Even Ao Feng Jian couldn't take care of the woman. Seeing Chen Mo's red face, Liang Feiyun was too anxious. He took out several jade boxes from his belt. After opening them, there were clay figurines, stone men, wooden men and bronze men. All of them were extremely powerful. They all rushed at the woman and beat them continuously. Not only did she not hurt the woman, but she took the opportunity to bite it with her mouth The puppets bit themselves to pieces.

Fortunately, they are all puppets. They are not afraid of pain. If they were real people, they would have cried out.

Liang Feiyun took out all kinds of charms, magic weapons and other things from his belt, which still had no effect. In a panic, he took out the flag. When the woman saw the flag, she roared with fear, then turned into smoke and disappeared.

"How are you?" Liang Feiyun quickly helped Chen Mo and asked with concern.

Chen Mo escapes from death, coughing, tears and snot. It took a long time for Chen Mo to recover. When he reacted, he found himself in Liang Feiyun's arms! Suddenly, he was shocked and floundered, pointing to Liang Feiyun and swearing: "you eat my tofu!"

"What do I eat your tofu?" Liang Feiyun asked suspiciously.

Ever since Liang Feiyun wakes up, Chen Mo feels that he looks at himself wrong. He can't help but reveal the state of his little daughter's home. Is it possible that both yin and Yang like men?

Chen Mo felt sick when he thought of this. He wanted to leave some self-respect for Liang Feiyun, but this kind of thing must be explained clearly. Otherwise, it would be troublesome to hurt others and hurt yourself.

"Liang Feiyun, I like women!" Chen Mo said with a livid face, "I like real women!"

Liang Feiyun is so confused by Chen Molai's appearance.

If Chen Mo has found out that she is a daughter, what is the meaning of the real woman? How can I not be a real woman? If he didn't find his identity, why did he react so much as two great men?

"I know! So what? " Liang Feiyun plans to respond to changes with constancy.

Chen Mo is going to be mad, so what? What do you say? Can you just stop doing this to me? But the words "demon" are too hurtful for Chen Mo to say.

But at this time some regret to save this guy, if not save his words, his body's baby is his own, do not say, he will not be like now so make a Sao.

"Nothing! Stay away from me Chen Mo stares at Liang Feiyun, says a word, and climbs into the sarcophagus.

"The brain is broken? I tried so hard to save you without even saying thank you? " Liang Feiyun scolded Chen Mo ten thousand times in her heart before she felt relieved. She also followed her into the sarcophagus. She had to be faster. Otherwise, if there were any treasures in the sarcophagus, what would she do if she was robbed by this guy?

When Liang Feiyun enters the sarcophagus, Chen Mo is reading a book.

This is a notebook.

Notes of an elder named Tianze.

He is the master of this small world, the super bull of the robbery period.

Tens of thousands of years ago, Tianze old man found a powerful monster in a city of xiuxianjie, so he planned to take this monster.

But I didn't expect that the monster was too strong. Although Tianze old man was strong, the monster followed the rule that he couldn't escape.

They don't know how many star regions they have crossed and how many star rivers they have gone through. Finally, in this cultivation world, old man Tianze collected the monster into his own mirror world.

As long as in this mirror world, Tianze old man has a way to subdue the monster.

"What? You said that the killer was a dog! It's still a female dog Liang Feiyun roared with shock on his face.

That's right. The voice of the * * that echoed in Chen Mo's ear a few days ago, and Chen Mo thought that the third most beautiful woman she had ever seen was a little female dog

Don't say Liang Feiyun is shocked. Even Chen Mo wants to commit suicide because he reacted to the voice when he was fighting with a fox a few days ago. Just now he compared his younger martial sister Luoli and Yan Qingcheng with her. Isn't this comparing Luoli and Yan Qingcheng with a dog?

Isn't this too unfair for them?

Of course, the other girls Chen Mo knows are even worse than a dog

Fortunately, they are not here now, or they will have to tear it up.

After Tianze old man put the little female dog into the mirror world, he did not use any means. Unexpectedly, the little female dog surrendered voluntarily!

He was willing to guard the house for the old man Tianze, which made the old man in a good mood and was ready to let the little bitches recognize the owner with blood. However, when the little bitches recognized the owner with blood, the little bitches suddenly exploded and attacked Tianze old man successfully and seriously injured him.

Fortunately, Tianze old man responded in time, when he was attacked, he also seriously injured the little female dog.

However, Tianze old man's health was not very good, and now he was seriously injured by the little female dog, he knew that his own had to die.So he closed the world in the mirror, and set up a large array outside the mirror world to prevent someone from entering the mirror world and being hurt by the little bitches.

In this way, I don't know how many years later, the strength of Tianze old man and little female dog have declined greatly. The little female dog once came to ask him to let him go, but they were all refused by the old man.

Old man Tianze said that the little bitches are too lethal, and this Xiuzhen realm is only a lower star region. If the little bitches are allowed to leave, this place will surely be destroyed.

"I won't let you go. You'll be buried with me, but if you want, you can move in and live with me. We're a companion with a dog and a man." Tianze old man said so, so the little female dog agreed.

So Tianze old man built three bamboo houses and lived a real ordinary life. He went out early and returned late every day, relying on his own hands to live.

And he also gave the little dog a name, called jujube, because the little female dog's fur is so red that it looks like a ripe red date from a distance.

He also made a bowl for jujube to eat. It was the bowl that Chen Mo used to cook medicine for Liang Feiyun.

I don't know how many years passed. He built a sarcophagus for himself, then he lay in it and finally turned into a pile of dead bones.

At this time, the dead bones of Tianze old man are disorderly placed in the sarcophagus, and there are many tooth marks on it.

"I think jujube promised to come to Tianze old man's side, I'm afraid, to get a way out of this mirror world!" Chen Mo said: "under the pressure of the big battle outside, the mirror world has no aura to supplement, that is to say, it has no way to recover from the injury. After countless years of years, its strength is almost as low as ours, but it still can't go out, so it takes out the ghost of old man Tianze."

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