"Then don't swallow it." I don't know which merchant blurted out this sentence.

As soon as the merchant said this, he felt that the atmosphere was not right.

The rest of the merchants are eager to tear him into pieces and talk nonsense without hearing Chen Mo's words.

Chen Mo's intention is obviously to settle accounts after autumn.

Just now, the crowd yelled at Chen Mo, and they had to fight to make everyone angry. At this time, the merchants were afraid to say a word.

The atmosphere became heavy and stressful.

With a sly smile, Zhongcai looked at Chen Mo and said, "young master, we were just joking with you. Don't take it seriously. After all, you have a mistake first, and you can't rely on us."

In a word, the wind is light and the clouds are light.

Chen Mo snorted coldly, "of course, how can I be like that? I just want to tell you that the transaction is completed, the title deed is in my hand, and the inferior spirit stone is in front of me. Is there any problem?"

"No, no No, how could there be a problem? " Zhongcai reached out to wipe off the sweat. Only now did he feel the noble temperament of Chen Mo, which was full of irresistible meaning.

"That's good. Let's go."

Chen Mo's words fall, and Lu Bo and Lu Dahai look at each other. They immediately understand Chen Mo's meaning. Lu Dahai's step is heavier, and his foot falls down, and a roar is heard.

The whole second floor collapses and the dust is rolling. Chen Mo and Lu Bo and Lu Dahai leave the restaurant.

At this time, the rest of the restaurant's eyes brightened, staring at the high-quality spirit stone, and then rushed up, "grab! They are all inferior spirit stones. "

"Yes! There are so many inferior spirit stones. "

There are too many people and many hands. Over a thousand inferior spirit stones are wiped out in an instant. The merchants get no more than 300 inferior spirit stones. That is to say, more than 700 inferior spirit stones have been robbed by passers-by.

"Damn, the spirit stone belongs to us. You can return it." Zhongcai drinks a lot and wants to rob other people's inferior spirit stone. However, before he takes a step, the shopkeeper of the restaurant grabs his shoulder behind him.

The shopkeeper's tone is indifferent: "you several people mess up my restaurant, need to compensate 300 inferior spirit stone."

"We didn't destroy it. You're wrong." Zhongcai wants to cry without tears. At this time, he is very sorry to offend Chen Mo, which leads to the fact that the second grade spirit stone just got will be sent out.

The shopkeeper believed Zhongcai's words and said in a cold voice: "I only see you several merchants counting spirit stones on the second floor, and then screw up my second floor, and make compensation immediately, or I'll see."

"We pay...!" When he said this, Zhongcai was more and more regretful. He had known that he would not have provoked Chen Mo, but now it is better. In an instant, he returned to the pre liberation period. He had not only lost the land lease but also no shops.

The merchant compensates shopkeeper inferior spirit stone, then they have different opinions.

"That boy can't swallow this breath. We can't swallow it. The shop can't give it to him in vain. Brothers, let's find him a spirit stone. If he dares not, hum Don't blame us for our ruthlessness. Give him some color to see. "

"Yes, ask him for the spirit stone."


Soon, after the negotiation, he rushed to the shop.

Luofeng Town, shops, Chen Mo three people walk on the street, due to the transfer of shops, the streets are cold and clear, there are not many passers-by, but Chen Mo is confident that this street will become prosperous.

At this time, Chen Mo stopped walking, looked up and said, "Lu Dahai, Lu Bo, I'll give you one thing to dismantle all the shops I bought."


Lu Bo and Lu Dahai looked at each other with a strange look. Lu Bo couldn't help asking, "Mr. Chen Mo, I think these shops are very good. It's not easy to build them up. If you demolish and rebuild them, you will not only spend resources but also waste time."

"That's right. It's not easy to build shops. I don't think it's necessary to dismantle them." Lu Dahai also advises Chen Mo that, in his opinion, dismantling shops is a waste of money and time.

After listening to what they said, Chen Mo said with a smile: "you think too much. There is a saying called breaking and then standing. It's useful for me to dismantle it. Do you want to do it or not?"

"Do, of course."

Lu Dahai first said: "but this money can be said in the front, need to ask for help."

"Then go!"

Chen Mo tosses it casually. Lu Dahai takes it and pulls Lu Bo away.

When the two of them leave, Chen Mo thinks, "it is estimated that talents will be needed to establish three workshops. If talents are not allowed to flow into foreign fields, they should find them in the Wusu sect."

"Look Here he is

Yuanbi, as soon as the merchants see Chen Mo, they come over in a fierce spirit and then surround Chen Mo in groups.

Zhongcai is tall and big. He bullies humanity: "childe, if you don't do anything wrong, we won't lose all inferior spirit stones."

"So?" Chen Mo had expected that they would come back. These people were greedy and greedy. He gave them some punishment and came to the door so quickly.

Zhongcai: "so you should not only compensate for our losses, but also make up for our spiritual trauma, including time cost, and several months' hard waiting fee. In any case, the total is 5000 inferior spirit stones.""Ha ha It's true that there is also a waiting fee, but also the time cost we wasted in looking for him. At our present value, we can get rid of the spirit stone in an hour. "

Other people in ancient times heard Zhongcai say that he had to wait and spend time, so they gave him thumbs up one after another.

Now Chen Mo is alone.

They blackmailed Chen Mo, without any conscience.

Looking at their ugly corners of the mouth, Chen Mo couldn't help but sneer: "the five thousand inferior spirit stones are still your time expenses, including the expenses for waiting for hardships. It seems that there is not enough."

"What do you mean? You want to give us ten thousand spirit stones? Maybe a hundred thousand people are inferior to the spirit stone? " Zhongcai can't believe it. It's Chen Mo, who thinks that extorting them is not enough.

In this way, it is not better to blackmail Chen Mo's more inferior spirit stones.

Chen Mo held his chest in both hands and asked calmly, "I want to ask you how much time you spend alone. Calculate it for me, and I will consider compensation."

"Well, you said it." Zhongcai said that, after discussing with other merchants, he quickly got the result and said to Chen Mo: "boy, our time cost is ten inferior spirit stones. Of course, one day we can get a discount, that is, 50 inferior spirit stones."

For ordinary people, it is an inexhaustible wealth for a lifetime.

Chen Mo said, "you can't wait for a thousand stone rings to come out, but Chen Mo didn't think it would be a long time for Chen Mo to take out a thousand rings. Let's see! I'll take out 1500 inferior spirit stones and tell you to do one thing, and it will pay off a lot. "

"What's the matter?" Zhongcai asked.

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