Chen Mo has long found that the aura in the air flows abnormally. At first, he thought it was the aura of heaven and earth because of some normal factors, such as night wind, rainstorm, thunder, etc., but now it seems that it is caused by some abnormal factors.

"Elder martial brother, I'm a little afraid." Yan Xin hugged Han Yinuo's arm and said weakly, "I seem to feel someone staring at me."

"Don't be afraid. There are other people here besides us." Han Yinuo comforts Yan Xin.

"Don't tell me." Liang Feiyun tightened his clothes and said, "I also feel that someone is looking at me! But it's normal. After all, my son was born with a romantic and elegant life, and I've been used to it for a long time. "

"There's something under the tree!" Chen Mo suddenly said.

"Where!" Liang Feiyun was shocked and turned his eyes to the blue tree in the middle of the lake.

Under the long moonlight and the picturesque night scenery, two green eyes on the blue tree trunk are staring at Chen Mo and his party.

That pair of eyes full of treachery and disdain, seems to be still sneering at people.

"Ah Yan Xin yelled and yelled: "there is a ghost!"

Liang Feiyun was startled by Yan Xin's cry. He looked back at her, gritted his teeth, took two leaves out of his arms, wiped his eyes, and said, "I'm going to see what kind of cattle ghosts are playing tricks on! There is no last resort to calculate Tianmen, to get rid of the false, to see the real

After his eyes were wiped by the leaves, his eyes were as bright as the Sun Wukong in the dragon myth.

Liang Feiyun looked at the blue tree, looked at it for a long time, sighed with relief, and cursed: "fart ghost! It's a fox

"Fox?" Yan Xin heard that it was a fox. She was not afraid. She pulled Liang Feiyun's sleeve and said, "brother Feiyun, lend me the leaves to wipe my eyes. I also want to see the fox."

"No Liang Feiyun pulled back his sleeve and said, "Chen Mo! There's no place to look for when you're out of your shoes. You don't have to spend any time setting up the flag! "

"Flag up?"

"The flag is on the fox. It's put in the ear as a flower by the fox." Liang Feiyun said happily: "as long as I get the flag, I can break through the master of Sanpin array! You can also get the space ring. Don't worry. When I testify to you, all the credit is due to you! "

Hearing Liang Feiyun say that the flag was put in his ear by a fox, Chen Mo immediately saw a Hu Daxian standing like a man in a cotton padded jacket. Beside his ear was a small flag waving in the wind.

"No wonder those people said that the flag would disappear from nowhere, and then appear in other places. Unexpectedly, it was a little fox who was playing a trick. He put a fart to hide himself, and then ran away. Those disciples were trapped by its fart, of course, they couldn't catch it!" Liang Feiyun said more excited, quietly pulled out the proud wind sword to get rid of the magic way.

"Wait a minute." Chen Mo grabbed Liang Feiyun and said, "it seems that it is not so simple."

"Bang!" Liang Feiyun shrunken his mouth and said: "I thought it was the flag that moved out of thin air under the effect of the array. I saw that your array cultivation was good, so I wanted you to help me hold the space, so that the flag could not escape. But now it's just a little demon, and I can handle it myself. When this happens, you'd better count back to Tianmen to be the pharmacist elder with me!"

With that, Liang Feiyun, carrying the proud wind sword, walked against the sky and landed directly on the island in the middle of the lake.

"You'd better get out of here soon." Chen Mo said to Han Yinuo and Yan Xin solemnly, "the faster you run, the better. Don't stop!"

"Is it so frightening?" Yan Xin asked.

"It may be more terrible than you think!" Chen Mo left a mark on Han Yinuo and said: "I have already put your master's poison in my heart. With this breath, I can find you wherever you are. Of course, if you don't believe me, you can guard Shuiyun immortal first. But please don't detoxify your master for the time being. I will find you in three days."

With that, Chen Mo takes out shuiyunxian from his arms and hands it to him.

"Eugong is joking. His character is clear in his heart. I hope that he can relieve my master's poison and let my master get rid of his pain as soon as possible! Well, the announcement

Chen Mo bowed his hand and said, "I'll see you later."

"Younger martial sister, let's go!" Han Yinuo started running with Yan Xin, and soon disappeared in the night.

At this time, under the blue tree, Liang Feiyun has begun to fight, but in Chen Mo's opinion, Liang Feiyun is fighting with the air.

This matter is definitely not as simple as Liang Feiyun thinks. For example, the problem of Taiji diagram has not been solved. Why is the imbalance between yin and Yang and the Tai Chi array diagram not broken? On the contrary, the spirit of the earth converged here that day?

What kind of fox is that fox?

Chen Mo didn't have Liang Feiyun's magic weapon of "one leaf blinding the eyes", but he had countless Taoist methods. Among them, there were countless Taoist methods to break through the false. Chen Mo read a Dharma at will, and immediately the scene under the blue tree clearly appeared in front of him."I'll go!" Looking at the fox under the blue tree, Chen Mo murmured, "Liang Feiyun, are you serious? And ginseng sky blue tree as tall as the giant beast is what you call the little fox? Do you really think you are invincible in the forbidden area? "

This fox is so huge that it is almost as big as the blue tree, but it is much thicker than the blue tree. The sharp claws on its claws are so sharp that even the Ao Feng sword in Liang Feiyun's hand can't be hurt. Chen Mo estimates that the fox must have tempered his body somewhere. You know, Ao Feng Jian is a three point spirit weapon! That means that the fox's claws are almost the same quality. If they are fur Chen Mo's eyes are hot It's likely to be the third grade spirit armor!

Although the fox is only a medium-sized spirit animal, which is equivalent to the later stage of the golden elixir of human practitioners, with its strong body, it is worthy of being the king in the forbidden area!

"I'm afraid the flying clouds can't fight the fox!" Chen Mo secretly plans to judge the strength between them. Liang Feiyun is sure to lose. But he is a disciple of Suan Tianmen. He has many magic weapons and should not be defeated in a short time. Let's go and see what happened to the Yang eye of the Tai Chi array!

"Chen Mo! This little fox is so fierce that you don't have to come and help Just then Liang Feiyun called for help.

Chen Mo said with a smile, "aren't you invincible in the forbidden area? Now it's time for you to prove yourself. I won't disturb you. Goodbye

"Chen Mo! Chen Mo! Don't go away , the fastest update of the webnovel!