"Ladies and gentlemen, this auction is officially opened. My name is Wang Xingxing. As the auctioneer of this time, if there is something wrong, please bear with me. Next, let's not say much. Let's get into the theme. First of all, we are here for the purpose of Huashen pill. "

"In order to satisfy everyone, the first auction It's Huashen pill. "

Wang Xingxing had just finished. The whole scene was a sensation. The friars in the hall on the first floor stood up in unison, breathing faster, his face flushed, and raised his head to look at Wang Xingxing.

That greedy eyes, wish to eat Wang Xingxing, such effect, Wang Xingxing pursed a smile, amorous feelings, attracted countless people's desire.

They had been greedy, but now with the desire, the blood of their bodies is flowing rapidly, sending out the breath of terror, making the hall on the first floor in a mess.

"Auctioneer Wang, don't sell the key. It's meaningless to say how many spirit stones are bidding."

"Yes, I've never seen Huashen pill since I was so old. If I can see it with my own eyes today, I'd be sorry to die, because I haven't got Huashen pill yet."

"Auctioneer Wang, bid quickly."

People can't wait to know how many spirit stones huashendan can sell. Although some people can't afford huashendan, they can't stop the passion in his heart.

Seeing that the atmosphere was in full swing, Wang Xingxing still chucked his lips and was charming and delicious. His red lips lit up and said, "everyone, you must know that Huashen pill can make monk Yuanying break through the elixir of transforming God, so I have adjusted the bidding price slightly."

"Now I announce that Huashen pill will start with a lower grade spirit stone."


The crowd was stupefied and stunned and said, "did I hear you correctly? Who can't afford an inferior spirit stone? "

"I Hu Han three out of a lower grade spirit stone, auction Hua Shen Dan."

"If you want to bid for a lower spirit stone, I'll give you two lower spirit stones."

"Three inferior spirit stones...!"

"Four inferior spirit stones..."! “


Every word, we just pushed up one lower spirit stone's Huashen pill to more than 100 lower spirit stones. These guys are still on the first floor. They have the heart to know.

They understand that Huashen pill will not fall on anyone in the hall.

Because all the big guys in the box have unique skills. The competition between them is fierce. Sometimes there are tens of thousands of inferior spirit stones. There will be hundreds of inferior spirit stones.

However, people in the hall on the first floor are still willing to shout out how many spirit stones I have given.

Because of this, they also participated in the auction of huashendan.

After all, it's about participation.

"These guys are really climbing up the pole." Wang Xingxing smiles.

Last night, she pondered over how to do a good job in this auction. After careful consideration, she decided that the first item to be auctioned at the auction was Huashen pill, and it was also a lower grade spirit stone.

In this way, it can promote everyone's enthusiasm and enhance the atmosphere of the auction.

Zhou Bodong and Mu Fengyang are sitting in the front of the hall. At the moment, both of them are in a daze for a long time. Chen Mo's Huashen pill is snatched by others like Chinese cabbage.

Does this not respect the value of Huashen pill?

"I've got 3000 lower spirit stones." Zhou Bodong's language is amazing.

After a while, everyone's eyes were on Zhou Bodong. It's no wonder that this guy dares to offer 3000 lower grade spirit stones. He turned out to be a big guy in the front row of the hall on the first floor.

Mu Fengyang saw this, unwilling to be silent, raised his right hand to drink: "I I'll give 5000 lower grade spirit stones


"Another big guy bid?"

People can't be shocked, but their hearts are shocked. Originally, we still want you to say, I'll push the price of Huashen pill. Who knows Mu Fengyang and Zhou Bodong directly throw out the sky high price.

You know, 5000 lower grade spirit stones are enough to kill some impetuous monks.

The friars in the front row of the hall, who can sit in this position, have some weight and status.

As a result, they saw that Zhou Bodong and Mu Fengyang offered each other, and they also began to express the price in their mind.

"I'll give you five thousand and five hundred inferior spirit stones...!"

"6000 lower grade spirit stones...!"

"Seven thousand...!"

With the price soaring, Wang Xingxing smiles and looks at Zhou Bodong and Mu Fengyang. These two guys are willing to ask for a price even if they have no inferior spirit stone.

If Wang Xingxing didn't know all about them, he would think that they were big men like others.

In the box on the third floor, Chen Mo sees Zhou Bodong and Mu Fengyang rubbing their foreheads. Grapefruit occasionally feels something. He asks, "young master, you have been looking at those two people. Do you know them?"

"Not only know, but also know that they have no money." Chen Mo was embarrassed to say this.

Grapefruit chuckled and chuckled, as if it was a silver bell, "young master, they are bold and reckless, because they have such big brother as you as their backing, otherwise, they will not dare to do anything wrong.""So it is." Chen Mogao looks at grapefruit for a few times. It has to be said that this woman is considerate. Originally, it is an embarrassing thing. Grapefruit makes Chen Mo proud of it.

If she is a confidant of beauty, it is the existence of countless people.


"Box 3, bid ten thousand pieces of spirit stone." Hua Yang Yue said softly, but the tone of her voice was indifferent to people thousands of miles away. Countless people subconsciously took a look at the box on the third floor.

Is this woman finally bidding for the box?

The next auction battlefield will be transferred to the second floor.

Sure enough, Hua Yangyue had just finished speaking, and she had already pressed her intolerable line of independence. She drank wildly: "I have produced 30000 inferior spirit stones. Who dares to argue with me? Don't blame me for not giving face to myself."

Entering the auction, the only bank exposed his nature, fierce and powerful. Now he is not afraid of sword Xuanyun.

In the territory of the auction, who will sell first will be investigated to the end.

In order to get angry with jianxuanyun, we were alone in box 2 and Jian Xuanyun was in box 1. There was a wooden wall between them. If we really wanted to fight, the auction would not collapse on the spot.

Box 3 is huayangyue, box 4 is beipingchuan and box 5 is xuanjian.

This is an auction arranged by strength and character.

I know that Hua Yangyue is in box 3, and i-xing's body is lying on the cane chair, drinking liquor, and drinking half a kilogram of liquor. There is a sense of wine on Dui's face.

With the strength of the wine, I was the only one to show my true feelings. "What do you think about what you said to you just now, Miss Hua? He's not a gentleman, but he's been honest and aboveboard all his life. He's a hero. If you're his mother-in-law, he'll never hurt you. "

I am the only one who speaks the truth after drinking. It's true from the bottom of my heart. The men of the northern desert sect don't advise, dare to act, and are not hypocritical. But they are so overbearing that they dare not even say what they like. They are birds.

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