Looking at Mu Fengyang's miserable body, Zhou Bodong's eyes were filled with sadness, and his face was expressionless. He asked, "Tian Gong, do you have a way to treat Mu Fengyang's injury?"

"Emperor, I can't do anything about it, but I have a suggestion. It's said that the priests of Huangdi tribe have healing ability. If you want to recover his injury, you can try Huangdi tribe."

Speaking of this, Tian Gong is not willing. Huangdi tribe is the hostile force of ChiYan tribe. He regards each other as a thorn in the flesh. Now, in order to cure Mu Fengyang's injury, he asks Zhou Bodong to go to Huangdi tribe. I'm afraid it will be difficult.

Even if they didn't get into trouble, the priests of Huangdi tribe would not save Mu Fengyang. No one would be so stupid as to save a big figure in the hostile forces. Even if the priests of Huangdi tribe wanted Zhou Bodong to die suddenly, how could they rescue him.

"Where is the Huangdi tribe?" Zhou Bodong knew that Huangdi tribe and ChiYan tribe were feuds.

However, in order to save Mu Fengyang, Zhou Bodong did not care much about it. Even if he asked Zhou Bodong to abandon his dignity and give everything, he also asked the priests of Huangdi tribe to save Mu Fengyang.

Seeing that Zhou Bodong had decided to leave, Tian Gong stopped talking about it. His back wings fluttered and flashed, and his limbs suddenly fell on the ground, indicating that Zhou Bodong would step on his back.

Zhou Bodong was stunned.

I didn't expect that Tian Gong would trample on his back and then go to the Huangdi tribe under his leadership. Was the dignity of the Dharma king so worthless that he was trampled by others at will.

"Emperor, I know what you think. I am the Dharma king, and you are the emperor. You are the Lord and I am the slave. It is my honor to fly you."

Tian Gong said that for this reason, Zhou Bodong was not affectated. His legs stepped on the back of Tian Gong, accompanied by the extension of his wings. After a while, bursts of dark light fell.

Tian Gong's body seems to be a flying bird, with Zhou Bodong traveling in the sky.

In the twinkling of an eye, there was no trace.


"Don't run away. Kill our people. There's no place for you to live."

In a desert, several men in black chased and killed a fat man. The fat man looked anxious, sweaty and smelly of cold and sour all over his body.

"Hateful, I think what kind of character Lu Bo is, even reduced to this point."

"His grandmother's What a piece of shit

Lu Bo drinks while running. During this period of time, he adapts to the bad environment of wolf star, and makes Lu Bo a person all over his body. His skin is waxy yellow, and he has a wild flavor of primitive tribes.

Behind him, a group of people in black followed Lu Bo in a calm manner. They did not know how many King Kong snakes they met and killed several people in black. Lu Bo was lucky to survive.

Now he is following those men in black and dare not take the initiative to attack Lu Bo.

Because you never know whether there will be a King Kong snake on the ground. If it is because of killing Lu Bo, such a waste, and burying here, it will not be worth the loss.

Therefore, the distance between the man in black and Lu Bo is only so short. If he is attacked by the man in black, he can kill Lu Bo at will. But at this time, they want Lu Bo to pay the price and dare to provoke yingmen, so Lu Bo will die as hard as he can.


Lu Bo scolded and fell forward. The killer in black suddenly couldn't stop the gratifying look on his face. Did the boy finally fall down?

Then, it's time to torture him.

Several killers in black scattered and surrounded Lu Bo, but there was an extra person in their eyes. There was a naked body under Lu Bo's legs.

"Who is this? Sleeping here in broad daylight? " Lu Bo swears and kicks the body with both legs. It seems that the body still has life, and spits out a few words.

"Huangdi tribe Something happened...! "

Before he finished speaking, his eyes were slightly closed, his breath of life was dissipating, there was a fatal wound in his chest, and the blood was constantly slipping down, which made Lu Bo's right leg red.

"Dead men."

Lu Bo was startled, and a carp stood up. His legs were just standing still. He seemed to hear the strange sound of the ground collapse. His body whirled around and his eyes were black.

"Did I fall into the pit?"

Lu Bo asked. He felt his body was falling. The killer in black looked down on it. Lu Bo's figure was missing, only a hole in the ground was revealed.

After a long time, Lu Bo's legs finally fell to the ground, his eyes opened, showing a statue of antiquity. The statue stood still above the altar.

This statue Lu Bo saw last time is the one of Huangdi tribe.

At the moment, Lu Bo looked at the statue curiously. There were two lines of tears in the stone eyes on the statue, which made the statue's face have a sense of compassion. Lu Bo's face was strange and said, "this statue is really strange. It can't be afraid that there will be no incense?"

After that, Lu Bo stopped looking at the statue and turned to scan the cave entrance. The fire was blazing in the sky, filled with a thick smell of blood, and there was a howl of ghosts and wolves.

At this time, even if Lu Bo was stupid, he knew that the war of Huangdi tribe was extremely serious.

At that time, the high priest returned to Huangdi tribe with several priests.Lu Bo watched with his own eyes, and the worry on the high priest's face was unfathomable. Now that the Huangdi tribe was fighting heavily, Lu Bo had his own opinion. If he went out, he would surely be pursued and killed by the two forces.

However, it is not too late to stay here with the statue, to avoid the limelight and go out again.

Therefore, Lu Bo stepped back a few steps, his body was lying behind the statue's thigh, and his eyes did not forget to look up. There was a protruding stone in the back of the statue's head.

All of a sudden, the protruding stone falls automatically and hits Lu Bo's tianlinggai.

"Bang...!" A dull sound, Lu Bo shook his head, blood slide down his face, scared to faint in the past.

Lu Bo's consciousness fell into chaos and his mind was dark and endless.

"Inheritor, here you are."

As soon as Lu Bo's eyes lit up, he showed a magnificent figure like a mountain. The other side's face was gentle, which was not different from the figure of the statue, but the person in front of him was the body of his mind.

"Inheritor, what do you mean?" Lu Bo asked, "you deliberately hurt me to see you here?"

After listening to Lu Bo's words, the man said with a smile: "little fellow, it's so hard for others to see me, but I'm disgusted by you when I see you in person. Well, who told me to ask you something?"

With that, the man raised his head and sighed: "you must know that great things happened in Huangdi tribe. As their ancestor, Haotian can't ignore it. You are stupid and don't fit to be my inheritor. But you hit a noble person, and you should have a relationship with those with bad luck. This also makes me feel relieved to give you the inheritance."


I'm stupid?

Not fit to be your successor?

Lu Bo was about to explode after hearing these words.

Although Lu Bo is stupid, I try my best! You get cheap and still sell good, saying that I have up and down relationship with people with bad luck, this is not to laugh me to death Lu Bo.

Who is in bad luck? Is it Chen Mo?

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