After the earth's aura has dried up, powerful practitioners have disappeared, and many powerful cultivation methods are almost impossible to find. The strength of practitioners is so low that it is impossible to imagine such a thing.

This situation is even worse after the earth has experienced several catastrophes, so the earth began to develop in this aspect of modern science and technology. It has to be said that in a short period of several hundred years, the earth's science and technology has developed extremely rapidly, but it still can't travel through the stars.

There are even legends and conjectures about aliens.

The universe is so vast and boundless that even the practitioners can't detect its edge even when they reach the realm of xianzun, let alone what else is outside the universe.

In such a huge space, it is impossible for life to exist only on the earth.

There is such a place thousands of light years away from the earth.

There are no high-rise buildings, no cars and airplanes. The people living there are all related to one thing, that is, cultivation.

This is a land of practice and a paradise for practitioners. There is not only one planet here, but a starry sky. There are 180 planets in the sky. These 180 planets were livable stars countless years ago. But today, after countless years, many planets have withered and become no longer suitable for human habitation, but some are powerful The practitioners still practice hard in it.

There are innumerable teleportation arrays on each planet, which can lead to any place on the 180 planets. Of course, this requires a lot of spirit stones.

It is said that today's transmission system was built by a great power at the peak of the cultivation world, mainly for the convenience of practitioners to access the major planets.

However, after the great power fell down for some reason, the major cultivation sects of the cultivation world fought for the control of these transmission arrays. It is precisely for this reason that the cultivation world is now withered.

A total of 180 stars in this war directly led to 108 of them withered, leaving only 72 livable stars. However, the energy contained in the stars was still much worse than that of the previous years. It is said that several powerful dragon veins were pulled out.

Today's teleportation array has been divided up by various sects. It is for this reason that practitioners need to earn spirit stones to exchange for travel expenses if they want to go from one planet to another.

On top of these 72 planets, there are nine first-class planets, eighteen second-class planets, and the remaining 45 are all first-class planets, which is the quality of today's earth.

The first class planet is controlled by several giants of the Xiuzhen world, the second class planet is controlled by some other second class sects, and the third class planet is the place where ordinary people and other small sects stay.

However, even on the third level planet, the people here are generally stronger than the earth. The rich level of aura here is much better than that of today's earth. After the nourishment of these auras, men's strength and women's beauty are generally higher than the earth's quality.

However, the earth was originally the top planet, but now the dragon vein has recovered. I believe that after time goes by, the earth will return to its peak.

Both practitioners and ordinary people in the practice world are engaged in the cause related to practice. Every family is proud of the presence of a practitioner in their home, just as family members on earth are proud of their children's study in University.

The task of practitioners is basically to practice the truth. Other ordinary people serve the practitioners in exchange for their basic needs. Of course, there are also ordinary people like the earth who are engaged in a series of undertakings such as hunting, fishing, planting crops and so on.

And the empty school, which tried to dominate the earth and occupied the dragon vein of the earth, was a second-class school in the Xiuzhen world.

It's said that many years ago, the empty school was also a great school of practice in the realm of cultivation, ruling two first-class planets, but now it has declined. Reduced to a second-class school, not to mention a second-class planet can not rule, can only occupy a third-class planet.

The planet they occupied was named apocalypse, which was also a first-class planet at that time. It was only after the Dragon veins were extracted by the great energy that it fell into the third class planet.

In tianqixing, the empty school is the absolute master. In addition to paying some spiritual stones to their ruler's ruling sect every year, everything else can be done by themselves.

Originally, the empty school thought that their fate would last forever. However, they didn't expect that their disciples found an ancient relic in the mountain when they were practicing in the secular world. After investigation, they found that there was a broken transmission array here.

Although there are many tourists from other star regions every year, it is of no use to the empty sect, but this transmission array is different.

After many days of research and investigation by the sect elders who are proficient in array, they found that this transmission array can lead to an almost exhausted planet.

Originally, they were disappointed and thought that the transmission array was useless. What's the use of a planet that doesn't even have a grade?

But at this time, there is a trace of energy in the transmission array.

The elder was overjoyed and reported to the headmaster that the planet the teleportation array leads to is not exhausted, but the Dragon veins are gathered and hidden. If we can control the planet and release the Dragon veins, the whole hollow sect will rise. Even the central divination star or other sects on the first-class planet can't look forward to its back, and the empty sect will return to the peak or even surpass the peak completely.So a space-time travel began to prepare. They repaired the array and sent people to get through the channel. However, in a hurry, they could only send practitioners from the beginning of the golden elixir or below. So they sent waimen elders to explore the way, and finally arrived at the planet successfully after they did not know how many foreign elders died.

According to the news, they knew that the name of the planet was earth.

The news is gratifying. The earth has fallen out of shape. Even the cultivation of the divine realm is almost invincible on the earth. The two golden elixir masters sent are really invincible. They say that it takes only two months to rule the land and then open the spiritual pulse.

Empty school, has seen the light.

But when everyone was looking forward to it, the news came back that they were in trouble, so the empty school was ready to send several golden elixir masters to the past.

It's just that the golden elixir sent in the past has just entered the transmission array, and the entire transmission array has been destroyed. Needless to think, those golden elixirs have been crushed into pieces by the terrible energy in the space-time tunnel.

The transmission array is broken, and the elder who is proficient in the array has no way to say that this is the entrance on the other side of the earth has been destroyed.

So the empty faction had to send someone to guard the site, hoping that the earth could repair the transmission array again.

However, after a few years, the hollow faction has almost abandoned this idea, and the forces stationed here are becoming weaker and weaker.

And tonight, there's a light in the transmission array. , the fastest update of the webnovel!