Lu Dahai is so huge that he can't travel far. So he asks Lu Bo to accompany Chen Mo to Tianbao Pavilion, the largest Tiansuan star. Of course, Chen Mo also takes Zhou Bodong and Mu Fengyang with him.

Lu Bo is a little smart. Although he can't match Lu Dahai's wisdom, he has his advantages. He knows the local conditions and customs of all places like the palm of one's hand. He has a thick face. If he doesn't know the way or other places that need to be asked, he can always get the answer with a smile.

Nine third class planets, including tianqixing, and two second class planets are under the jurisdiction of Tiansuan.

And the crossing between planets needs to be from level 3 to level 2 to level 1. Of course, it costs a lot of spirit stones to transport.

From tianqixing to other planets of the same level, you need to spend a lower level spirit stone, which is the salary that Liu Dazhuang, an outsider of the empty sect, can survive without eating or drinking for ten years.

The cost of moving from a third level planet to a second level planet is much higher, requiring three lower level spirit stones, and the cost of transmitting between two planets is five lower level spirit stones.

The cost of transferring from the second level planet to the first level planet is ten lower level spirit stones. In addition to paying the transmission fee of 30 lower level spirit stones, the transmission between the first level planets also needs the license of the other planet.

Of course, all the above fees are for single person transmission, all of which are unit prices.

When Zhou Bodong heard what Lu Bo said about the expenses, he was shocked and said in surprise: "according to my salary before, if I don't eat or drink all my life, I can have a look at Suan Tianxing? What a frightful thing

Mu Fengyang coughed and said, "the scenery of tianqixing is very good. I don't want to go anywhere."

Zhou Bodong gives Mu Fengyang a strange look. Dogleg runs to Chen Mo and says, "boss, Mu Fengyang says he doesn't want to go to Tiansuan Xing. What else do you take him? Let him go back, and we can save a lot of money

When it comes to saving money, it seems that it is really necessary. Although Chen Mo has always known that he is poor, he did not expect that he should be so poor. If the four of them want to go to the second level planet, they will have to pay 12 lower level spirit stones just for the transmission fee. If they want to go to the first level planet, they will need 40 lower level spirit stones and 52 lower level spirit stones to attack. This does not count the travel expenses, One to go is 104 lower grade spirit stone, that is, one middle grade spirit stone plus four lower grade spirit stones.

Chen Mo has enough money for the travelling expenses

"I am so poor Chen Mo said speechless.

"What now?" Lu Bo was also puzzled to find some inferior spirit stones from his arms and said, "when I left, my brother was worried that the elder's money would not be enough, so he asked me to bring some more, but now it seems that it is still far from enough!"

Chen Mo takes a look. Lu Bo has five spirit stones on his body. Although there are not many, this can already show Lu Dahai's sincerity. He has been running Luofeng town for so long, and with the spirit stone of filial piety to himself, it is estimated that he has hollowed out his family!

"Don't miss it when you pass by. I'm a Fengdao Taoist priest. Now I sell a second grade spirit weapon here. Only 20 lower grade spirit stones are needed. Take the second grade spirit tool home!" At this time, a ragged, unkempt guy on the edge of the transmission array kept yelling.

"Why? Can you sell anything here? " Zhou Bodong curiously said: "people here are in a hurry. They are all leaving in order to sit on the transmission array. Will anyone buy anything here

"Yes!" Lu Bo said with a smile, "brother Zhou, you don't know something! Because of the high cost of the transmission array, many people are faced with the situation that there is no road fare. Look at the man, although he is shabby and unkempt, but his face is beautiful and his eyes are shining. Do you know who he is? "

"I know." Before Zhou Bodong opened his mouth, Mu Fengyang said, "his name is Chi Dao. He comes from Fengdao sect."

"Oh Lu Bo gave Mu Fengyang a thumbs up and praised: "brother Mu is really eye-catching. He even knows how late he is!"

"I don't know." Mu Fengyang pointed to the late way and said, "he said it when he just set up the stall."

Lu Bo:

After a few embarrassed smiles, Lu Bo said again, "this late way is a great man."

"How great? Is it better than our boss? " Zhou Bodong said with a slanted eye.

Lu Bo was shocked and said in a hurry: "even if he is more powerful, how can he be as powerful as our boss! Brother Zhou, you can't have such an eye for it

Zhou Bodong:

Originally, I wanted to flatter, but I was pushed by Lu Bo and got the horseshoe.

"Chi Dao is a disciple of Fengdao sect. He won the ninth place in the big contest of Fengdao sect." Lu Bo said, "do you know how to teach wind Sabre? That's a super big school like Suan Tianmen! "

Chen Mo takes another look at this late way. It turns out that he looks ordinary just now. Now, he looks like an expert in the world.

"Such people will also be short of travel expenses?" Chen Mo asked in disbelief.

"What's this about?" Lu Bo whispered: "those disciples of the big sect are different from us. They need to do a lot of tasks. Sometimes they may cross many planets because of one mission. It's normal that the travel expenses are not enough. It's said that the mission of chidao this time is to exterminate the seven or twelve thieves in Nanling. If he can finish this task, the cost of travelling will be all What a drizzle"Even if he is late, will someone buy his spirit here?" Zhou Bodong rolled his eyes.

Lu Bo chuckled and said, "it's because even chidao, such a big man, is facing the problem of travel expenses, so there are many cases of selling babies in the transmission array, and many businessmen smell the taste of interests in this."

"Is there a merchant waiting here?" Chen Mo frowned.

"Yes Lu Bo pointed to a potbellied guy next to the transmission array and said, "that's a businessman."

Then he pointed to a skinny fellow on the other side and said, "this is also a businessman. There are no less than ten businessmen here!"

"Fart!" Zhou Bodong angrily said: "since there are so many merchants, why does no one go to buy it?"

"That's because these businessmen are discussing who should do this business!" Lu Bo said, "did you see the hand they were hiding? They're guessing

Chen Mo takes a close look. These people are really guessing! It wasn't long before the big bellied guy showed a triumphant look.

"He won! Why don't you buy it yet? " Zhou Bodong asked.

"He's waiting." Lu Bo said: "wait until late road impatient, want to reduce the price!"

"A bunch of unscrupulous merchants!" Wood wind Yang curse way. , the fastest update of the webnovel!