When the killer in black is dead, Chen Mo looks at the shopkeeper. The latter and the second are so scared that they kneel on the ground and nearly urinate. They are eager for Chen Mo to leave quickly.

Chen Mo said calmly, "you two, if you die so many people, you will make a fortune. It will be enough for you to start a new business and leave this land of right and wrong."

"Thank you very much."

The innkeeper was angry with Chen Mo, but it was all gone. Countless people died in the inn. Looking for the spirit stone from them can not only make up for the loss, but also make a lot of money.

After leaving the inn, Chen Mo goes straight to the transmission array in the city. As Chen Mo killed countless people in the inn, he has an invisible murderous spirit outside, which attracts the attention of passers-by.

Chen Mo turns a blind eye to Chen Mo and comes to the transmission array in the city. Zhou Bodong, Mu Fengyang and Lu Bo greet him. They see that Chen Mo is full of killing intention and has difficulty breathing.

Zhou Bodong said, "Chen Mo, we will not make trouble according to your orders. Next, we will go there?"

"Let's go first."

Chen Mo is well aware of the consequences of killing the yingmen killers. He will certainly be pursued by the assassins sent by the shadow gate. The enemy is in the dark and Chen Mo is in the bright. Although he is not afraid, he does not want to cause more trouble.

There are several armored soldiers guarding the teleportation array. If you want to use the teleportation array, you must hand in the spirit stone.

Chen Mo goes up and takes out 20 lower spirit stones and hands them to an armored soldier.

The other side received the spirit stone and inquired, "twenty lower level spirit stones can let the four of you transmit a secondary planet. Which planet are you going to?"

Chen Mo said nothing, leaving Suan Tianxing just to avoid trouble, but he has not considered going to that planet.

At this time, a middle-aged man with a strong back and a strong back came up with his head held high and stepped forward. He pulled his voice and said, "guard, I want to go to the second level planet Sirius."


The guard's eyes are about to drop. Sirius is not a planet where people live. Especially in the bad climate, trees are withered and resources are insufficient. The most terrible thing is that the strong people will die in the late Yuanying period.

Is this middle-aged man looking for his own death?

"Little brother, I see you are very familiar. You are not my younger brother, are you?"

The middle-aged man, with his eyes wide open and his flesh full of explosive force, stretched out his right hand on Chen Mo's shoulder and said in a loud voice, "little brother, for the sake of familiar faces, I'll tell you something. Although canglangxing is a wasteland, according to the information my younger brother has got, someone has found the natural soil there."

"This time, Gu Haitian wanted to dig treasure secretly, but I don't know who leaked the news, causing some sinister people to go to wolf star. Little brother, I think your facial features are correct, quite extraordinary, and worthy of trust. Otherwise, we can find the natural soil. What do you think?"

Gu Haitian is full of air when he talks, and he doesn't look like a liar.

Chen Mo felt a little moved after hearing this. The congenital soil is a kind of soil that is not polluted by the common customs at the beginning of the world. It has no scale and no defect, and contains extraordinary soil spirit.

Today, Chen Mo's native style is a little bit small, and the distance is great. If there is no good chance, it will be far away. Therefore, going to wolf star is the best choice for Chen Mo at present.

However, Chen Mo is not a child who can be fooled by a few words. There is no evidence to prove it. It is just Gu Haitian's nonsense. How can Chen Mo believe him easily.

Seeing Chen Mo's silence, Gu Haitian took back his right hand and didn't persuade him much. He just said faintly: "little brother, you don't believe I can, but you don't regret it. I'll go first. If you think it through, you can come to me at any time."

After handing in several inferior spirit stones, Gu Haitian stands on both legs of the transmission array. As the array starts, the dark light erupts. In a twinkling of an eye, Gu Haitian disappears in place.

Lu Bo asked: "Chen Mo, his words are not believable. It's a natural soil. Is it so clever? And he told you, and he left without asking for a report. "

After listening to Lu Bo's words, Chen Mo smiles, "Lu Bo, what if you can't believe it? I have to go because I don't want to miss the soil. "

Chen Mo is not a saint. Other people say that there is a golden mountain in front of him. If you go or not, if you don't go, you will be regarded as a fool.

If you go there, you will not leave too much regret, let alone Chen Mo, just to avoid the killer of the shadow gate, but also go to wolf star to find out.


Lu Bo sighed, but said: "that guy, clearly is to disclose information to you, deliberately arouse your curiosity, this next good, you really into the trap."

"Are you going or not?" The guard yelled impatiently, "if you don't leave, get out of here. There's a queue behind."

Chen Mo turns his head and looks at it. Sure enough, a large number of friars swarm in, and a long line of monks lines up behind them. What they say is that Sirius is born with natural soil.


No doubt, Chen Mo and Lu Bo enter the transmission array. The moment the array starts, the whole body is covered with a layer of brilliance and rises to the sky. With the bodies of Chen Mo and others, they disappear.With the whirling of space and the endless darkness, Chen Mo felt that after countless years of time, suddenly, a ray of dawn came into his eyes.

Chen Mo's eyes open, reflecting a picture of desolation, there is no vitality around, no towering trees, even a decent grass, are covered with a layer of dust.

This world is more barren than imagined, aura fluffy, difficult to absorb, even the air is difficult to breathe, ordinary people in Sirius, simply can not survive.

There was a tent a few feet away from the side. Several big men with bare arms barbecued meat outside the tent. The smoke curled up and penetrated into the noses of several big men, and a cough suddenly sounded.

"This damned weather, still let people live?" A big man was so angry that his nostrils were full of smoke.

The change of air and aura made them dare not run the Reiki barbecue. Otherwise, once the body was consumed, they would need to replenish the aura of heaven and earth. In this way, the aura of heaven and earth was barren, especially the impurity problem. The monks should be careful to absorb it.

At the end of the day, I'm afraid that the absorption of the aura of heaven and earth is not as fast as the consumption.

Because removing Reiki impurities also consumes Reiki.

"Boy, come here."

The big man looked at Chen Mo and said, "can you barbecue?"

If Chen Mo dares to say no, the anger and attack of the Han will pour out on Chen mo.

In this desolate place, the power is respected, and the dead are only trivial matters. Who will uphold justice for a dead man.

Chen Mo laughs. "You say barbecue, this is my old line, of course I will."

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