Chen Mo just watched how taro was fooled. Then he watched the potbellied businessman take the spirit tool which he easily got and put it into the ring he was wearing. Then he walked away with a high air. How could he look like he was just buttering up.

"See, this is the interest between them. Just wait for such a sheep to be slaughtered." Lu Bo looked on his face and I knew it would look like this.

"Terrible, if you see this person in the future, you have to walk around. No, it's the people here." Zhou Bodong looked at the man who was still looking for the next sheep cover over there. He felt that he would have to be more clever in the future. If he was cheated, he might still help count the money. It's terrible. "Well, knowing that you are stupid, you deserve to be cheated next time." Mu Fengyang's words let Zhou Bodong express that he especially wanted to strangle mufengyang! Every day, I would like to ask you if you are interested! Interesting! But it's a little bit tricky With this heart but not that courage, the spiritual power value is a little weaker than him, the strength disparity is still honest.

"Are we still selling or not? Are we making money?" When the two men were still fighting in secret, Lu Bo said something to show his sense of existence. "Yes! How to go up if you don't sell it! I'm still waiting to get Luofeng town into my pocket! " Chen Mo said something excitedly, and all of them came here. How can they go without a stroke? It's called seeking happiness for the people! If Zhou Bodong knew what he thought, they would not believe it at all

"I, Lu Bo, support you!" This one flatters really loud, Zhou Bodong and Mu Fengyang have no reaction, just watch him two people in a flattery,.

Chen Mo and his party set up a stall and went to the transmission line. In order not to be the same as the bad luck last time, they tactfully chose the other side. Although they knew that they would still be fooled, they all thought that it was a bad place.

They stand still, and then, the four of them stare, and they meet a big thing, that is, who is going to shout? It was very lively just now. I don't know how to shout. Chen Mo says you come, but I don't want to come. Zhou Bodong looks at Mu Fengyang, but mu Fengyang turns his head and there is no bird at all. Finally, Zhou Bodong turns his eyes to Lu Bo. Go! Eyes firmly staring at him, there is a kind of you say not to try!

Lu Bo, who was seen as seeping, was a little scared. He picked up his finger and pointed to himself, saying, "I'm going? No, but Zhou Bodong's eyes are almost killing, so he went.

"Don't miss it! Today, there is a master to sell a good spirit tool! Don't miss it! After this village, there will probably be no such shop! " The voice went down, it was really loud. When he called out, the businessmen in the corner were staring at them. It was another fat sheep!

Chen Mo noticed that the businessmen started a new round of guessing, and then the skinny businessman showed his joy. They thought that Chen Mo was a very fat sheep and was defeated by other businessmen.

Lu Bo yelled for a while. He suddenly found out that he didn't seem to see anything to sell? They have nothing to sell. This is a serious matter. If someone comes to sell, what can I give him? It's not about being killed? So Lu Bo turns around decisively and looks at Chen mo. maybe Lu Bo's eyes are too warm. Chen Mo turns his eyes from the businessmen. He blinks and asks what's the matter?

"Brother, what are we selling? Come out to sell, there is nothing. "Lu Bo's face really doesn't know what to do and I just thought of it. Chen Mo is silent, because he really didn't realize the problem, so he searched in the ring with divine sense. He first looked at the knife, the fire blade of fire, but after thinking about the spirit stone they needed, and after thinking about the bad luck of the third grade, the second grade spirit tool only sold ten spirit stones. In addition to being cheated, 20 is not enough for their travel expenses Forty, forty! Not fourteen! Oh, my God, come to daolei and kill him!

Finally, he took out the red bleeding stone hidden in the corner. Chen Mo said that it was really bleeding. For the sake of Luofeng Town, a small stone is worth it, he hypnotized himself.

This red blood dripping stone can be said to be ordinary or unusual. This is a three grade spirit stone called red smoke crystal, which can not be used as a spirit stone trade. However, it is very important for refining spirit tools. It is a rare metal. It can play a very important role in the quality and strength of this spirit weapon. Because of this, Chen Mo will never do it until he has to It's not because he took this one out of his ring, and others showed that he pushed the broken spirit stone, pushed down the spirit artifact, and there were some 778 pieces that he used as a garbage dump?

Chen Mo takes out the red smoke crystal, but Lu Bo is very strange when he sees this thing, because he has never seen it before. How can it be so red and dazzling. But Zhou Bodong and Mu Fengyang have seen it. They are very surprised to see Chen Mo take out this crystal stone. It took a long time to get the crystal stone. They actually saw Chen Mo take this out.

"Are you going to sell this?" How fast Mu Fengyang spoke for the first time contained an unbelievable aspect. To know that nothing can make Mu Fengyang lose his temper, he is really surprised now, which shows that this thing is a little important to Chen Mo, which is for Chen Mo at this stage."Well, if you don't take this out, there's nothing in the ring that can be taken out, and the rest is not enough for our travel expenses, so only this can be enough." Chen Mo stares at the crystal stone, and the complexity in his eyes may not be understood.

"Well, I see." Mu Fengyang doesn't say much because he knows what he says is nonsense. Mufengyang is back to the former mufengyang. Sometimes a look can tell a lot.

However, Zhou Bodong, who was a single minded man, didn't know. Zhou said, "you won't really sell this, will you? I risked my life to get it back together with Mu Fengyang and you. How could you sell it? Nothing else to buy? " The more he said, the more excited Zhou Bodong was, he didn't want Chen Mo to sell the crystal stone! I won't let you sell this today. He has a share of this one. He has no right to disagree. Then Mu Fengyang slaps him on the back of the head. Zhou Bodong is confused. Why does his grandmother beat him! Zhou Bodong rolled up his sleeves , the fastest update of the webnovel!