The appearance of the dragon spirit made a complete stir. All the people were focused on the Golden Dragon in the sky. Their eyes were full of gravity. It seemed that compared with the devil, the golden dragon was not powerful enough, not to mention that the golden dragon was still a dragon soul with no noumenon.

"Well It's not right. " Chen Mo seems to smell the sense of crisis. He looks up at Du Qianzhou in the distance, and sees the other party staring at Chen Mo, with a pair of eyes crossing the cold color.

"Boy, you killed my father. You deserve to die, so the dragon spirit I summoned is not against the devil, but against you."

"What?" After listening to Du Qianzhou's words, they were shocked, "it's not the devil who killed the prefect of Xuancheng. How can Du Qianzhou kill an unrelated person instead?"

"Hey, you don't know something about it?" Someone saw that Du Qianzhou was bullied by Chen Mo, so he said with a smile: "not long ago, Du Qianzhou was attracted to the woman around the boy, so he would attack him. It is estimated that his dead father can't accept it."

"So it is

It suddenly dawned on all of them that the death of the prefect of Xuancheng could not even be accepted by them. How could Du Qianzhou accept it? What's more, this incident was originally quoted by Chen mo.

"Du Qianzhou, the devil is right in front of you. He killed your father. If you don't kill the devil, you will kill me. It's ridiculous."

Chen Mo's eyes flashed and he locked in Du Qianzhou. His voice was chilly. Even if it was the anger that everyone felt, Du Qianzhou's behavior was too much.

The Terrans and the demons are not mutually exclusive. Since Du Qianzhou killed Chen Mo, no matter what, everyone could not accept it. Therefore, at this time, people were dissatisfied with Du Qianzhou.

"Dragon soul, kill me."

Du Qianzhou pointed out that in the dark, there was a terrible spiritual force in the space, involved in the dragon spirit, and the roaring sound of the Dragon roared through the nine days.

Long Teng nine days, Long Wei mighty.

In this moment, the dragon soul seems to be the supreme of the world, and his proud eyes look down on Chen mo.

"Jie Jie Jie It's good that human beings fight against each other. I'd like to see who is better. "

Looking at the Dragon Spirit attacking Chen Mo, the octopus is very happy.

When you kill Xuancheng prefect, you can see his son attacking Chen mo. even the octopus didn't expect that things would benefit him. Looking at Chen Mo, his eyes flashed with fear.

Just a few days ago, he was chased and killed by Chen mo. if he had no ability in all aspects, he would have died in Chen Mo's hands. Therefore, he killed Chen Mo quickly.


The shadow of the dragon soul swoops down. The huge and incomparable body stirs up the wind and cloud. In an instant, the sky and the earth are changed. The golden light is bright, and the terrible dragon power sweeps the whole audience.

Chen Mo thinks that he is powerful, but he has a dignified look on the ghost of the dragon.

"I will not give you death because you are the elder of hundreds of years ago, but you have helped the tyrant to deal with me instead of paying the devil. It's unforgivable."

Chen Mo naturally respects the dragon. After all, as a descendant of the dragon, it's a great honor. However, he didn't expect that the dragon soul would attack him.

The dragon spirit seems to understand Chen Mo's words. The Dragon Ball hesitates, but it is ordered by Du Qianzhou, so there is a sense of pain and struggle between the looks and a touch of madness.

"Ouch, ouch!"

The sound of dragon chanting was full of sadness and desolation. However, Du Qianzhou was full of anger and cried out: "brute, you don't exist as a dragon. My father suppressed you under Longyang city. If it wasn't, how could you survive forever? But you didn't listen to my command. It's hateful. In this case, I'll see how hard you come."

Seeing that the dragon spirit is like this, Du Qianzhou is angry. When he moves his mind, he will control the Dragon Spirit to attack Chen Mo, but at this time, Chen Mo looks at Du Qianzhou.

In vain, Chen Mo's eyes burst out with a ray of light, soul stirring, a terrible sense of God into space, with the fleeting, Du Qianzhou felt his head out of control.

"Ah, let me go."

Du Qianzhou drank bitterly. Chen Mo's divine sense was very terrible. It was like a round of stars exploding in his mind, destroying his will in an instant, and the dragon soul roared like thunder.

"Is it possible to let you go?" Chen Mo sneers at Du Qianzhou for controlling the dragon soul with strange means and choosing to deal with Chen Mo among different races. Such people don't need to be soft hearted.

Hearing Chen Mo's words, Du Qianzhou's face became blue and blue, and he wanted to speak. But as Chen Mo's divine sense strengthened, he felt that the sky was falling apart and the whole person was lying on the ground involuntarily.

His body rolled into a ball, Du Qianzhou twitched a few times, and then did not move. Obviously, he was completely dead.

Seeing this scene, all the people do not consciously shake their heads. Chen Mo's strength is too terrible. Just one idea can take Du Qianzhou's life 100 meters away.

But who's going to deal with it.

At the thought of this, the people were eager to escape, and they ran around one after another.

"Useless waste, killed so easily." Originally, he wanted to wait for Du Qianzhou to deal with Chen Mo, but the octopus didn't expect Du Qianzhou to die in Chen Mo's hands.This made him ashamed and angry. He looked up at the dragon soul out of control, and his hands brewed a terrible evil spirit, which forced Du Qianzhou to die.

"Well, Chen Mo, the man you want to kill can't die without my permission."

The voice of the eight clawed magic fish fell, and the evil Qi swept into Du Qianzhou's body, as if recovering his fatal injury, or controlling Du Qianzhou with the evil Qi. Du Qianzhou, who was originally in pain with his eyes, suddenly broke open his sword eyebrows and rowed through a torrent of evil spirit.

"Chen Mo, you killed my father. I want you to die. "In his words, Du Qianzhou's eyes quickly turned into dark pupils, and a lot of evil Qi appeared in his body.

Moreover, the realm of Du Qianzhou seems to have been improved, and it is Yuanying's perfect cultivation.

Looking at Chen Mo, Du Qianzhou did not say anything, but his eyes had already explained everything. He wanted Chen Mo to die. His face was ferocious and his mind moved. The dragon soul above the sky was once again controlled by a terrible force, and his body could not help flying to Chen mo.

For a moment, Chen Mo's face changed, but he still walked into the sky, like walking in the air. Facing the terrible dragon soul, Chen Mo was fearless.

When the idea moves, the sky chopping sword comes out from the eyebrow and flies across the sky. A long sword light falls. The dragon soul opens the mouth of the dragon and spits out the breath of the dragon, which can start a prairie fire.


In an instant, the flame rises and burns continuously in the sky. The sky cutting sword cuts across the flame and is invincible. It carries omnipotent power and penetrates into the body of the dragon soul.


There was a hole in the dragon soul's head. The flame in the air quickly faded, and the burning breath was gradually covered by the sword light, which made the whole sky very gorgeous.

"This...!" Many of the fleeing people did not forget to look back and see a sword rising above the sky, like a God. Even the dragon soul was not a place for one move.

"That guy is so terrible that he can hurt the dragon spirit. I wonder if he can deal with the devil."

Although Chen Mo can deal with the dragon spirit, many people think that Chen Mo may not be able to deal with the devil. After all, the devil's power is too terrible. , the fastest update of the webnovel!