Watching the danqingge apologize, Yan Xin's mind is floating. She never thought that danqingge would apologize to her. There is a big difference in their identities, and all this is because of Chen mo.

Until now, Yan Xin understood that as long as there was Chen Mo in Luofeng Town, she didn't need to win the alchemy meeting to be proud, because Chen Mo was enough.

The young man who once invited her to join the alchemy workshop not only cured the serious illness that had been tormented for half a lifetime, but also gave them something he liked. Maybe these things were very easy for Chen Mo, but they changed Yan Xin's life.

"Brother Chen Mo, you are the star that I want to pursue all my life. In the past, I only wanted my father to be safe and sound, and my mother could come back to me. Now I just want to prove my ability. The alchemy meeting I'm going to win anyway. It's the best moment of my life, because you're still there Yan Xin pursed her lips and laughed naively.

Even if it is serious, I have never seen it before. One day Yan Xin will have such a childlike smile.

He remembers that since Yan Xin's mother betrayed her and was seriously poisoned by fire, life is worse than death every day. If it is not for the obsession with reward, I am afraid that serious will die.

Everything has changed since Chen Mo appeared.

The young man used his immeasurable talent to solve things that others could not solve.

To this day, Chen Mo has stood up, fearless in the face of the forces of danzong, and built a world for Luofeng Town, which is worthy of admiration and admiration.

Time in the silent passage, the painting song is still looking at Yan Xin, eyes are about to erupt anger.

He swore that he had never been treated like that.

Others also looked at Yan Xin, as if Yan Xin did not forgive the danqingge, and the next alchemy meeting would not be held. Feeling the eyes around her, Yan Xin immediately came back to her mind, looked at the danqingge and said, "I didn't put it in my heart. You don't have to."

As soon as he said this, monk Wuzhang couldn't figure out whether Yan Xin had forgiven him, but Yan Xin didn't say much, so he walked to the location of the furnace.

Looking at this scene, danqingge is unwilling to straighten up, and her fists are left with blood stains due to too much force. The corners of her mouth are cold and cold, and she says, "dare to make me embarrassed, you will surely have a good look next."

Then, the painting song also went to the furnace.

The two men did not speak, waiting for master daoxuan to announce the beginning.

Master daoxuan waved his hand and said, "this game is refining pills. You should first refine Qingling list. This kind of pills is easy to understand. I believe that Qingge and the girl have made this kind of pills, so this is to ensure absolute fairness."


Hearing the name of the pill, danqingge laughed.

Maybe other pills will be difficult, but Qingling pill is not difficult for danqingge.

Because only alchemists know how to refine this kind of pills, and this kind of pills is used to increase spiritual power, which is particularly difficult for refining pills, so grade is the most important issue.

Yan Xin looks a little shocked when she hears the name of qinglingdan, but she soon returns to her senses. If qinglingdan can't be refined, she doesn't need to continue to be an alchemist.

Therefore, Yan Xin revered master daoxuan and said, "master, I'm ready to refine pills at any time."

Seeing Yan Xin so confident, master daoxuan's eyes were full of smile.

"Start now!"

As soon as the words fall, danqingge and Yan Xin step into the furnace. With their hands, the fire jumps quickly, and the light of fire appears. In an instant, it falls under the three feet of the furnace.


Under the control of danqingge and Yan Xin, the burning temperature quickly emerged. Then the danqingge picked up all the medicinal materials and threw them into the furnace.

This time, danqingge must win, but also let Yan Xin know how terrible his alchemy is.

Holding the fast seal in both hands, Daodao Xuanguang kept pouring into the furnace. The danqingge still looked at Yan Xin and said, "alchemy is a complicated process, but it's like frying beans for me, and it can be done easily."

After listening to the painting song, Yan Xin was speechless, but she also began to put herbs into the well. At the same time, a pair of jade hands of Yan Xin had a flame eruption.


Danhuo was burning wildly, and the fragrance of medicine was quickly diffused under the blessing of Yan Xin technique.

Time is lost in silence, and there are people staring at the red song and Yan Xin every moment.

At the same time, there was constant discussion.

"The alchemy of danqingge is indeed unfathomable. Alchemy is like fried beans. Moreover, his technique is skillful. He is much better than Yan Xin in any aspect. It is no accident that the danqingge will win."

"Yes! Yan Xin is still astringent. I don't know if she will be amazing! "

Although many people think that Danqing song will win, the first game is because Yan Xin is too cautious.

Therefore, no one dares to be 100% sure that Yan Xin will lose.

The head of Jianshan gate is sitting on the chair, still. His eyes are always on Yan Xindu's body. In his opinion, Yan Xin's technique is not skillful enough, and she will naturally be defeated by the painters.Otherwise, the failure of danqingge will lead to the failure of danzong.

"Master daoxuan, how sure are you that the song of painting and painting can win?" The master of Jianshan pass on the message to master daoxuan.

Master daoxuan looked shocked and said: "master of Jianshan sect, Qingge is an outstanding young man I have seen since I was a child. His alchemy attainments are not below me. He can defeat that little girl."

Master daoxuan exaggerates the truth, but his words are not exaggerating. The Danqing songs are only lack of sophistication in alchemy, and the rest have obtained the true biography of danzong.

Hearing the affirmation of master daoxuan, the head of Jianshan gate lowered his heart.

He wanted danzong to win more than anyone else.

In this way, Luofeng town will explain that Jianshan's hegemony will be stabilized.

At this time, Chen Mo also looks at Yan Xin, and he frowns, because he can see that Yan Xin is not as good as Danqing song in refining pills, but Chen Mo does not want to help Yan Xin.

But want to let Yan Xin, alone to face all this.

as time goes on, Dan Qing's face smiles, his hands are suddenly printed, and he is trapped in the stove.


As soon as the voice of the Danqing song falls, the furnace rises with endless rays, dazzling.

"I don't know how many qinglingdan there are in this furnace of danqingge?" Some people can't help but say: "usually nine is the ultimate, can a furnace refining eight pills are genius."

"Not long ago, danqingge refined Rongyang pill, and seven pills were produced in one breath."

"Qingling pill is more difficult to refine than Rongyang pill, so I guess if it is good, there will be nine Qingling pills in this furnace of danqingge."


Just as everyone was talking about it, the lid of the furnace was opened automatically, and the elixirs containing the brilliance rose into the sky like nine twinkling stars, which made everyone look shocked.

"This This is really nine clear elixir, my God! The red and green Yang is so strong that it can refine nine Qingling pills in one breath, which is equivalent to the extreme alchemy technology. "

After the shock, it was hard to conceal the shock with their faces. , the fastest update of the webnovel!