Tianbao Pavilion, as the richest force, has numerous branches. Many spies have been trained. In the headquarters of Tianbao Pavilion, a scout dressed in night clothes rushed into the gate and followed the corridor to the Tianbao Pavilion meeting hall.

"No, master."

The spy came to the center of the conference hall in a panic and looked respectfully: "something happened to Suan Tianmen. The Heishan ancestor was not sure whether he was alive or dead. He went to find Chen Mo in trouble. He was beaten to flee by Chen Mo because of his lack of strength. Now, Suan Tianmen has become Chen Mo's territory completely."

In the assembly hall, numerous high-level officials of Tianbao Pavilion gathered together. The chief position of the chief cabinet was the chief cabinet leader of Tianbao Pavilion. When hearing the spy's words, they immediately looked left and right. They were obviously surprised by the unexpected things. After all, they did not expect Chen Mo to go to Tianmen.

What's more, Chen Mo won the gate of fortune in just a few days, which was too frightening.

"Besides, is there anything else about Chen Mo?" asked the general Minister of Tianbao Pavilion

As the voice dropped, the Scout trembled. Suddenly he remembered something and began to answer truthfully: "Lord of the cabinet, Chen Mo not only won Shuan Tianmen gate, but also became the leader of the black market. It is said that Wei Mu has submitted himself to him and is willing to merge with Luofeng town."


On hearing the spy's words, the head of tianbaoge headquarters was full of disbelief. He didn't expect Chen Mo to become the boss of the black market, and he and Suan Tianmen were all under his command.

As an underground industrial chain, the black market competes with tianbaoge.

For a long time, Tianbao pavilion has always wanted to find a chance to eradicate the black market. However, Wei Mu is smart and original. If Tianbao Pavilion finds trouble in the black market, he can't kill the right owner, which will only bring more trouble. After all, people are in the light, and the enemy is in the dark. So Tianbao pavilion has no absolute assurance that it will not find the black market trouble, but he did not expect Chen Mo to have taken the black market.

Moreover, Chen Mo is in charge of the black market.

"Everybody, it's a big deal. I hope you have something to say." The general president of Tianbao pavilion looks down on the high-level buildings, and he has a sense of dignity in his eyes, which makes people submit to him.

"In my opinion, Chen Mo is lawless. I don't think it's necessary for him to keep it. I suggest that he take the initiative to attack him. Anyway, we have a feud with him and learn from him."

An elder took a step forward and continued: "moreover, Chen Mo is out of control now. His strength is improved too fast, and it will be dangerous to keep him. Therefore, the best way is to take the initiative to attack. Only in this way can we prove the determination of Tianbao Pavilion."

"This is reasonable. As the top ten forces, Tianbao pavilion has never tried to be so provocative."

"Chen Mo is arrogant and ruthless. Now it's the gate of heaven. The next step is Tianbao Pavilion. In this case, we can't wait to die. We'd better go straight ahead."

In other words, all the top management of Tianbao Pavilion all want to take the initiative to attack. Only in this way can they think it is Tianbao Pavilion. Otherwise, they will wait for Chen Mo to take the initiative to fight back, and they don't know when and when to wait.

Zhao was very angry and made them feel aggrieved.

Tianbao Pavilion president listened to the people's words, and soon had his own opinion.

As these people have said, Chen Mo deceives others too much, which has made Tianbao Pavilion feel uneasy. In order to prevent Tianbao pavilion from following Tianmen, he must take the initiative to attack.

"Give me the order, assemble the troops, and I will kill him by myself." Tianbao Pavilion master Lang voice.

An old man said: "the cabinet leader is wise. But before that, whether we can contact other big forces to attack Chen Mo? After all, Chen Mo also makes them feel the crisis. "

after hearing this, the head of Tianbao Pavilion pondered. Immediately, he looked at one of the elders and said," elder Feng, you have contact information with other sects. You can do this. I hope you can bring me good news. "

after hearing this, the man named elder Feng raised his head and said respectfully:" the relationship between Jianshan and Chen Mo is not very good, but I don't think it's very useful to contact them. The remaining forces are similar to Jianshan, so it's difficult to invite them. "

" really? "

The head of Tianbao Pavilion is sitting in the top position. The whole person is like a king in the world. There is a vast will and dominates the way: "if the other forces stand by, I believe Chen Mo will let them go. So the main purpose of this incident is to make them feel afraid, and then they will go out of their way with Tianbao Pavilion."

Speaking of this, Tianbao Pavilion master is to give Chen Mo a fatal blow. After all, weeding must be done. Once Chen Mo cannot be killed and Chen Mo is born, it will be dangerous for Tianbao Pavilion.

After all, barefoot is not afraid to wear shoes. Tianbao Pavilion is able to deal with Chen Mo's friars. In addition, Chen Mo's strength has been improved too fast, which makes people deeply afraid.

The wind elder arched his hand and said, "since you have said so, I can only try, but I dare not say, 100% success."

With that, elder Feng withdrew from the assembly hall.

For a moment, the chamber was silent.

Everyone feels that the storm is coming. Tianbao pavilion has not contacted other forces for many years. Now, in order to kill Chen Mo, he does not hesitate to invite other big forces.It can be seen that Chen Mo has made Tianbao Pavilion feel afraid.

"Three days later, Tianbao Pavilion will gather to deal with Chen Mo no matter whether he has found foreign aid or not."

"And these days, pay close attention to Chen Mo's whereabouts. I don't want anyone to cut corners. The best way is to let all the spies gather together to calculate Tianxing. If there is any information about Chen Mo, report it immediately and there is no delay."

After the Tianbao garret master finished, everyone's faces were dignified. They didn't expect that the matter was imminent. The Tianbao garret master's determination to kill Chen Mo was so serious.

Then, the personnel of Tianbao Pavilion began to move, and all the spies went to calculate the stars in the sky.

The other big forces, knowing that Tianbao Pavilion is going to attack Chen Mo, are waiting for the message from Tianbao pavilion with a look forward to it. However, at this time, they receive an invitation from elder Feng.

The content is nothing more than dealing with Chen Mo together.

In this regard, the other eight forces are considering whether to send people to support Tianbao Pavilion.

After all, they also know Chen Mo's power and let him grow. That's OK.

Sword mountain, sword no major elder sits down at the table.

"When Tianbao Pavilion is against Chen Mo, Jianshan, as the strongest force, makes people watch every move. If they support Tianbao Pavilion, I believe other forces will choose to stand in line. "

no great elder knows the sword well.

Jianshan is the most powerful sect among the top ten forces. If Jianshan declares to deal with Chen Mo, except Suan Tianmen, the other big forces will help.

This is the horror of Jianshan.

"Chen Mo must be killed just in case. "Jianwuchong soon had his own choice. His face turned firm. He took out the communication crystal and began to reply to Tianbao Pavilion.

"No, elder." But at this time, Jian Xuanyun comes in and interrupts Jianwu from using the communication crystal stone. "Chen Mo has a strong fighting power. We may not be able to kill him. Why don't we not help each other, so that we can not only protect ourselves, but also keep Jianshan safe. “

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