"I master the inheritance of Wuchen sword. I have the Wuchen Xinyue sword. With the explosive power of one blow, I can kill the friars at the early stage of Huashen, but I still need to do my best to deal with the demons in the middle stage of Huashen."

Chen Mo's body is running all the time, leaving a trail of shadows. His eyes first stare at the devil prison, and then he looks at the evil spirit, and his spirit flashes.

"The speed of the demon prison is relatively fast. It's hard for me to kill him, but the evil spirit has the advantage in strength, but his speed is much slower. I can catch him."

Chen Mo thought of doing it, holding his breath, the clean heart moon sword suddenly stabs out. Aiming at the evil evil spirit, it stabs him in the chest exactly at noon. The devil Sha does not change. Under his concentration, he immediately finds Chen Mo attacking him, and his mind immediately flies. His mind calms down, and his hands are aimed at Chen Mo, which means he kills him.

"Chen Mo, you are willing to give up at last." "Evil spirit sneer," with your strength to attack me, this is not enough, no matter how to say that I am also the body of the practitioner. "

"Evil spirit, hold him, I'll give him a fatal blow." A command from the devil's prison.

Then he holds a big knife and looks at Chen Mo, which means he cuts out a knife. Chen Mo is concentrating on dealing with the evil spirit. He has no chance to attack the devil prison. The moon sword of the dust free heart suddenly hits the palm of the devil Sha. The blade of the sword is as powerful as a bamboo, and penetrates the palm of the devil's hand directly.

Chi Chi Chi!

The blood fell down, and the whole face of the devil Sha was extremely pale. But when he thought that the sword of the devil prison was dealing with Chen Mo, he was comforted. Although his hands were scrapped, they could be recovered, and Chen Mo's killing would not survive.


With a muffled sound, the sword of the demon prison falls on Chen Mo, and Chen Mo has no time to react. His body directly hits the ground, and Ling Xuan is hurt.

"Jie, Jie, Jie, Chen Mo, you have been seriously injured. It's up to you to go back to heaven."

The devil prison steps to Chen Mo, and his eyes are full of killing intention. The evil spirit doesn't care about the injury on his palm. At the same time, he steps to Chen Mo, and both of them are very joking.

Just now, when Chen Mo was dealing with the evil spirit, the devil prison already knew that, so he would make a timely move, and Chen Mo would fall down at the first time, without the power to fight again.

"Master of Jianshan sect, shall we do it now?" Master daoxuan preached.

The head of Jianshan gate frowned at the news. Things didn't go the way he imagined. Chen Mo didn't seriously hurt the demon prison. Even if the head of Jianshan sect had the heart to deal with the demons, it was not strong enough. After all, the devil prison was too strong.

"Master daoxuan, do your best to stop the evil spirit?" The master of Jianshan gate echoed.

Master daoxuan's face sank and said, "master of Jianshan sect, the devil was hurt by Chen Mo's arm. If I try my best, I can hold him down, but it's difficult to kill him."

Master daoxuan has self-knowledge. Chen Mo can't kill the evil spirit, which is even more impossible.

After hearing this, the head of Jianshan gate scratched a touch of sadness between his brows. He looked up and looked around. His heart was flustered because he found that there was a big man missing.

That is to say, the octopus, which opens the door of the demon world, is not seen in the crowd at the moment.

This phenomenon makes the master of Jianshan feel that things are not good.

Chen Mo looks at the demon prison and wants to struggle. However, he finds that his injury is too serious to move. He can't help thinking about it. At this time, the devil prison slaps Chen mo.


With this word falling, the meaning of killing between heaven and earth is very strong. Chen Mo's whole heat is hard to breathe, but no one comes to rescue Chen Mo, because the evil prison and the evil spirit are so fierce that ordinary people can hardly get close to them.

"Chen mo...!"

"Chen mo...!"

"Big brother...!"


An KeYue, Yan Qingcheng, Lu Bo, Zhou Bodong and Mu Fengyang have a big drink.

The palm of the demon prison clapped on Chen Mo's body, and there was a dull sound. Chen Mo's body was about to split and the blood overflowed. The whole person felt extremely uncomfortable.

His skin is cracked and his flesh is dripping, but Chen Mo is silent. For him, it is not a time of pain, but he can't beat the devil prison. He feels powerless in his heart.

"Ling Xuan dealt with the demon flame for me, but I couldn't deal with the demon prison and the evil spirit."

"Is it Is there really nothing I can do about it? " Chen Mo is helpless.

If he could, he naturally wanted to kill the devil prison and the evil spirit, but Chen Mo was already weak and tried all his moves once, but he couldn't beat the devil prison and evil spirit.

For a moment, Chen Mo calmed down.


This time, his attack has already contained 100% power. It's impossible to destroy Gula. Chen Mo instantly feels that fatal feeling.

The palm wind is strong, and Chen Mo only sees a black shadow. With a roar, Chen Mo's whole body is about to faint and spit out blood when he opens his mouth.

Looking at this scene, the rest of the people are more sure that Chen Mo will surely die, because Chen Mo did not reverse the power of heaven and earth. He was completely hanged by the devil prison. Besides, there are evil spirits who are covetous. Even if Chen Mo's strength is stronger, he will die in their hands."Master daoxuan, the plan is cancelled." The master of Jianshan sect soon sent a message to master daoxuan.

On hearing this, master daoxuan nodded subconsciously.

At this time, if you don't cancel the plan, you are a fool. You can't deal with the evil spirit with the strength of him and the master of Jianshan sect. Canceling the plan is to better protect yourself.

Chen Mo can't be killed by one move, and the demon prison is not in a hurry. "Chen Mo, if it wasn't for you, how could my elder brother be sealed, so you must die. As for the Tianxuan saint, if you dare not know how to kill my elder brother, you have to pay the due price."

The demon prison looked up at the position of the demon flame. The blue bead of Ling Xuan sent out the ice. It wrapped the body of the demon prison, making it look like an ice sculpture. It was grand and magnificent. In addition, there was holy power in the ice sculpture. The devil prison felt that the body was uncomfortable and his face changed dramatically.

Then, the devil prison took back his eyes and looked down at Chen Mo, and the evil spirit on one side understood it. There was a faint light on them that soared up to 90000 Li. It seemed that the devil was in the world. The domineering and extraordinary magic fell on Chen Mo, and the ground sank in an instant.

"This is to tear Chen Mo to pieces!" Seeing the meaning of the devil prison and the evil spirit, the discerning people crush Chen Mo with momentum. The pressure alone is not that ordinary people can resist.

Although Chen Mo is powerful, he is on the verge of death. If he can't prevent him, his body will split and die.


In an instant, the powerful magic fell on Chen Mo completely. Chen Mo's body was first torn by his skin, and his blood flowed, and he gradually became a bloody man.

But Chen Mo's eyes are still clean and deep.

"You two, you've had enough fun. Next, I can send you to die."

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