"How can it not hurt?" Wu Wei, a pair of bearded and glaring appearance, roared: "a product material is not cheap! A black sheep

Chen Mo:

With the herbs in Tianjie and the minerals in the mirror world, Chen Mo's vision has improved a lot. He almost forgot that a material is also a precious material in the cultivation world. I don't know how many practitioners who want a spiritual weapon can't afford it!

"Can't we use ordinary materials?" Chen Mo said speechless.

It's Wu Wei's turn to be silent this time. He always feels that if he lifts his hammer and falls down, the material will be destroyed by his chaotic aura. Therefore, he has been distressed all the time. What if he hammers ordinary materials instead of spiritual weapons for his elder martial brothers and sisters? So why should you be so careful?

"Boy! Thank you Wu Wei slapped Chen Mo heavily on the shoulder, and then rushed into the refining room. Soon, there was a crackling sound in the refining room.

Chen Mo shakes his head and goes into the refining room.

This time, in addition to refining the flame blade with high-grade materials from the mirror world, he also plans to build several other weapons, and then sell them to exchange for some spirit stones.

A penny can't beat a hero!

This mirror is brought by the red dog Dudu from hell. It can reflect people's past and present life. It is said that it is the property of the demon king and is called the mirror of past and present life.

"Dudu, why can't I mine the ore here?" When Chen Moxing rushed to collect the metal pieces, he found that he couldn't take it down. So he took Dudu to the place.

"Master, your fire blade is a second class spirit tool." Dudu said speechless.

"That's why I want to get some rare metals to improve its quality."

"But this one you made is five grade materials."

"Isn't it just right?" Chen Mo hesitated and said, "can't we improve the quality of the fire blade?"

"It's not impossible!" Dudu said: "I just want to ask, how do you use the second grade knife to get the material of five grades down?"

Chen Mo:

It's like cutting steel plate with a wooden knife. In fact, Chen Mo originally understood this truth, but he was dazzled by the rare metals and minerals in the mirror of the past and this life. He saw the existence of the seven grade materials, the mountains formed by the third grade materials, the mountains formed by the fourth grade materials, the fifth grade materials and the sixth grade materials.

The mirror of the past and this life is just a huge treasure house! It's all money!

Although he thought about this truth clearly, he was ridiculed by a dog and his own dog slave, which made Chen Mo feel very uncomfortable.

"Although I know the allusion of grinding an iron pestle into a needle, master, do you know how many stones will be damaged to grind an iron pestle into a needle? An iron pestle makes a needle, ten big stone powder

Well, now Chen Mo's heart is not only uncomfortable, but also very uncomfortable!

"That's right!" Chen Mo patted Du Du's small head and said, "since my second level spirit tool, the fire line knife, can't cut off the materials of these five products, then you are responsible for getting the materials off for me."

"Ah? Master! How can I get it down? No, no, no Dudu quickly shook his head and waved his hand.

"You can't get it down? Don't you have seven grade claws and teeth? In fact, I think you are also a valuable commodity Chen Mo looked up and down at Dudu in a hostile way and said, "why don't you get a tooth down and let me sell it? When I'm rich, I'll buy you drumsticks

Dudu: "it's just

It's impossible for Chen Mo to get a piece of Wupin metal material for Chen Mo as soon as it turns into a gust of wind.

Then, under the command of Chen Mo, he helped him get four grade materials, three grade materials and a large number of second grade materials, and a large number of first grade materials.

There are too many second-class materials and first-class materials in this. Chen Mo wants to make money directly by buying materials. However, in order to maximize the benefits, he still needs to hire some weapon refiners to refine and sell them.

Where can I hire an artificemaker? Is there one next door?

At this time, the sound of tempering in the next room is endless, but every hammer is accompanied by the sound of breaking materials.

"Alas Elder Wuwei sighed deeply. He looked at the metal that had been broken into pieces again. The ordinary metal was destroyed by its own chaotic aura and changed its nature. It can no longer be restored to its original appearance.

I can't even forge any iron now. How can I forge a better spirit weapon?

Thinking of the elder martial brother holding his hand, his face was full of smiles and said to himself, "younger martial brother! You are the master of Yuanying realm, the pillar of Wusu sect, and the third grade weapon refiner. You have to have a weapon that is worthy of your own. My Wusu sect has saved some third grade materials over the years, which must be enough for you to forge a third grade weapon for yourself. In the future, you should help our martial brothers refine a third grade spirit weapon. I'll deal with the material matters 。”"Alas Wu Wei sighed heavily: "elder martial brother, I'm afraid I will be ashamed of you!"

Just when Wu Wei was about to lose confidence in himself, the sound of iron striking came from the next door.

"Dang ~"

is still the familiar sound, or the familiar tune, which is composed of the familiar rhythm.

Familiar taste, familiar formula.

It was this voice that made elder Wu Wei suddenly realize that he became a powerful figure that even the top forces are eager to become.

"Dang Dang ~"

again and again, there is a gap between the sound and the sound, but it seems to connect into a continuous, like the sea waves overlap.

"The legs and hips should be at the same level, the elbows should be used together, the shoulders should be combined with the strength, the strength and the Qi should be combined. Those who are refining the utensils must be trained with thousands of hammers. The spirit is just a supplement." The words coming from next door stopped in Wu Wei's ear, which was like a huge wave.

This simply overturned his understanding of the weapon. Who didn't know that the most important thing to forge a spirit weapon was to use aura to refine materials? The man next door said that he was just practicing hard? Is aura an aid, that is, to use one's own cultivation to stimulate greater strength?

But is it not the lowest way to forge spiritual objects with force?

"The hammer falls like a mountain! Hammer up like thunder! Hammer up and down with their own body rhythm, with their own body to adapt to the heaven and earth, the induction between heaven and earth, the so-called comply with the fate of heaven, a hammer set the tone! This is the hammering method of "one stroke to set the tone". I will teach it to you today! "

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