Wei Mu looked at the maid beside him and said, "go, take out my extra thousand year old Tie Guanyin, and give it to Chen Mo to show my respect."

"Ah..."! "Cried the maid nervously.

However, when she saw the positive look on Wei Mu's face, she had to turn around to get the Millennium Tieguanyin.

But she didn't expect that Wei Mu really wanted to send out the Millennium Tieguanyin, because Wei Mu usually refused to drink it and kept it in the warehouse for countless years.

As soon as Chen Mo arrived, he took away all the Millennium Tieguanyin. In this way, Wei Mu has already surrendered to Chen Mo, and from then on, the black market will be merged into Luofeng town.

Thinking of this, the maid felt that the sky had changed.

Not only does the maid feel that the sky has changed, but even Hongjie and Su Bao feel incredible. As the boss of the black market, Wei Mu actually surrenders to Chen Mo, which means that Tianmen is going to change.

But when they think of Chen Mo's strength, they are relieved.

Chen Mo's ability and the power of Luofeng town are enough to fight against the black market. What's more, the Xiuzhen world is not about the number of people, but about the quality of the strong. Whoever is powerful is the master.

Soon, the maid took out the red box. She walked up to Chen Mo and handed it to Chen Mo respectfully. Looking at the calm face, the maid said wildly, "young master, this is the Millennium Tieguanyin. You can make eight copies of it. Now I'll give it to you. "

" thank you. "

looking at the little red face of the maid, Chen Mo smiles confidently, and the maid's look is even more red, so that her hands shake, and Chen Mo is relieved.

"Ah..."! "The maid was startled. She turned around and stumbled away. Chen Mo picked up the box containing the thousand year old Tie Guanyin and looked at the beautiful shadow with a smile.

When you open the box, you can see that there are eight thousand year old Tie Guanyin's shares, two for ankeyue and slaves, and six for Luofeng town and others.

At this time, Chen Mo looked at Wei Mu seriously. "Wei Lao, let's talk straight to the point. As the master of the black market, you should have something to do with Suan Tianmen?"

"Yes, I do have business with Suan Tianmen." Wei Mu admits that he doesn't understand Chen Mo's meaning, but Chen Mo talks straight to the point, so Wei mu can't make a mystery.

"It's just like this. I come to calculate the stars to calculate the gate of heaven, and you choose to submit to the black market. Then all orders must be obeyed by me. I don't want anyone to follow suit and not to disobey."

Chen Mo said without doubt.

Wei Mu listened and nodded solemnly.

What pride does he have at this time?

Chen Mo was satisfied with this, but he said calmly: "I need the information of Shuan Tianmen. The more information, the better. Of course, I hope it is the latest information of Suan Tianmen."

As an underground force, the black market certainly knows a lot about Suan Tianmen. If the situation of Suan Tianmen is analyzed through intelligence, Chen Mo can understand Liang Feiyun more quickly.

"Go and send me the information." At the command of Wei mu, someone immediately went to find the information about the gate of heaven. The speed was so fast that he sent a pair of documents about half a column of incense.

Put the document on the stone platform, and Chen Mo begins to read.

Liang Huashao is the pillar of the gate of heaven. He has a medium-term state of transformation. Because he is old, he can't live out all the year round, but his control is absolutely first-class.

Well, for example, the arena, which is apparently controlled by Liang Huashao, is actually a black market industry.

The reason is that the black market is more serious, Suan Tianmen dare not offend the black market.

Many times Liang Huashao wanted to find the arena, but they failed. Since then, the resource supply of Suan Tianmen was insufficient, which led to the decline of Shuan Tianmen.

Of course, the reason for the decline of Suan Tianmen is also related to Liang Huashao's three sons.

Yang Liang, the eldest son, is naive and honest, and is not good at fighting against each other. After he married and gave birth to Liang Feiyun, he chose to teach his husband and educate his son. In other people's eyes, he is definitely a first-class good man.

However, Liang Hao has a dual character, one on the surface and one on the back. He often goes in and out of the widow's boudoir.

As for what to do, don't think about it.

Take off the pants, most of them are happy, the development of family planning is later.

All of these were obtained from the black market. It is impossible to know whether they are accurate or not, because Liang Hao is very careful in his work and rarely leaves evidence.

And the black market and Liang Hao have no hatred, and it is more impossible to debunk him.

Liang Tian, the son of Liang Huashao, is in charge of the financial power of Suan Tianmen. He is in charge of the third son of Liang Huashao, Liang long. Liang Long has a set of internal affairs management.

Therefore, Liang Long and Liang Tian will be the best candidates for the gate leader.

It's just that they are too competitive, often bumping, and struggling to get rid of dissidents.

Why is Suan Tianmen called Suan Tianmen? Of course, it is to calculate all the opportunities in the world.

In Liang Huashao's eyes, no matter how powerful Liang Long and Liang Tian were, they were not as important as being able to do arithmetic. No matter how, Liang Huashao also built the gate of Suan Tian by calculating all the opportunities of heaven.

Therefore, Liang Feiyun had a natural talent for arithmetic. Liang Huashao had designated him as the young master of Suan Tianmen. As for Liang Kaiyang and Liang Wanliang, they were just dandies.After reading these main materials, Chen Mo frowned. He felt that things were even more difficult than he had imagined. It was difficult for honest and upright officials to cut off the housework. The situation in Suan Tianmen was like a deep water trip.

Once you step in, you have to deal with too many complicated relationships, not to mention Chen Mo or an outsider.

Moreover, Liang Feiyun's identity can not be revealed, and people who know her identity are just a slap in the face.

The head of Suan Tianmen is not allowed to be taken over by a woman.

"What do you think, my lord?" Seeing Chen Mo's ugly face, Wei Mu came up and said, "I think adults care about Suan Tianmen. I don't know if my subordinates can help you."


Hearing these two words, Chen Mo looks better. "Wei mu, you are also a local villain in Shuan Tianmen. What do you think of Suan Tianmen?"

After listening to Chen Mo's words, Wei Mu thought again and again: "my Lord, at present, the gate of heaven is in chaos. It is not only divided into several factions, but also fiercely competing for the position of the head of the gate."

"In my opinion, if you don't find the master of the gate as soon as possible, when Liang Huashao dies, it will collapse or even disappear. "

after Wei Mu finished, he looked at Chen mo.

What he said was not groundless.

Today's Shuan Tianmen can't stand the trouble, but some people quarrel constantly because of the interests. Brothers can fight for blood, which is the helplessness of the big family.

Chen Mo's expression is slightly surprised, and his finger taps on the table, "Mr. Wei, if I want to sneak into Suan Tianmen, do you have a way? "

" my Lord, you are not having a good life. Why do you want to sneak into Suan Tianmen? "Wei Mu was a little surprised, but he still said," I have a certain friendship with Suan Tianmen. You really want to sneak into Suan Tianmen. It won't be too difficult. I can arrange it immediately. "

" that's for you. "Chen Mo said.

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