Tianqixing, tianbaoge branch.

Du Zhou waited for four days, but he didn't see the Dao without missing. He was puzzled. Normally speaking, he could kill Chen Mo in half a day. It was impossible to delay the time.

After thinking about it, Du Zhou has decided that Dao Wuque was killed.

At the moment, Du Zhou sat in the elegant Pavilion and looked at Kuang Jiamin, who was calm and self-confident. He could not help asking, "you will not know in advance that Chen Mo can't be beaten without a knife?"


Kuang Jiamin shakes her head and remembers the picture of meeting Chen mo. several of her subordinates are vulnerable to attack by Chen mo. otherwise, she would not agree with Chen Mo to establish tianbaoge branch in Luofeng town.

So Chen Mo's strength is very strong. This is Kuang Jiamin's evaluation of Chen mo. although he doesn't know how strong Dao Wuwei is, he is likely to be careless and lose to Chen mo.

"Elder, I don't dare to say that there is no lack of Dao, but I advise you to go to Luofeng town. Otherwise, you will be worried about your life if there is no lack of Dao. I hope the Dao is worth something."

The voice fell and Du Zhou's expression was stunned.

Kuang Jiamin's implication is that if there is no lack of Dao, Chen Mo will not kill him, but will save his life, so as to negotiate with Du Zhou.

"It seems that the boy has some skills. I want to see how strong he is."

Du Zhou touched the finger on his hand, the dark light flickered, and a few more top-grade spirit stones were handed to Kuang Jiamin.

"Elder, are you?" Kuang Jiamin looks suspicious and doesn't understand Du Zhou's meaning.

"President Kuang, you have been following me for so long, but you still don't understand what I mean?"

Du Zhou does not break, let Kuang Jiamin brain tonic, soon, Kuang Jiamin is suddenly enlightened.

As Du Zhou, it is impossible to see Chen Mo in person, but he takes out some top-grade spirit stones. The meaning is very simple. Du Zhou wants to use money to hire a killer to kill Chen mo.

There are killers in tianqixing, of course, shadow gate.

"Elder, since it is what you ordered me to do, I will do it myself."

Kuang Jiamin's heart is full of hatred. He takes over the top grade spirit stone and kills Chen Mo, which is Du Zhou's order.

Kuang Jiamin asks for more happiness from herself. Chen Mo is in charge there.

As Kuang Jiamin left, the elegant room became quiet.

Du Zhou took a sip of tea and said leisurely, "money is omnipotent. I will kill whoever I want. If you offend me, Chen Mo will surely die."

When Kuang Jiamin comes to the branch of tianqixing yingmen, it is dark. The branch of yingmen is in a deserted alley. In a deserted courtyard, Kuang Jiamin sees the high-level of yingmen branch.

He was wearing a five-star badge on his chest and a black robe. He sat in a chair without saying a word.

But that's it. The more powerful he is.

Kuang Jiamin looks around. There is only one other. She immediately takes out five top spirit stones. The five-star killer on the chair looks slightly moved and flashes greedy eyes.

"Say it! President Kuang, who are you going to kill? " The killer's tone is cold and inhuman.

Kuang Jiamin doesn't care. The assassin in front of her is wearing a five-star badge. Her strength is the lowest in the later period of Yuanying. She may even be stronger. She is more than enough to kill Chen mo.

"I want you to assassinate Chen mo Kuang Jiamin is concise and comprehensive, and tells the target to be assassinated.

As for Chen Mo's identity.

It doesn't need to know much for the killer.

Because killers are all over the world, people with the same name and surname can be investigated clearly.

"Who are you talking about?" The killer's face moved and the corners of his mouth twitched. He mistakenly thought that he had heard wrong and stabbed Chen mo. this is definitely the toilet lighting and looking for death.

A few days ago, Shidi took a large number of shadow gate killers to assassinate Chen mo.

As a result, the murderer returned alone, but he was seriously injured. All the killers who went with him were not found. There is no need to guess. They all died in Chen Mo's hands.

Shadow gate loves face, information has not been leaked out.

What's more, others know that Chen Mo killed many killers in yingmen, and the strong ones who had enemies with the killers would surely come to revenge. This would be a devastating blow to yingmen.

Now Kuang Jiamin pays the assassin to assassinate Chen mo. who will agree? After all, killing the emperor can't beat Chen Mo, and the rest of the killers are doomed to kill Chen mo.

Kuang Jiamin looks at her face and sees the change in the killer's face. She is a little confused, so she can't feel her head. You know, Kuang Jiamin walks into the courtyard, and the killer is indifferent.

However, when the killer heard Chen Mo's name, subtle changes took place on the spot. It was obvious that the killer was in a state of mind.

"Once again, please kill Chen mo Kuang Jiamin's tone is unquestionable, and his voice is loud and clear, which is introduced into the killer's ear.

Suddenly, the killer swung his sleeve.

"Seeing off the guests."

There was no hesitation in his voice, but a touch of determination.

Kuang Jiamin looks stunned.

Unexpectedly, the killer heard Chen Mo and let her go.

Is that still killer style?

As you know, yingmen Kaizong school has been established for countless years. There is no one who can't kill. There is only a price that can't be afforded. It's hard not to succeed. The killers dislike five top-grade spirit stones.In principle, it shouldn't be!

Five top-grade spirit stones are worth 50000 lower grade spirit stones.

"Please tell me, why don't you want to do it?" Kuang Jiamin wants to know the answer and puts five top-grade spirit stones on the table. "I use these spirit stones to buy information."

The killer looks at the five top spirit stones and says it's fake that he doesn't want to be moved. However, he can't accept the task because of Chen Mo's information, and the killing emperor gives a password.

Anyone who divulges Chen Mo's information will be expelled from the shadow gate.

"I'm sorry, but I can't accept this task. President Kuang, please walk slowly."

The assassin again makes an order. Kuang Jiamin is slightly distracted. Finally, she picks up five inferior spirit stones and turns away. Her back is still graceful.

The killer's eyes sank a shadow, reached out and knocked on the armrest, "the president of a branch just wants to buy Chen Mo's life with this spirit stone. It's ridiculous."

"As I expected, Chen Mo will have a place in the world soon."


Kuang Jiamin went back to tianbaoge branch office, and all the way to Yajian, Du Zhou was free, sitting on the sandalwood chair to make tea. He was skillful, quite a bit of an expert in the world.

Hearing the voice of Kuang Jiamin coming in, Du Zhou asked slowly, "is the matter finished?"

In fact, this is just one more question. Du Zhou didn't believe that the shadow gate would resist the attraction of five top spirit stones and not kill Chen Mo, unless the sun came out from the West.

However, Kuang Jiamin said truthfully: "elder, shadow gate is not willing to accept the task?"


After listening to Kuang Jiamin's words, Du zhoushou was excited, his teacup fell to the ground, and his waxy face showed a look of disbelief. He turned his head and looked at Kuang Jiamin's serious eyes.

He can't help but believe that Kuang Jiamin is telling the truth.

The sun still rises from the East, but yingmen doesn't accept the task of killing Chen mo.

There was silence in the room.

Du Zhou was silent. His eyes were shining. He thought about the reason. He wanted to break his head, but he was still in a fog. How could Chen Mo let yingmen give up the pursuit.

Chen Mo's origin is extraordinary?

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