"Well, since you believe it, keep fighting!" The high priest said and looked at Chen Mo and the four priests. Both of them stepped forward together and came to the empty scene,

then the four priests deliberately chose to stay away from Chen Mo, and their ideas were attacked by Chen mo.

The irrepressible King Kong snake attacked Chen Mo at this moment. The four priests sneered, "boy, you attacked me just now. This time, I want you to bury yourself in the belly of the snake. There is no place to bury yourself."

"King Kong snake, kill me." The four priests raised their hands slightly, and the King Kong snake on the ground attacked Chen Mo with the King Kong snake, and then the venom shot at Chen Mo with an overwhelming force.

Looking from a distance, the venom is like a big net that blocks the sky and covers half of the sky. Chen Mo, who is in it, can't escape, but Chen Mo is not afraid.

Chen Mo shows the same sword light just now.

The sword light generates a light curtain that can isolate everything and directly block the invasion of venom.

The venom spills on Chen Mo's legs, and the hazy poison gas rises,

the King Kong snake fiercely opens its mouth and bites at Chen mo.

Seeing this, the four priests gave a sneer that was hard to wipe and feel, "boy, the King Kong snake is called the King Kong snake. It is not from nowhere, but has the power of King Kong's destruction."

When the four priests had just finished speaking, the King Kong snake's big mouth had already attacked Chen Mo's head. At this moment, everyone looked directly at Chen Mo and decided that Chen Mo would die.

Even Lu Bo is not sure Chen Mo can survive.

"King Kong's destructive power? Then try my trick. "

Chen Mo points to pop up, the great magic power is extinguished, and a column of golden light suddenly emits dazzling brilliance, which is incomparably powerful, and shoots at the King Kong snake with a mighty momentum.

With a strange sound, the head of the King Kong snake appeared a hole visible to the naked eye, and the fresh blood splashed all over the ground. The King Kong snake ate pain, and the huge body came to a dragon to swing its tail.

"Not good..." The four priests were shocked. In her eyes, the King Kong snake's tail was invincible and its damage was as strong as Mount Tai. Countless King Kong snakes were smashed in the giant tail.

Under that tail, at least two-thirds of the vipers died on the spot.

At this moment, the four priests raised their unbelievable eyes and looked directly at Chen Mo at the moment. She was deeply shocked. She did not expect that Chen Mo could hurt the invulnerable King Kong snake with a great magic power.

And the most terrible is the consequences of King Kong snake eating pain, most of the King Kong snake died on the spot.

What caused all this was Chen Mo, who had met the King Kong snake before. Why did he choose to avoid fighting instead of fighting? Instead, he attacked the four priests secretly, which led to the public's belief that Chen Mo did not have the ability to defeat the King Kong snake.

On the contrary, Chen Mo can defeat King Kong snake with one move.

And took most of the King Kong snake's life by the way.

At this time, Chen Mo seems to be a peerless monster who has crossed the ladder to challenge him. His magic power has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people and shocked the members of the Huangdi tribe.

Where on earth does this son come from? He has such a terrible fighting capacity.

Chen Mo stands still, and is not arrogant and impetuous, which makes everyone respect him.

Lu Bo's eyes brightened and he danced: "Mr. Chen Mo, I'm free at last."

With that, Lu Bo was about to step towards Chen Mo, but at this moment, the high priest's cold voice came, "wait a minute, my promise does not include that you can leave."

"What?" Lu Bo's body was stiff, full of doubts: "high priest, you don't make an agreement with my boss. As long as you defeat the King Kong snake, I can leave at any time."

"Did I say that?" The high priest looked at Chen Mo and said, "I only allow you to leave. It doesn't mean that your younger brother can go, unless you promise me one thing."

"What's the matter?"

Chen Mo asked, secretly regretting that Lu Bo had not thought about Lu Bo, and now he has to promise the high priest something.

If this is unacceptable, Chen Mo will have to fight with the high priest.

Chen Mo spent 50% of his aura against King Kong snake just now. Although the remaining 50% is strong enough, Chen Mo can't guarantee whether he can defeat the four priests.

With a kind smile, the high priest said, "little fellow, I think your blood is pure and your aptitude is against heaven. If you promise to mate with the holy daughter of this tribe, the old woman can let you and your little brother leave wolf star."


Chen Mo looks stunned.

Mating is limited to animals, because once animals have hair, they have to find a heterosexual to mate with each other.

The so-called one night husband and wife hundred day grace, in the animal kingdom, is just a joke.

But Chen Mo didn't expect that the high priest would have to mate with the virgin herself.

That is to say, the offspring brewed from Chen Mo's seed have nothing to do with Chen mo.

"What? You don't want to? " The high priest looks at Chen mo. Normally speaking, if a saint of Huangdi tribe chooses to mate with a man, she has to give birth to a daughter, otherwise the boy will be killed in the fetus.As long as a daughter is born, she can be a saint of the next generation of Huangdi tribe.

And the man who copulates with the holy girl will be mercilessly killed by Huangdi tribe.

On one side, the saint bowed her head shyly.

She is a yellow flower girl. She is ignorant of love, but she knows that mating with Chen Mo is just to breed offspring.

But at this time, Chen Mo's strength is extremely terrible, and the saint naturally has some interest in Chen mo.

The next second, Chen Mo shrugged and said, "I don't want to. Where do you Huangdi tribe put me? It's ridiculous. It's ridiculous. Why don't you find a pet?"

"You Shameless The saint pointed to Chen Mo, and her face turned red with anger. Chen Mo asked her to find the spirit beast. Is she so bad? It's worth Chen Mo's disgust.

The saint is also the ruler of Huangdi tribe, and she will become a priest in the future.

However, such a saint is rejected by Chen Mo, and no one can accept it.

Lu Bo can swallow an egg with his mouth wide open. He worships Chen Mo secretly. The holy daughter of Huangdi tribe sticks it to Chen Mo, but Chen Mo doesn't care.

Such a good thing, how can't he Lu Bo!

"I'm shameless?"

Chen Mo laughs. "Holy daughter, it's the priest of your tribe who asked me to mate with you."

"Since it's mating, it's not for the sake of offspring. Why should you be so harsh? You have to look for a shameless person like me instead of looking for a spiritual pet or artificial breeding."

"Wow...!" The holy girl Whoa, open mouth to vomit blood not only.

Originally, she and Chen mo were in a fight and were seriously injured.

Now after Chen Mo said that, there can still withstand the insult.

She vowed that she would tear Chen Mo to pieces.

We should not even uproot the Chen Clan.

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