In the hall, Chen Mo waited patiently. Soon after, fan Ruhai appeared in front of Chen Mo and took a look at the crowd. Fan Ruhai said, "little brother, please welcome the minister."

With that, fan Ruhai opened his right hand and motioned Chen Mo to take a step first. Chen Mo nodded after understanding. Wang Xingxing immediately said, "elder, I will see the minister with you."

"Thank you." Chen Mo knows Wang Xingxing's meaning, obviously for fear that he will suffer losses.

One in front of the other, the two left the hall and went to the minister's office, followed by fan Ruhai.

Outside the minister's office, fan Ruhai takes the lead in opening the door. Lin Canghai is calm and poised. He sits on a sandalwood chair and drinks tea leisurely. He doesn't get up to meet Chen mo.

Chen Mo feels that this scene is a little inappropriate. He has already exposed the treasure of Hua Shen Dan. The head of the Department of treasure authentication has to pretend to welcome him.

Show your enthusiasm!

However, Lin Canghai was so indifferent that he did not seem to take Chen Mo into consideration. What's more, Chen Mo couldn't figure out whether the Huashen pill was worth a hundred thousand spirit stones.

"Are you Chen Mo?" After a cup of tea, Lin Canghai looks up at Chen mo.

The temperament is ordinary, not like a peerless monster, and dressed in ordinary clothes, there is no strong breath on the body, only a natural face, silent, it seems to have a bit of patience.

In this way, Chen Mo should not be the son of the big family. He may have been lucky enough to get the magic pill. Therefore, Lin Canghai is more sure of his decision. He must seize Chen Mo's Huashen pill.

"Sit down, please."

Lin Canghai's voice is not hot or cold, and Chen Mo doesn't care. He finds a chair facing Lin Canghai and sits down. He is silent and observes the change.

Sitting beside Chen Mo, Wang Xingxing has a charming and moving temperament with his charming and plump figure and charming temperament.

Fan Ru customs came to the door, and then walked behind Lin Canghai. Two people knew that Wang Xingxing and Chen mo were together. If they wanted to rob Chen Mo, they had to pass Wang Xingxing.

But Lin Canghai doesn't put Wang Xingxing in the eye. As an auctioneer, no matter how strong his strength is, he is just insignificant. Moreover, in the pursuit of wealth and wealth, who can withstand the temptation of Huashen pill.

The atmosphere is heavy and powerful in silence. Chen Mo feels a little hot and worried. He looks up at the cup on the tea table. Chen Mo sips his dry lips and says, "can I have a glass of water?"


Lin Canghai and fan Ruhai look at each other at the same time. Chen Mo, who is dying, still drinks water. As he wishes, Lin Canghai immediately pours a cup of tea for Chen mo.

After taking the cup, he murmured a few times and drank the wine. Then he wiped his lips and put down the cup and said, "minister, you must have heard the report from Mr. Fan and know that I have Huashen Pill on me."

"Not bad." Lin Canghai was shocked.

"That's good."

Chen Mo was relieved and said: "I already know the choice you have made since you have discussed for so long and your performance now. Would you like to rob me?"

This speech, the space is full of embarrassing atmosphere, Lin Canghai and fan Ruhai are shocked.

Zhao Hao, why don't you play cards according to common sense.

We're going to rob you.

But what do you mean by saying it yourself? Do you want us to rob you as soon as possible?

Can you still play like this?

Wang Xingxing immediately responded. His mature cheek was startled, and his deep eyes were full of unbelievable eyes. Lin Canghai and fan Ruhai were birdmen.

He wants to rob Chen Mo, who is a powerful God.

Are they impatient with their lives.

Immediately, Wang Xingxing's face was cold, and his whole person was like frost. He looked at Lin Canghai indifferently and exclaimed, "Lin Canghai, you are so brave. You have the courage to rob Chen Mo with evil intention."

"So what?" Lin Canghai grinned and looked at Wang Xingxing's angry appearance with great interest. At this moment, in order to transform the divine elixir, everything has no matter.

Wang Xingxing is the auctioneer sent from above, so what? Can Wang Xingxing stop his determination to rob Chen Mo? If so, Lin Canghai doesn't mind killing Wang Xingxing.

In the practice world, it is common for Lin Canghai to cheat for resources. As long as Lin Canghai gets the Huashen pill, he will have a chance to break through the supreme realm of transforming God.

So he made this move after careful consideration.

At this time, fan Ruhai said: "steward Wang, you are not young. It happens that Chen Mo has three magic elixirs on his body. In this way, we can divide the three of us."

"What do you mean?" Wang Xingxing was angry, fan Ruhai said she was old.

Women are very concerned about age and beauty.

"Hehe, steward Wang, people in the Ming Dynasty don't speak in secret, women! If you want to stay young forever, the best solution is to enhance your strength. Now you are beautiful and moving. I am especially glad to see that you are devastated by years. Do you want to join usFan Ruhai laughs and looks up and down at Wang Xingxing's jade body, hoping to integrate her and himself to make up for the emptiness in his heart.

Usually, fan Ruhai has the appearance of immortality.

At this time, he broke the rules and was ready to rob Chen Mo, so he could not conceal his ferocity.

Seeing fan Ruhai's red fruit looking directly at his eyes, Wang Xingxing felt that his head was big. He didn't expect that there would be such a black sheep in the authentication department. He simply lost the face of Tianbao Pavilion.

She pressed her hands on her abdomen, trying to calm herself down.

However, fan Ruhai continued to banter: "Wang Guanshi, life will inevitably have a difficult choice, but I believe that you join us, you will not have any regret in the future."

"What if I don't join?" Wang Xingxing tries to calm down.


"Are you going to kill me?" Wang Xingxing's heart is cold.

What happened today is unheard of!

The head of the treasure authentication department and the auctioneer of the treasure authentication department openly robbed Chen Mo in front of him. He was so high sounding that he was just a contemptuous person. How could such a person be a member of Tianbao pavilion?

At this time, Lin Canghai, who has been silent, looked at Chen Mo with meaningful eyes. "Boy, at this point, I advise you to hand over Huashen pill, and I can keep your whole body."

Hearing the speech, Chen Mo did not speak, but he wanted to know whether Wang Xingxing would rebel and rob himself with Lin Canghai and fan Ruhai. If so, he could see clearly what she was like.

Fortunately, Wang Xingxing behaves well, without a trace of greed. Maybe she knows that Chen Mo has the realm of transforming gods, but she is hard to change her nature. Sometimes she can express it through her actions.

Seeing Chen Mo's silence, Lin Canghai waved his hand and ordered him to kill him , the fastest update of the webnovel!