In Su Bao's hand, Chen Mo takes over the storage ring. At the moment, his whole body gives people a refined temperament, and countless dazzling eyes are staring at Chen mo.

Under everyone's eyes, Chen Mo came to Dan Qingyang and looked at his surprised face. He said with a smile: "danzong, he took advantage of the fire to rob. In my opinion, it's just like this. I gave him two million pieces of spirit stone."

Chen Mo is so ambitious that he puts two million low-grade spirit stones in another storage ring. The scene is bright and bright, and many nuns are looking forward to Chen mo.

Now Chen Mo is more and more charming.

He is also the master of Luofeng town. Such an excellent man naturally won the admiration of many women, if not for Liang Feiyun's presence.

They would like to take the initiative to embrace.

"He's not the poor boy he used to be." Liang Feiyun raised her head and sighed. Her memory seemed to go back to that day. Chen Mo was like a clown in the corner, unknown.

That time, he had a bad relationship with her.

As time goes by, he is famous all over the world. He comes to her alone and solves all difficulties for her.

When we look at him again, he turns out to be the richest in the world.

Just a signal, even if someone sent him five million lower grade spirit stone, how strong his energy is, you don't need to guess, not small hush.

Liang Feiyun's attitude towards Chen Mo has changed. She doesn't know how to face Chen Mo at the moment. Just now Chen Mo said that Suan Tianmen and Luofeng town will merge.

Will she not listen to Chen Mo's words from now on.

The elder standing next to her, seeing Liang Feiyun lost his soul, thought that she thought Chen Mo's temperament was out of the ordinary, and that she was not worthy of Chen Mo, so the elder said with a smile: "little Lord, I think he is very good. I feel at ease when you are with him."

"Elder, I have a normal relationship with him. Don't think too much about it." Liang Feiyun responded and explained.

It's a pity that the elder is so clever that he can see Liang Feiyun lying at a glance. However, the elder doesn't care about the young people's affairs, where they are outsiders.

"Chen Mo, you are very surprising." Danqingyang is hard to show a smile.

The smile was bitter.

It's heartbreaking.

However, everyone knew that he wanted to get the gate.

So, people don't have compassion.

Chen Mo didn't care: "danqingyang, two million inferior spirit stones are here. I know you must have done something in the note. Otherwise, Liang Long could not have been so stupid as to mortgage Suan Tianmen. I don't want to investigate these matters. Henceforth, Shuan Tianmen is a subsidiary force of Luofeng town. If you count Tianmen again, you will be against me."

"Well, I'll make it."

Dan Qingyang takes Chen Mo's storage ring, turns around and leaves. He doesn't forget to put down his voice and says, "Chen Mo, there is no strong one in Tianmen. Even if you buy it, it's just a mess. And I have a premonition that you will be in danger."

When the voice disappears, Chen Mo shakes his head. What should come will come naturally, and what should not come will not. His eyes slightly look at Liang Feiyun. Seeing that she looks complicated, Chen Mo says with a smile: "I will help you solve the problem and let Suan Tianmen get rid of difficulties. Shouldn't you thank me?"

Liang Feiyun only bit her teeth and looked at Chen Mo carefully. Her hands trembled because she was so excited that she couldn't make the decision because of the merger of Tianmen and Luofeng town.

Even if she was the head of Shuan Tianmen sect, and even if Chen Mo saved her, she could not destroy her ancestors' property without conscience. In that way, she would regret it for the rest of her life.

Seeing Liang Feiyun in a dilemma, Chen Mo knows that the merger of Suan Tianmen and Luofeng town will be in vain, but Chen Mo doesn't care. Suan Tianmen is insignificant.

If it wasn't for Liang Feiyun, how could Chen Mo come to calculate Tianmen.

Now that the matter has been settled, Chen Mo is relieved and looks at Liang Feiyun, who is still in trouble. He is a little disappointed. He turns around and leaves without any hesitation.

He did it after all and didn't apologize to her.

Well, her choice hurt him.

Then why did he try hard to retain these ungrateful gratitude.

Chen Mo's thin back, walking step by step, is very lonely. Liang Feiyun, who does not know why, is distressed and embarrassed. At this moment, she finds herself totally in love with him.

Without him, she was heartbroken.

Yu hand covers her chest, Liang Feiyun still can't calm the pain in her heart, but the pride in her heart does not allow her to bow to Chen Mo, so she bears the pain to watch Chen Mo leave.

"Little Lord, he's gone." At this time, the big elder said, Liang Feiyun said firmly: "elder, this time, we can escape this disaster safely with Chen Mo in the gate of heaven, so we should be polite to him when we meet in the future."

"Of course, without him, there would be no heaven gate." The elder nodded, and Chen Mo's departure was bound to feel regret, but he also knew that some things could not be forced.

If Chen Mo is willing to stay in Suan Tianmen, the great elder believes that in time, Suan Tianmen will definitely become brilliant. After all, Chen Mo has just arrived and has solved several important issues."It's an eye opener to see that the matter has finally been settled successfully."

The rest of the top management of Suan Tianmen were relieved and talked about it.

"The ancestor suddenly sat down and went to the position of the leader of the competition, and there were traitors. As a result, the Zong clan owed 2 million inferior spirit stones. If it wasn't for Chen Mo, he would have rescued him in time."

"It's hard to bear the consequences."

People are still afraid to say, as if a new life, at this time are full of laughter, Chen Mo's rescue is soon ignored, forgotten.

At this time, Liang Tian's figure suddenly came into the door. He took countless people to Liang Feiyun. With a wave of his big hand, monks with rich breath surrounded the top of the gate.

Liang Tian's eyes were shadowy. His eyes were like a poisonous snake. He looked at Liang Feiyun's profundity. His mouth was slightly raised. He said proudly, "niece, didn't you expect Mantis to catch cicadas and yellow finches behind?"

Looking at Liang Tian bringing so many friars, Liang Feiyun did not expect, and these are the realm of Yuanying, unfathomable, with the aura of war.

"Second uncle, where did you bring the man?" Liang Feiyun tried to make her tone gentle, but her performance, in Liang Tian's opinion, was a cowardly act.

"Niece, if you compete with me for the position of leader, you hurt me even more. If I still let you sit on the head and shit on my head, how can I meet people?"

Speaking of this, Liang Tian was overjoyed and said: "niece, I would like to advise you that those who know the current situation are heroes. All you have done is in vain. As long as you are willing to hand over the Seven Star token, I can give you a chance to live and let you live for decades in the rest of your life."

"Do you want to abolish my cultivation?" Liang Feiyun heard the meaning and Daimei felt a sense of chill. , the fastest update of the webnovel!