the hell are you doing! Do you know how many people will die in this disaster if you do this! " Chen Mo's face was livid, and he growled with gnashing teeth.

Originally, he thought that his life would be in danger, but he never thought that it would bring the whole world into crisis.

"Chant! Chant The Dragon roared up to the sky. I don't know how many times bigger than the movement of the thunder. The terrible dragon chant directly made Chen Mo Zhen bleed from his seven orifices. It seemed that he would be annihilated in the next moment.

Just as Chen Mo was about to die, a white light in the sky suddenly came down and pulled it into the white light.

Chen Mo's consciousness became vague, and I don't know how long it took him to wake up a little. When he opened his eyes, he saw a dragon flying in the sky!

"Here It's not the earth. Where is this? " After looking around, Chen Mo finds that the environment here is totally different from that of the earth. The world here is empty, with only boundless white.

"This is my soul sea." I don't know when an old man with white hair like a skirt appeared behind Chen Mo, it was the emperor Fuxi.

"Fuxi! What the hell have you done! Do you know that the whole world will be destroyed by it? " Chen Mo turns his head and stares at Fu Xi, and there is a tendency to fight if he does not agree.

Fuxi looked at Chen Mo calmly and said, "I know what I'm doing, and I know what the world is facing now."

"Then why do you do it?" Chen Mo roared wildly, "all the people like you will die!"

"No Fuxi shook his head slowly and said: "subdue it, the world will be safe and sound." Fuxi said, pointing to the dragon in the sky constantly colliding with the sky.

Chen Mo followed Fuxi's finger direction and looked at it. He couldn't laugh or cry. Then he became angry and roared, "how can this be possible?"

"This is the spirit consciousness derived from the earth's Dragon veins." Fuxi said: "my noumenon has been dilapidated. If we fight on the earth, we can't be its opponents. So I pull it into the sea of my soul, where my strength can be maximized, and you can also play a stronger strength. In this way, we can have a chance of vitality."

"But the earth is suffering now!" Chen Mo roared.

"So we have to hurry up." Fuxi said slowly.

Chen Mo:

Chen Mo stares at Fuxi, hates him a few times, and murmurs: "what should I do?"

Looking at the dragon in the sky, Fuxi said, "wait a minute, I will fight with him with the power of my divine sense. You are the last straw that crushed the camel field. You were the disciple of Donghua Xiandi in the previous life. You have the cultivation of transforming the divine state. Your divine sense is not weak. After you are reborn, your divine consciousness is much stronger than before. Here is my soul sea, i I can lend you my strength, let's fight together, this dragon

As Fuxi spoke, the white in front of Chen Mo suddenly disappeared, revealing a vast ocean. The originally calm sea suddenly surged up and turned into a huge wave.

In the sea, a water column suddenly rises to the sky, then suddenly falls down and completely hits Chen Mo's body.

The water column did not cause any harm to Chen Mo, but for a moment, Chen Mo only felt that he had unlimited power in an instant, and he felt that his cultivation was climbing.It soon broke through from the golden elixir period to the Yuanying period, and then broke through to the realm of Huashen in an instant, and then continued to march forward to the realm of harmony.

This realm has completely surpassed Chen Mo's strongest cultivation in the previous life and reached the level of little younger martial sister. However, the cultivation is still growing crazily. It seems that there is no bottleneck, and it is generally in the mature stage.

Chen Mo's accomplishments in the period of great maturity, even if Chen Mo himself could practice to this level in the previous life, I don't know how many years it would take, but in such a short time of breathing, he achieved it so easily.

Just when Chen Mo's heart was shocked beyond measure, his cultivation broke through to the period of crossing the loot in an instant. Even Chen Mo in the previous life could not imagine that he could reach this state.

Which monk was not a great power?

Which monk who passed through the robbery period did not experience countless years of practice and experienced countless disasters and hardships?

Now I have reached the transition period easily?

When Chen Mo's cultivation reached the time of passing through the robbery, the growth rate of his cultivation finally slowed down, which made him deeply relieved. If his cultivation continued to grow to the realm of immortal respect, would it be too frightening?

However, although the growth rate of cultivation has slowed down, it is still growing.

During the robbery period, it needs to cross heaven and earth, God, man and ghost five robberies, which also represents the accomplishments of friars. Chen Mo's accomplishments break through the first robbery of ghosts and then human robberies. Chen Mo's heart rises, and his accomplishments continue to break through to the divine robbery. At this time, the growth rate of cultivation becomes slower, but it still slowly breaks through to the earth robbery.

"No! Is it true that... "

Chen Mo feels his own accomplishments. At the moment, he doesn't even dare to make an atmosphere. Those accomplishments are gradually accumulating like a trickle.

"More, more!" Chen Mo kept yelling in his heart.

"Boom His body made a sound like a torrent pouring down. His cultivation broke through the Tianjie in an instant. Xianzun!

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