Liu Dazhuang, elder Liu stares at Chen Mo in disbelief. His hands tightly cover his throat, but he can't stop the blood flowing down his neck.

"You You Why To kill Kill me. " Liu Dazhuang asked in a solemn tone.

Chen Mo glanced at Liu Dazhuang and said, "I knew a Liu Dazhuang when I was a child. He always robbed me of snacks. So I secretly swore that I would kill Liu Dazhuang in the future, but I didn't see him until I met you today."

Liu Dazhuang's eyes and neck were crooked, and he died with his eyes closed.

Yan Qingcheng looked at Chen Mo and asked, "did you really know such a Liu Dazhuang before?"

"How could it be!" Chen Mo said, "Xu Zihao told me about this. Liu Dazhuang used to bully him when he was a child."

Yan Qingcheng

"Liu Dazhuang What a pity. " Yan Qingcheng was silent for elder Liu for a second in his heart.

After cleaning up in the cave, I found some magic weapons and things in the magic weapons of the empty sect disciples. The spicy chicken was useless at all, and Chen was thrown away.

There are also some pills. They are all spicy chicken. Chen Mo threw them away again.

There are also some broken spirit stones, which are all spicy chicken. Chen Mo quickly carries them into his arms.

Although the broken spirit stone is spicy chicken, but now Chen Mo doesn't even have these spicy chicken things. After all, it's hard currency. Even if it's very small, it can make a lot of money!

Chen Mo had seen Chen Mo kill the empty sect elder Liu. All the women were shivering. But Chen Mo threw away the magic weapons, magic weapons, pills and other things like spicy chicken, and only took some broken spirit stones. Finally, a woman boldly said, "immortal, those things can Can you give it to us? "

This is what Chen Mo didn't want, and these women were abducted and tortured. Taking it can be regarded as some compensation for them.

Chen Mo waves his hand magnanimously, indicating that they can take it at will. These women are happy to divide up the spicy chicken in Chen Mo's eyes. They are more happy than picking up the money.

"Are you all captured by these empty disciples?" Chen Mo asked the woman who asked him for something empty.

The woman tells Chen Mo exactly why she came here, and says that if Chen Mo is willing, she is willing to serve Chen Mo, and if Chen Mo doesn't want her, she will return to her original village. Other women also mean the same.

After all, Chen Mo's strength is what they have seen with their own eyes. If they can conceive of Chen Mo's child, they may also be a child with great cultivation talent. At that time, their whole family will be changed.

The unique folk customs of the Xiuzhen world have simply refreshed the Three Outlooks of Chen Mo and Yan Qingcheng. How much do these women abuse themselves?

"This is your man's paradise! If you do something bad, you don't have to bear any responsibility! " Yan Qingcheng glances at Chen Mo, and his eyes are full of murderous spirit.

Chen Mo grinned, but he didn't know what to say.

Yan Qingcheng bar is good everywhere. Her skin is white and beautiful, her front is convex and she is backward. Moreover, she is extremely compatible with Chen Mo's various requirements, that is, she is too aggressive on Chen Mo, and everyone seems to want to rob a man with her.

But it also greatly satisfied Chen Mo's vanity. If he was not excellent, would such an excellent Yan Qingcheng care so much about himself?

Therefore, he did not resent Yan Qingcheng's jealousy, but felt very happy in his heart.

However, although the customs here are very strange, it is the choice of others, and Chen Mo and they have no right to interfere.

After finishing everything, Chen Mo is ready to send the women home. When he leaves, Yang Dingtian sets off a black flame and burns everything in the cave clean.

These women come from different villages in a small town not far from the mountain. Chen Mo sends them back to their respective homes and then prepares to leave.

"Immortal." Finally, the woman who talked with Chen Mo was sent. Her name was green clothes. She usually liked to wear green clothes.

"Thank you very much for your gift. Please use some potluck at home." Green dress says.

Behind the green dress stood a couple about 40 years old and five or six children, the older one being 15 or 16 years old, and the younger one being seven or eight years old.

The old couple's eyes are full of expectation, while the children's eyes are curious. Maybe this is the first time they have seen the legendary immortal!

Chen Mo thinks for a moment that he has just arrived at the Xiuzhen world. He may have some trouble to enter the empty school. It is better to ask these ordinary people how they can enter the immortal cultivation school.

Seeing Chen Mo nodding, the family was very happy.

The man killed a chicken, which was the only chicken in his family. Although Chen Mo always said that there was no trouble, they still made a big table of dishes.

To be honest, even if it's just a very ordinary home cooked dish, it's delicious, at least much better than the food on earth.This has something to do with the abundance of the aura of the planet. The aura here is stronger than that of the earth, and the crops naturally grow well. However, the exorbitant taxes and levies are too high, and the life of ordinary people is still not very good.

Of course, this is also related to the excessive pollution and destruction of the earth by human beings.

After talking to each other at the dinner table, Chen Mo knew that the child who looked 15 or 6 was only 12 years old, while the child who looked seven or eight was only five years old. Even the hot green clothes were only 15 years old. They were the children of the couple.

Life is so difficult, but they still have so many children. Naturally, they want to have a child who can practice to change the future of the whole family. Unfortunately, the couple did not have that life.

It is because of this that they can't wait to push out the green dress when the practitioners of the empty school come to invite women to serve Liu Dazhuang.

Because of her beautiful appearance and hot figure, she was chosen. Other girls in the village were not qualified. Because of this, the couple walked harder than others in the village.

"Alas Chen Mo sighs heavily in his heart, but turns to see Yan Qingcheng's melancholy eyes.

"You want to help them?" Chen Mo asked.

Yan Qingcheng shook his head and said, "I just think that women should not practice themselves so much. They should be self-reliance and self-improvement."

"But we can't change the world." Chen Mo said.

Yan Qingcheng looked at Chen Mo with burning eyes and said, "you can, because you have changed the earth."

Chen scratched his head and said, "otherwise Try it? "

Chen Mo and his wife finally leave the green dress's home, leaving a whole body pill for green appreciation. , the fastest update of the webnovel!