Unable to break the star stone in front of her eyes, Yan Qingcheng takes back the Fengming sword, and the jade hand stimulates the Phoenix flame. The deep red light flashes, and the Phoenix flame is noble.


Yan Qingcheng's two palms clapped out, hit on the star stone, suddenly sounded the strange sound of earth shaking, soon, the star stone and motionless, hard as iron.

Chen Mo came over and said, "Qingcheng, I think this star stone is a treasure. It's a bit wasteful to break open. Xiaojin, come here and swallow this star stone for me."

Chen Mo didn't think of the golden scale snake just now. Now he remembers that the golden scale snake will bite as long as it is broken. The star stone is the material for forging weapons, which is absolutely suitable for the golden scale snake to swallow.

After listening to Chen Mo's words, the golden scale snake did not dare to follow. When he came to the star stone, he did something about it: "master, this star stone is even more terrifying and bigger than I imagined. I can't eat it with my small body!"

"You don't seem to have tried. You can't just deny it." Chen Mo doesn't believe.

After hearing this, the golden scale snake could not help but look at the star stone, opened its big mouth of blood plate, and suddenly bit into the star stone. Its sharp teeth seemed to be able to crush everything, but the golden scale snake only bit down a little star stone.

However, this star stone can be ignored.

"Master, I said no, you really let me do this, I don't know when and when to swallow the star stone."

The golden scale snake devoured the star stone and made a few noises. The star fossilized into the golden scale snake's body. Suddenly, the golden scale snake's abdomen swelled.

Chen Mo knows that the golden scale snake is not lying.

At the same time, the meteorite above is still falling, the scene is precarious, the meteorite is extremely thick, the impact force produced by hitting the ground is very terrible.

In the distance, Meng Haotian's body lies on the ground, "Chen Mo, you can't escape."

"In this world, danger is coming. I have felt the revival of death. Your final result is a dead end."

Meng Haotian grinned, but the next second, he was scared. He saw the star stone hanging in the sky, suddenly bumping into Meng Haotian's body with the force of falling violently.

"Well, it's not that easy to kill me." Meng Haotian took out a piece of triangular diamond crystal and injected spiritual power, which was to hit the sky, "heavenly spirit stone, blow it up for me."

With the fall of Meng Haotian's voice, the crystal stone of triangular diamond suddenly swept out the power to destroy the eight wastelands. In a flash, it exploded on the spot, causing the star stone to shift direction.

The location is Chen Mo's side. The impact force is extremely terrible. The dark star force erupts rapidly, as if it can destroy the sky and shoot at Chen Mo with supreme power.

Meng Haotian offended a smile, "you didn't expect that I would have a self-defense treasure. This star stone should be regarded as my filial piety to you. I'd like to see how you do next."

Looking at the star stone, Chen Mo said faintly, "I have a way, but before that, I will kill you first."

A spirit of extinction poured out and fell into Meng Haotian's body with the most powerful power. Suddenly, Meng Haotian had no time to scream, and his body was full of fatal wounds.

At the same time, Chen Moyang raised his head, his eyes flashed, his legs stepped on, and the strength in his body ran wildly, reaching unprecedented strength. The next moment, Chen Mo clapped his hands on the star stone.

"Give it to me."

Chen Mo's strength is beyond himself, but the strong impact force makes Chen Mo's legs step back a few steps, and then successfully resist the star stone. What's more, he takes away the star stone and bumps it into the other side along the space, and suddenly there is a huge noise.

Whoa! After all this, Chen Mo was sweating profusely, "Qingcheng, what Meng Haotian said just now should not be nonsense. I feel a sense of terror under the abyss. "

" I feel the same way. Let's leave without delay. "

After Yan Qingcheng finished, the jade hand flipped, and the bright light flashed on the star stone blocking the passage. Chen Mo then photographed that both of them were monks Yuanying, and their strength was natural and terrifying.

Under the strong attack, the star stone gradually loosens. With the continuous power in Chen Mo's body, the star stone pushes to one side at an extremely fast speed.

"Roar ~ ~!"

Just when Chen Mo thought he could leave, there was a scream of a Phoenix. A blazing flame erupted in the abyss, mixed with the soil and turned into a deep red slurry.

"It's Phoenix."

Yan Qingcheng is the constitution of Phoenix. He is very familiar with Fengming. He can guess that there should be Phoenix under the abyss. Otherwise, there will not be such a big change here.

Chen Mo's divine consciousness is released to search for the Phoenix itself. However, he only feels that the underground Phoenix is reviving. He guesses some secrets. He is addicted to Yan Qingcheng and says, "with your intuition, this is not the Phoenix's rebirth in blood? "

" maybe, I've already felt the breath of Phoenix, and it's getting stronger and stronger. " Yan Qingcheng is the blood of Phoenix. She has a natural affinity for Phoenix. She bites her fingertips and separates a drop of crimson blood, and then falls on the cliff.

But Chen Moshun looks at the blood, Meng Haotian's body has disappeared.

Even there is no blood on the ground. Chen Mo thinks thousands of times, vaguely thinks that it is Meng Haotian's blood that wakes up the Phoenix, so Meng Hao's genius will disappear.In Yan Qingcheng, the blood fell into the abyss, and the flame erupted, with the slurry spilled in all directions. In an instant, the original black ground was stained with a layer of red soil.

"Master, there is really a Phoenix. I will swallow its blood." The golden scale snake looks at Chen Mo with blurred eyes. The Phoenix is a divine beast. The golden scale snake has no idea how many years it will take to evolve into a dragon.

Now with the Phoenix blood, the golden scale snake feels that the opportunity has come.

Chen Mo looks at the golden scale snake and shakes his head, because he has seen that Yan Qingcheng is on the verge of anger. If he does not restrain himself, Yan Qingcheng will run away on the spot.


A shadow of a phoenix emerges from the ground, its body blocks the sky, and the hot breath rushes out. The nine feathers flicker slightly and directly erupts a sea of flames.

For a moment, Yan Qingcheng and Chen mo were shocked.

Looking up, I can see that the Phoenix's body belongs to transparent state, but it is also stubborn vitality, as if it can not be old, at this time show Fengming's posture of nine days.

Next moment!

The noble and cold eyes of Phoenix flicker slightly, showing holiness. The bloody eyes look at Yan Qingcheng, as if there is a touch of gratitude, so its flame does not burn to Chen Mo's body.

Yan Qingcheng also looked at the Phoenix, as if to exchange information. For a long time, Yan Qingcheng blinked his eyes. Almost half a column of incense, the Phoenix's body soared in this space.

Where it passed, the flame below quickly merged with it, gradually forming a physical appearance, and the flame emitted was stronger, which made people feel hot all over.

Looking at the Phoenix, Yan Qingcheng said, "Chen Mo, the Phoenix is only left with a remnant soul, but it is born with the idea of self rebirth, so it has to be reborn in blood."

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