Today's world does not know how many wars have taken place in the past six months, and each country is in chaos because of the large number of monks.

Even the political power of some countries has been controlled by the cultivators. These monks sang all night and lived the life of ancient emperors. However, it was a disaster for ordinary people. I don't know how many ordinary people began to resist the oppression of the regime, but they failed again and again. Finally, it was found that those who had powers were invincible.

It's true that many countries refer to practitioners as powers.

Although some powerful countries have countered most of the internal chaos, they still have extreme events from time to time.

In such an era, almost all countries have closed their outbound business. If you want to leave your country and go to other countries for help, you can only smuggle in.

However, there are dangers brought by those crazy mendists and ordinary people who take advantage of the opportunity to make trouble. If they are caught by the state, they will also face the criminal law of death.

The future is vast, and that's where most people in the world are now.

All people are looking forward to the coming of God in their hearts, hoping that God will save their people. Some people are calling for the appearance of the Dragon God, punishing the evil and protecting the good.

But God has never come, countless people despair, dark, no light.

It was a quiet night, because the starry sky was very quiet. Both the moon and the stars were shining with light, and they were peaceful.

But under the night sky, there are still those screams and howls, and even some places are as terrible as hell.

The breeze is still blowing the mountains and rivers, but some changes are quietly taking place in the sky.

In a magnificent castle, an old man with white hair looked at the sky and murmured, "what happened to you, far east?"

On a high mountain, a strong man with bare upper body showing strong muscles roared at the starry sky, and his thick body hair was constantly shaking because of the concussion of spiritual power.

"My next journey to the East! Weak dragon people! Shout, scream! Tremble at my feet! Ah

On a high-rise building, on the tip of the lightning rod stands a beautiful woman. The sharp outline and fiery figure of westerners are incisively and vividly displayed on her body.

"Oh? East? I haven't been there yet. It looks good. Has the domestic chaos been calmed down? Want to lead the world now? Ridiculous! But it's also interesting. The dragon clan is a place of treasure. I wonder if those people have any idea? You can get in touch with each other

On the snow mountain of Siberia, a group of people in white single clothes are holding a sacrifice. The great elder tied a naked young woman to the cross and ignited the fire. The woman gave out a miserable cry and was finally burned to ashes.

The elder looked at the sky and said to the believers below, "the East is a place where we don't believe in God. Conquer them and let them return to the embrace of the Lord."

"Conquer! conquer! Conquer The believers below responded.

What's going on in the sky?

There are lines between the stars. These lines connect the stars and form a huge screen of light.

On the screen of light is an orderly country, where the environment is beautiful, there are high-rise buildings, there are also people flying in the sky.

However, the difference is that in that country, the people flying in the sky did not kill ordinary people, or even did anything to hurt ordinary people. They communicated with ordinary people kindly and helped maintain order.

The smiling faces of the people seem to be the most beautiful scenery in the world, which is quite different from their own experiences.

Just as everyone fell into this beautiful scene, a figure appeared in the light screen. It was a young man about 20 years old.

Wearing a white dress, the dress is a bit strange, only some people who know more about the dragon people will know that the white dress is the ancient dress of the Dragon nationality.

Young people's facial features are very delicate, the most charming is that smile and that strong self-confidence.

"I'm Chen Mo, Chen mo of the dragon clan."

"What you saw just now is what the dragon people are like now. This is paradise."

"I am very clear about your situation, and even the reasons why you are in this situation. Even I can help you change the situation."

"The aura of the earth has revived."

"In the future, the environment will be better, whether it is trees or plants will be crazy growth, of course, for you also have a great change."

"Aura will change your constitution, prolong your life span, and enhance your physical quality. Although you are suffering a lot now, have you found that your strength is greater than before? Also won't get sick easily, even the old disease cured in the past? This is the change and benefit that Reiki brings to the world. "

"Chaos is only temporary. As long as the world makes new rules, life in the future will be better than before, just like our dragon people.""The direct cause of world chaos is that the number and strength of practitioners increased greatly due to the revival of Reiki. Weapons in the world can hardly hurt them, which is the source of chaos."

"But today, I will teach you the skills of practice, so that all of you have the opportunity to become strong, so that you can have a sword to protect yourself in troubled times."

Chen Mo's words rang out from the starry sky and spread to every corner of the world. What's more, he said these words with his mind, which directly reached everyone's mind without any communication. Obstacles, make sure everyone understands what he means.

He passed a simple and basic cultivation method to everyone's knowledge of the sea, and then practiced a set of basic skills in the air.

Chen Mo in the starry sky is an omnipotent God who comes to save the world in the eyes of ordinary people, but becomes a thorn in the flesh in the eyes of those practitioners.

If there are practitioners among ordinary people, their life will be less secure.

After Chen Mo finished the exercise, he said slowly: "after a month, the Dragon army will march toward the whole world to help all countries maintain peace and restore public order. Please cooperate with ordinary people and practitioners not to make meaningless resistance. The strength of our dragon clan is beyond your imagination."

"However, please rest assured that the dragon people will never take advantage of the danger of others and occupy your territory. They will only help you maintain public order and let ordinary people live a peaceful life."

"I'm Chen Mo, Chen Mo from the Dragon nationality. I speak for the dragon people." Chen Molu showed his white teeth, and the image in the sky disappeared and the quiet night was restored.

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