The sky, colorful thunder and lightning, such as the Epiphyllum between heaven and earth, carries the supreme thunder power in a flash, and the vacuum collapses, which makes the heaven and earth tremble for it.

"Don't mind me, you go." Yang Dingtian roared, and his eyes locked on the thunder and lightning in the sky. "The way of heaven destroys me, how can I be reconciled? Let alone, I'll fight with you."

With the fall of the voice, Yang Dingtian's killing intention is coagulated, showing a strong sense of war. Thunder and lightning seem to feel Yang Dingtian's provocation. The colorful God thunder is divided into four colors, namely, blue, black, red and blue.

Among the thunder punishments, purple thunder is the most mysterious. It is said that it is the thunder that punishes the gods and gods in the sky. If such thunder can be resisted by ordinary people, the black thunder is the most gloomy, coming from hell with the power of destroying the soul. The red thunder contains evil intention. It is extremely luxurious and ferocious with blue thunder.

Boom! The roar is rising and powerful, such as the ancient god who killed Yang Dingtian with a thunder sword. At this moment, Yang Dingtian smiles, and his eyes cross the color of liberation.

"I can't fight for my life with the sky. I'm going to die with great vigour."

As he said this, Yang Dingtian's body rushed into the sky, falling several feet of black shadow, which seemed to be a demon statue. The breath was extremely cruel.

"Yang Dingtian!" Chen Mo roared, his legs suddenly stepped on the ground, and a layer of ripples rippled in the air. The whole person rose from the sky, holding Yang Dingtian's right leg with both hands.

With the increase of strength, Yang Dingtian's body suddenly dropped. He looked down at Chen Mo and said in a hurry: "let me go, so you will die."

"No, I'm your master. I have to save you."

Chen Mo's eyes burst into a fierce battle in vain. In vain, tianlinggai whirled and chopped the sky sword. With 360 degrees of rapid rotation, it broke out the rising sword light.

"Ah...!" With a roar, Yang Dingtian screamed, and several thunder and lightning struck his head at the same time. All his limbs were stiff and his skin was scorched and his smell was ripe.

Chi Chi Chi!

The lightning splits the arc around Yang Dingtian and then separates from Chen mo.

For a moment, Chen Mo's body was also stiff. The terrible thunder and lightning was like a thunder god hitting his head with a Thor's hammer. The whole person was in a state of unconsciousness.

Next to her, Yan Qingcheng was hit by thunder and lightning. Fortunately, she was strong enough to resist the thunder robbery, but she could not get out to save Chen Mo and Yang Dingtian.

"Well, I hope you're all right." Yan Qingcheng knows that if three people are still together, thunder robbery will think that the three people are going to cross the robbery together, and the radar will become more terrifying.

She turned to the East, her heavy eyes sometimes looked at Chen Mo, and forced her tears to retreat from the scope of lightning.

"Bang!" Cut the sky sword to the sky, split the thunder and lightning, and the body of the sword became dim.

Chen Mo injects the spirit of wood into Yang Ding's celestial body. Only when Yang Dingtian is in good condition can he take back his hand and look up at the sky. At this time, he has a sense of responsibility.

Step into the air, elegant figure.

The old man on the mountain finally saw Chen Mo's realm. He was just in the middle of Yuanying. After a while, he looked at Chen Mo's body with an unbelievable look. "Is it that I was blind and mistakenly thought that there would be a strong man who could surpass the God in the world. But what is the explanation for this scene? This son's low strength can resist the colorful thunder. Is it he A great man's reincarnation? "

At this point, the old man is more and more sure that Chen Mo is a strong reincarnation.

This kind of person has a peerless power in his body. Once stimulated, he can destroy heaven and earth.

"Listening to their conversation, this son is named Chen mo. it seems that I have made a worthwhile trip to know such a favored man. If he can survive the thunder disaster, I will give him a big gift."

After that, the old man looked at Chen Mo intently. In his heart, he didn't think Chen Mo could survive the thunder disaster. Of course, the world is not absolute, and the old man dare not deny it.

When Chen Mo comes to a high altitude position, his eyes cross a strong will. The thunder and lightning over the nine days are still rolling and dense into a group of thunder dragons. It seems that they want to roam the sky, but they are bound by the shackles of thunder punishment. They can't wait for Lei long to rush to Chen Mo with a raging anger.

"When will the bloody thunder robbery disappear?" Lu Bo said angrily.

Since Chen Mo went to the sky, he has been worrying about Chen Mo all the time. As a result, Yang Dingtian and Yan Qingcheng of the parties have all retreated, and Chen Mo is still fighting against the thunder robbery.

The rest of the people are also worried about Chen Mo, and unconsciously, everyone takes Chen Mo as the backbone.

"This thunder robbery should be the last one. As long as I hide, Yang Dingtian will be fine."

Chen Mo's face is chilly, and the power of silence is used. A flash of golden light shoots into the head of Lei long, which directly penetrates the eyes of Lei long. In this way, he arouses the anger of Lei long.

The vast eight wasteland of Leiwei, spread the horizon, pouring rain, wet everyone's body, in between, ancient trees collapse, grass flying, is a sign of extinction.

Chen Mo was in it and accepted the swallowing of the Thunder Dragon. With the explosion of the Thunder Dragon which destroyed the heaven and earth, the air wave spread and swept the world, making all around become lifeless."Is this son dead?" The old man's eyes were staring, and his eyes were about to fall off. Where he saw his eyes, he could not see Chen Mo's figure. Instead, he saw the thunder riot flying all over the sky.

"It seems that he still can't survive the last one. Alas, unfortunately, I can only find the next one for the stone sword I have prepared."

The old man shakes his head and pats the white crane under his body. The white crane has spirit and flies high.

However, the old man has not been walking for a long time, and a peerless figure fills the air. His breath is full of thick, and his eyes are open and closed to look at the old man.

"Eh...!" The old man was surprised. He turned his head and looked at it. His face was unbelievable. This guy was not hurt. His accomplishments were even better than before.

"Go, meet this little fellow."

With the old man's voice falling down, the white crane flapped its wings and flew to the sky to stretch its wings in front of Chen mo.

"Crackling...!" Chen Mo's body is still shining with the strange sound of thunder and lightning. The electric arc of all walks of life swings up and down. Chen Mo's body is strong.

Seeing this, the old man took a look at Chen Mogao, without any nonsense. He reached out and saw a long blue sword. The sword was more than three feet long, half a finger wide, and sent out wisps of ice.

"Yes, little brother. I have just seen your battle. You are the most beautiful genius I have ever seen. I believe that in time, you will soar to the sky, and your achievements lie above me."

I don't dare to rely on the old man to sell his old age. What he said is not a bit false. Chen Mo is really amazing in his eyes, and he is a talented person. Therefore, he is willing to take out his stone sword to make friends with Chen mo.

It is equivalent to making a good relationship in advance. When Chen Mo rises, he can also get a return. , the fastest update of the webnovel!