There is no time to practice truth. When a monk closes down and realizes the mystery, countless years will pass. The monk was in his thirties, and his age was considered to be a prime age.

However, in the eyes of friars, those in their thirties are teenagers at most. Three months are like three days, and they can't eat or drink. They don't care how long the time goes by.

But in the realm of practice. Three months later, there will be a battle among the great powers. No matter who knows the importance of this matter, countless powerful people will go to the battle. Even if they can't experience the battle in person, they will also go to wait and see to exchange problems in martial arts.

If you build a car behind closed doors, you will lack combat experience. Only in the battle of life and death can we grow up with blood stasis.

It is definitely a good place to grow up.

Therefore, in the vast and boundless Jianshan, we welcome monks from all over the world and stars.

Jianshan is as famous as its name, and its peaks and peaks rise and fall, just like a giant sword rising from the ground. It stands majestic between heaven and earth. From a distance, people can be fascinated by it.

Dang Dang Dang

The bell of the ancient dragon reverberates in the mountains, and the most prominent mountain in Jianshan presents a unique figure. These strong men are Yuanying perfect friars, among which are the powerful ones of transforming gods.

Jianxuanyun, as the elder of Jianshan, is naturally among them.

At the moment, the old man headed by Jianshan has grey hair and wrinkled face, but his spirit is embarrassed. He dances in his white robe without wind, which is a bit of immortals.

"Today is the battle of the great powers. It is presided over by Jianshan. You are in charge of all security. Anyone who fights in Jianshan without permission will be expelled from Jianshan and his accomplishments will be abolished if he is serious."

The old man's tone is thick and his breath is restrained. Jianxuan Yun immediately nods his head and agrees. In front of him, the old man is named jianwuchong. He is a great elder of Jianshan. His identity is above ten thousand people.

After that, Jian wuchong and the elder of more than ten years received the powerful people from all walks of life outside the golden hall. Originally, no one was worthy of his welcome as Jian wuchong.

Recently, however, there has been a lot of uproar in the Xiuzhen world. Tianbao pavilion has broken down its soldiers and damaged its generals. The shadow gate has suffered heavy losses. Only the emperor is alive, even the Fengdao sect is not immune.

All this is because of Chen mo.

Therefore, Jian wuchong wants to see how much Chen Mo is.

"The red sleeve Pavilion flower duck month came to participate in the battle of the great powers, send the invitation letter specially."

When the sound falls, the flower duck month attacks the dust to get rid of vulgarity the body, from the empty but falls.

Snow white delicate body, as if there is a halo shrouded, all people's eyes, are looking directly at the flower duck moon.

But Hua Yangyue smiles and looks at Jian wuchong and says, "elder wuchong, you haven't seen him for ten years. If every other day, you are still so strong. I don't know if you are still in charge of this year's battle of the great powers?"

"Flower Pavilion master, I'm flattered."

Jian wuchong said with a smile: "face to face, you are still a child. Now you are only one step away from breaking through the spirit. I think you are good-natured. It is very likely that you will break through the transformation in three years."

As soon as this speech is said, people can't help but stare at Hua Yang Yue.

Young, is already Yuanying perfect, plus Hua Yangyue is still the day's daughter, as the tea sleeve vice cabinet leader's position, this is what interests, who can flatter her.

It's the peak of life.

It's a pity that Hua Yang Yue has been alone so far.

But also give countless friars' blind thoughts.

"Flower girl, you're right here. I've been looking for you for a long time." Just as everyone looked at the moon, my body fell from the sky, and he stood on the ground.

Glancing at Jianshan and other friars, I alone took out the roses.

"Flower girl, you are just like this blooming rose, which is pleasing to the eyes and blooming brightly. I am the only one who can't do it. I am lucky to break through the realm of transforming gods and want to be your flower protector."

Alone I line word by word, the voice bear bright, spread throughout the audience, immediately caused countless people to exclaim.

"I am the only one who breaks through the transformation of God. Isn't he expected to win the first place in the battle of the great powers?"

"I guess it's hanging! Don't forget, there is Chen Mo, the enemy. He can defeat the emperor, but my line has just broken through the transformation of God, which is worse than killing the emperor. "

"Is Chen Mo really so interested?"


When it comes to the realm of transforming gods, people can't help but think of Chen Mo, who can defeat the emperor. Even if we can break through the transformation of God, facing Chen Mo, we may not be able to win the first place in the battle of the great powers.

Du Wo Xing was still showing her love. When she heard someone say Chen Mo, her anger suddenly rose. Looking at the flower duck moon in front of her, she saw that she did not accept the rose of Du Wo Xing.

Not only did not accept, Hua Yang Yue said in a cold voice, "I am the only one. The women in the red sleeve Pavilion will not marry for life. Please take back this heart and don't let me be embarrassed."

"Flower girl, I really want to show my love to you." Alone I line a face to say anxiously: "the tea sleeve Pavilion is a place of no feelings and no justice, why can't a woman marry? "

" I tell you, if you dare to stop me from marrying you, I dare to tear down the red sleeve Pavilion. "

I was very sincere, looking forward to watching the moon.It's a pity that Hua Yang Yue would agree to do it alone. She still refused mercilessly: "I'll do it alone. I'll say it again. Please stop."

Speaking of this, I have no choice but to put away the roses.

Then, Du I xing looked at Jian wuchong and said with a laugh: "elder wuchong, you are hosting the battle of the great powers again this year. I think the sword Xuan cloud is extremely hateful and pesters me endlessly. Fortunately, I break through the transformation of God, so I will definitely challenge him."

It is well known to all that I and Jian Xuanyun are enemies.

Jian wuchong didn't care. He chuckled: "I'm the only one. Your mentality is too impetuous. If you keep your mind well, you will become the strongest one soon."

If the sword is not heavy, it is absolutely convincing.

After all, he has lived for countless years.

I'm the only one. I don't care.

Glancing at the sword Xuan cloud, I walked to one side and stood alone.

Everyone is at the gate, waiting for the next strong.

Soon after, the sky and the earth filled with a sense of terror, as if from hell out of the general, so that everyone's face for fear, fear.

The next second, the figure of killing the emperor appeared out of thin air.

"Elder wuchong, I'm here to kill Chen mo

As soon as this sentence was uttered, it was simple but to the point that the emperor had come to join the battle of the great powers just to kill Chen Mo, without too much nonsense. His legs fell in a corner.

All the people looked at killing the emperor, and they were all sweating for Chen Mo Sha, because they found that killing the emperor was stronger than before. All the murderous intentions revealed all the time had the meaning of strangling and killing people.

"Chen Mo is really a troublemaker." Jian wuchong murmured. He didn't dare to evaluate the future of killing the emperor. After all, Jianshan didn't think highly of yingmen, that is, yingmen often assassinated others.

Chen Mo killed the members of the shadow gate, which is to kill the people. , the fastest update of the webnovel!