
Chen Mo's body was once again crushed to pieces by the majestic vitality of heaven and earth. Only the earth God consciousness, which had been refined by Jiucai Tianjie and strengthened countless times in the soul sea of Fuxi, was still as stable as a rock.

Immortal spirit, immortal body!

The vitality of heaven and earth is not only the culprit of destroying Chen Mo's body, but also the helper of Chen Mo's body reconstruction.

With the help of the vitality of heaven and earth, Chen Mo's body recovered again, and then continued to crumble and recover again. I don't know for many times.

In the process of destruction and rebirth, wood, water, fire and earth elements broke through one after another.

Heaven and earth vitality is the purest energy of heaven and earth. Under Chen Mo's deliberate guidance, it is continuously transformed into these five kinds of energy. The body of the five elements becomes small, and then it breaks through to Dacheng again!

His body suddenly burst out with five elements of gold, green, blue, red and brown. He felt that his body was full of energy, as if the body would never be destroyed.

"Er ah!" Chen Mo looks up to the sky and drinks a lot. The dragon shaped tattoo on his chest flies out of the sky, and there is a total of six colors of black in addition to the five elements of color.

Chen Mo leaped to his feet and landed on the head of the six color dragon.

"Up Chen Mo held out his right forefinger and yelled at the Tianshan Mountains.

The six color dragon roared at the ruins, and countless heaven and earth's vitality rushed to the mountains one after another.

Those still falling stones and soil are going against the sky, and the collapsed mountains are surrounded by the vitality of heaven and earth, returning to their original position.

Time seems to be against the current in general, did not spend too much time, the whole Tianshan Mountains have been restored to the original appearance.

Six color dragon roared up to the sky, suddenly rushed to the sky, flew into the clouds, from the clouds out of the dragon head overlooking the world.


The six color dragon roared at the world, taking the Tianshan Mountains as the center, the majestic and terrifying vitality of heaven and earth instantly spread to the whole earth.

Volcanoes stop spewing magma, torrents stop pouring, and mountains stop collapsing. This time is like a counter current performance performed all over the world.

Countless people looked at all this blankly, then suddenly looked up and found the dragon in the sky.

"Is the Dragon God coming?"

"It was the Dragon God who saved us!"

"Thank the Dragon God for giving me the chance to live."

"This must be the God sent by the Buddha to save us!"

"This must be the angel Jesus sent to save us!"



At this moment, Chen Mo feels that his divine consciousness can cover the whole earth with the aura of returning to its original position. He can feel that every corner of the world, even a plant or even the smallest gravel, cannot escape.

He saw the Tianshan mountains that was gathered by Fuxi into countless smaller ones, flying back to their original mountains.

He saw that the world was back to its original state, and that nothing had changed.

"It's just a pity..." Chen Mo looked at all the world and shook his head regretfully.

It is a pity that the mountains can be restored and the rivers can be restored, but the people who died in this disaster can never get through again.

For example, Fuxi, his grandfather Chen Guoliang, those who were burned to death by magma, those who were killed by falling stones, such as those who were drowned by floods

He can restore the earth's natural things, but also can't let the dead people rebirth.


The earth suddenly gave a slight vibration.

"Dong Dong!"

This is a kind of sound similar to the heartbeat of human beings. Only at this time can Chen Mo hear this sound, and no one on earth can feel this power.

This is a new force.

The earth is alive.

To be more precise, the earth has come back to life.

After Fuxi gathered the Dragon veins, the earth withered and died for unknown years. Today, with the help of Chen Mo, the earth has come back to life again.

In the dark age of the earth's death, the cradle of the strong has no strong one. Even in the modern society, even a small sect in the spiritual realm can be called the strongest master. Even a small sect of empty sects who do not know how many grades are willing to fight the earth, all want to enslave the people in the world.

Among the numerous planes, the earth has become the lowest one.

Until today, the era when the earth will rise is coming!

Spring, with wild flowers everywhere, has finally come!

The cradle of the strong, the earth, will finally bloom its most dazzling brilliance!

The decline of the earth began with Fuxi's eye of exploring the universe and ended with Fuxi's resurrection at the cost of his life."What I owe you, I have given it, and what I owe to the earth will be paid back soon." This is what Fuxi said when he gave Chen Mo a picture of the river.

"Ah..." Chen Mo sighed heavily.

The six color dragons in the sky disappeared, and only the lonely Chen Mo appeared at the top of the Tianshan mountains again.

He did not have the slightest look in his eyes, just staring at the distance, those loneliness and melancholy made him look like a lone wolf left alone and injured.

Even the extremely strong vitality of heaven and earth in the air could not arouse his slightest interest.

He just looked at the distance, motionless, like a sculpture.

His empty body, like a magnet at this time, makes the surrounding heaven and earth energy suddenly converge towards him, and the aura around him quickly becomes thick and thick.

It is just that although the vitality of heaven and earth wants to rush into his body, it seems that there is no way to rush in, and they can only linger outside the door.

The vitality of those heaven and earth became more and more thick, and the vitality was constantly compressed. I don't know how long it took to finally condense a drop of water like liquid into Chen Mo's body.

His cultivation finally increased by one point, but he did not even reach the level of condensate.

As time goes by, I don't know how many sunrises and sunsets have gone through, and Chen Mo's accomplishments are gradually increasing.

It was not until his cultivation was restored to the original golden elixir period that he finally stopped.

But at this time, his gold elixir is no longer a gold bead, but a six color bead, the same color as his dragon shaped tattoo.

The dragon shaped tattoo roared, and suddenly got into his body, attached to the six color gold elixir.

On the six color gold elixir appeared a brilliant dragon shaped pattern.

It was only at this time that Chen Mo woke up from the stillness.

He felt the inner strength of his body, and said with a wry smile, "this body is so picky that ordinary heaven and earth can't absorb it, and the amount needed is so huge. It will be extremely difficult to practice in the future, and I don't know whether this is a blessing or a curse."

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