Although Chen Mo said it well, who would believe him if he didn't come up with something practical?

Chen Mo said his own ideas, first of all, the Wusu school, then the empty school, and then the Shuan Tianmen sect. None of the front is important. The most important thing is to join Suan Tianmen.

He emphatically expressed his strong feelings with Liang Feiyun, the chief disciple of Suan Tianmen. It is not too much to call it deep friendship. Yan Xin and Han Yinuo testify that they have seen with their own eyes that Chen Mo and Liang Feiyun are almost as close as their brothers.

Serious was soon convinced, and then happily accepted Chen Mo's proposal.

If there was no way out, Chen Mo would never talk about Suan Tianmen, but he was serious. Even if he died, he would not want Yan Xin and Han Yinuo to fall into the struggle between the powerful and the powerful, like him and qingyaomen, and become worthless victims.

Chen Mo is alone. He can't give people a sense of security.

So he only shamelessly borrowed the name of Suan Tianmen.

"I owe you one." Chen Mo said in his heart.

Liang Feiyun took away blue tree's materials and some weapons collected by Chen mo. because of the lack of main materials, the pills that she wanted to refine in the past would not work. However, Chen Mo had a simpler way to help seriously dispel the fire poison.

That's the fire of water.

When Chen Mo released the fire of water, he was seriously shocked and lost his voice and said, "fire into the body!"

In the records of alchemists' inheritance, practitioners usually use the flame burning with aura or the real flame to refine pills. The two kinds of flames have their own advantages. The flame burning with aura is easy to control and moves with the alchemist's mind, while the real flame has the best effect and can retain more properties of the elixir.

However, there are other alchemists who do not follow the normal path. They combine the two kinds of flames to create a new way to lead the flame into the body. The flame formed in this way is easy to control and has good effect.

It's just It's too dangerous to fire into the body. No one has ever succeeded in serious knowledge.

Of course, alchemists who lead the fire into the body can be found everywhere in the fairyland. The reason why they are serious is that they have never been to the outside world, so their knowledge is relatively short.

He didn't know that Chen Mo's flame was called water fire. Even in the fairyland, it was a treasure that could not be found.

Anyway, seeing the rising flame on Chen Mo's body greatly strengthened his serious confidence.

Maybe, with this young man, it is really possible to

With Chen Mo's control, the fire of water burns on the serious body. Chen Mo also attaches his divine consciousness to the water fire and comes to the serious body.

His serious physical condition was so bad that all his internal organs were on fire.

In this case, it is equivalent to setting a person on fire in a volcano for several years. This kind of pain can be imagined.

This also shows that serious person has great perseverance.

Under the control of Chen Mo, the fire of water quickly spread to the serious eight channels, five viscera and six viscera. All the fire poisons were swallowed up.

Water fire is a product of the balance between fire and water. After the fire poison is swallowed, the balance will be broken.

Chen Mo quickly withdraws the fire of water back into his body and feels a burst of heat in his body.

"Get me a secret room!" In a flash, Chen Mo was sweating.

The fire poison in his body has been completely cleaned up, but the wound left by the fire poison has not been repaired, and further conditioning is needed. However, he was originally a third grade alchemist, so it is no surprise to recuperate his body.

Han Yinuo takes Chen Mo to the secret room, and Chen Mo begins to meditate.

Water fire gushed out in an instant. You can see that the original milky water fire has turned yellow now, which is the performance of water fire imbalance.

Chen Mo feels shuiyunxian from his arms. It's a miraculous medicine with water attribute. Originally, Chen Mo intended to refine pills to break through the water body after taking them. Now it's too late to make pills. He can only strengthen his water body slightly while maintaining the balance of water and fire!

The fire of water turns into a small snake, which entangles the water cloud fairy. The leaf of the miraculous medicine is nibbled by the snake, and the yellow flame slowly turns to milky white again.

By the time the water fire is in balance, the water cloud fairy has been consumed by more than half.

After that, it was no longer swallowed, but was introduced into Chen Mo's body after refining.

Chen Mo recites the pithy formula of Hunyuan immortal body and guides the flow of the water force in his body.


From the inside of his body, it seems that there is a sound of water drops falling into the pond, which means that the power of shuiyunxian has been almost consumed. After a few breaths, Chen Mo stops condensing and the water body is small.

The Hunyuan immortal body is divided into three stages. The first stage is the Wuxing. Chen Mo's Jinxing body has achieved great success because of absorbing a mine. The Huoxing style is also perfect because of the refining of Tianlei and Fenghuang real fire. Now Shuixing body has become small again. I believe that in the near future, after the completion of the Wuxing body, his body strength will go up to a higher level.Chen Mo spent no more than two hours to rebalance the fire of water and make his water body small, which can be said to be a small gain.

Serious is refining pills at this time. He carefully feels his body's injury and prescribes a prescription for himself. A total of 9981 pills of different pills are taken in different stages to fully recover his body.

When Chen Mo comes out, he has just written out the pills he needs, and is ready to ask Han Yinuo and Yan Xin to refine them for him.

Chen Mo took a look at the pills that he had prescribed for himself. He had to say that being a third grade alchemist, solemnity really had something extraordinary. The pills he prescribed had a great help to his body.

However, Chen Mo needs to be serious and quick to recover, so that he can start his own plan as soon as possible. Therefore, a few pills of pills will be modified slightly, which will make serious body recover quickly.

Solemnity is just a look at it and you can see the power of it. At the moment, Chen Mo is convinced.

At this time, the voice of the fat man in Tianbao Pavilion came out of the door.

"Helmsman, they even sold me Shuiyun fairy. They even started to beat people! You see, my little white hand is bleeding

White tender hand? Fat pig's feet are almost the same!

"Serious, what do you want?" Outside the door came a beautiful woman's voice, "open the door!"

Yan Xin was about to run to open the door. She was obviously excited.

"Don't open the door!" Looking at Yan Xin seriously, she said in a deep voice, "have you forgotten it! Liu Xiang Yao Lu is never open to animals

If he dares to shout at the immortal world seriously, he may be killed by the great energy transformed by those monsters. , the fastest update of the webnovel!