"Han Yinuo, you also want to fight with me. I don't know the height of heaven and earth. I see that the Zhuyan pill you refined is a waste pill. You can refine as much as you want, so you can't make Huashen pill, but I'm the one you can't afford."

"It's not easy for you to refine alchemy. Get out of this arena immediately. From now on, don't cheat on alchemy. If not, I will not forgive you."

The painting green song said maliciously.

The first game was defeated by Yan Xin, which made danqingge very angry. Fortunately, the second set pulled back one, and Yan Xin was seriously injured. All these made danqingge very happy.

But he didn't expect that Han Yinuo jumped out and even refined Zhuyan Dan. If it wasn't for master daoxuan's overthrow of black and white, I'm afraid the Danqing song would have been defeated by him.

At this time, Han Yinuo's face was gloomy and he looked at the red green song and said: "with your few words, you want me to get out of the challenge arena. You can't help imagining it. What's more, Han Yinuo hasn't been defeated by you. Those words just now are all your own words from your martial uncle. You can't take them seriously."

Han Yinuo didn't believe the result announced by master daoxuan. He was waiting for someone to give him a fair word. Even if it was not Chen Mo, it could be anyone.

Because he believes that there is absolutely no problem in Yandan.

Seeing that Han Yinuo was so persistent, Huo Siyan couldn't help saying: "I think it's too unfair for him to reach a conclusion too early. Master daoxuan suggests that you discuss the results and then decide the outcome. I also want to tell you that there is absolutely no problem in Yandan."

After listening to Huo Siyan's words, master daoxuan frowned. He didn't expect that Huo Siyan would help Han Yinuo speak. Didn't she see that she was trying to deal with Chen Mo.

I'm not afraid of opponents like God, but afraid of teammates like pigs.

There are connections among the ten forces, and there is naturally a relationship between danzong and the red sleeve Pavilion.

However, Huo Siyan even ignored the face of master daoxuan and said such words.

For a moment, master daoxuan's face was a little ugly.

Dan's thousand year old foundation must not be destroyed in his hands. Otherwise, he would have no face to meet his ancestors, even under the nine springs, it would be difficult to rest.

This damned Chen Mo taught Han Yinuo how to practice Zhuyan pill in two minutes.

Moreover, Han Yinuo succeeded.

Thinking of this, master daoxuan has made up his mind that he will never admit defeat to Chen mo.

Then, master daoxuan changed his face and showed a warm smile. "Elder Huo, I understand what you said, but Han Yinuo's Zhuyan pill can't be verified. In addition, you take that pill. Although the effect is very good, who knows how long it can last?"

As soon as he said this, Huo Siyan knew that master daoxuan was going to die without proof. Anyway, Huo Siyan had swallowed the pill and even refined it, so it was impossible to vomit it out.

Moreover, in everyone's eyes, Zhuyan Dan is not as good as Huashen Dan. Only the beauty loving friars of Huashen would pursue these fancy things, so no one would help Han Yinuo speak.

At this time, the body of Jianshan sect leader stood up and said: "everyone, in my opinion, Huashen pill and Zhuyan pill are good pills, but I think master daoxuan is right. Zhuyan Dan can't be verified, but Huashen pill is still there. It's better to find someone to try Huashen pill. If you can break through the realm of Huashen successfully, the value of Huashen pill is naturally greater than that of Zhuyan pill. After all, the strong one can It's not light enough to grow. "

After saying this, the head of Jianshan gate sneered.

He doesn't believe that Chen Mo can pull back the situation.

As long as Huashen pill plays a role, even if Chen Mo is powerful, he has nothing to say.

After all, the head of Jianshan sect is on business.

Besides, Zhuyan Dan has been swallowed by Huo Siyan. The effect really needs to be verified. I don't know when Ma Yue will be. We will not wait for Huo Siyan to be beautiful after hundreds of years.

Therefore, Zhuyan Dan is naturally ignored by all people.

On the contrary, they paid more attention to Huashen pills.

If the painting and painting songs can be produced in mass production, the cultivation world will be able to actively encourage a group of strong people to transform gods.

Daoxuan said: "Chen Mo, I agree with the Jianshan sect leader that we should find someone to eat Huashen pill. What do you think?"

After hearing this, Chen Mo shook his head and said, "I don't have the idea, but I have to declare in advance that if Huashen Dan can really break through the realm of transforming God, I will lose in Luofeng town. If not, danzong will join Luofeng town unconditionally from now on, and he will never be ambivalent."

As soon as he said this, master daoxuan was stunned.

As for Huashen pill, he witnessed the alchemy of danqingge. Naturally, he knew that the method was not wrong. Moreover, Huashen pill also added the essence and blood of the powerful one to achieve twice the result with half the effort. If Yuanying was taken by a monk successfully, he would surely break through the realm of transforming spirit.

But master daoxuan was a little uncertain, and Chen Mo gave him a feeling that was not simple.

Among them, there may be fraud.

However, master daoxuan had promised Chen Mo that he could not repent.

Therefore, he looked firm and said, "Chen Mo, I promise you that if Dan Zong loses and joins Luofeng town unconditionally, even if he is a bull or a horse, he will not hesitate to do so. However, if Luofeng town loses to danzong, he will not only disband me immediately, but also transfer the treasure house.""That's what I want. Let's go!" Chen Mo said with a smile.

His words were very calm and did not like to be angry, which made master daoxuan unpredictable.

however, master daoxuan did not delay time, and immediately said, "I don't know who is willing to take pills. I can assure you that the effect is absolutely good."

Master daoxuan was the leader of danzong, and his words were golden words. Countless friars were eager to get the chance to use Huashen pill for free.

"Lord danzong, I'm only one step away from the realm of transforming God. I'm willing to try your Huashen pill."

"I will, too!"

"If you don't eat for free, you must be an idiot."

At this time, everyone wants to swallow Huashen pill, but there is only one Huashen pill.

Therefore, master daoxuan could only find people to take Huashen pills by random selection.

However, at this time, danqingge said with a smile: "uncle, why so much trouble? I am also Yuanying perfect state, just can swallow Huashen pill, and this pill is my masterpiece. I know the effect like the palm of my hand, and it will play a role."

The words of the painting song fell, and the monks who wanted to fight for Hua Shen Dan were speechless.

I have known for a long time that master daoxuan also said that he would choose someone to swallow Huashen pill.

Make them happy in vain.

Master daoxuan's face was a little embarrassed, but he said mildly, "I was careless just now. I didn't expect that you are already a perfect state of Yuanying. Since you can also take Huashen pill, you can take it directly, hoping to let some people know the effect of the pill."

Master daoxuan talked about some people so seriously that Chen Mo could hear them clearly.

However, Chen Mo did not say much.

One side of an KeYue was angry and said, "brother Chen Mo, don't you worry that Luofeng town will lose and then dissolve?"

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