"Mukaiyang, just after you left, someone came. And I don't know this woman, but you bring people to catch the traitors. I don't think anyone but you can do such a boring thing." After that, Chen Mo looks up at the woman in front of her. At this time, the other party does not dare to look at Chen Mo, but she still dare not admit that it was Lin Yun who instructed her.

Because Lin Yun gave her a lot of spiritual stones, enough for the rest of her life.

But she didn't expect that when she met Chen Mo, she was not interested in beauty.

And several times of pushing and shoving, Chen Mo is reluctant.

She is curious about Chen Mo, why Chen Mo has an extraordinary mind.

Mu Kaiyang looks embarrassed when he hears Chen Mo's words. He doesn't expect that his trick has already been seen through by Chen mo. fortunately, Muxiang is so angry that he leaves.

Next, the matter can be left to Lin Yun.

Immediately, Mu Kaiyang swung his sleeves and turned away. "Boy, since Xiangqing doesn't investigate your responsibility, I mu Kaiyang won't waste time playing children's games with you."

When the sound falls, mukaiyang has gone far and far. Lin Yun, who is left behind, looks at Chen Mo with his eyes wide open. The corners of his mouth are upturned, and a radian of indifference emerges.

"Boy, who do you like? You have to be with Xiangqing. I am her most loyal pursuer. How can I look at you and Xiangqing? Fortunately, you are set up by me. I believe that Xiangqing will have a problem with you from now on."

Chen Mo said indifferent: "Lin Yun, maybe Mu Xiang's love is very important in your eyes, but to me, it's just a passer-by. You don't know how to arrange this play for me. If I don't teach you a lesson today, what's my face?"

Chen Mo's palm is powerful. Lin Yun's face is shocked. When he comes back to talk, he sees that Chen Mo's hand has been killed, and the terrible big hand print carries extremely strong wind.

With a bang, Lin Yun's body fell out of the door. Chen Mo finished all this, clapped his hands, and his face streaked with satisfaction. "Now it's quiet at last."

After that, Chen Mo flies to see them, but they don't want to see them.

Lin yunnai is the later stage of the golden elixir. Such strength can not resist Chen Mo's attack.

They are more unlikely to be Chen Mo's opponents.

Moreover, they and Chen Mo have no injustice or hatred, and they can't make a collision with Chen mo.

As the guards leave, Chen Mo glances at the woman and doesn't speak. However, the atmosphere is very quiet, which makes the woman's face a little unnatural.

Then Chen Mo turns and leaves.

"I have a bad relationship with the wooden family. It seems that I will take away the treasure of wood's profound meaning ahead of time."

As soon as the voice falls, Chen Mo comes to the room of the old Mu family.

In the middle of the night, the ancestor of the wooden family and the two * * enjoy each other for a long time, which makes Chen Mo unable to look directly. However, he knows that the treasure of the profound meaning of wood is in the room.

Chen Mo coughed and hit the West in a voice: "the ancestor of the wooden family, I've heard of his name for a long time. I don't know. There's an appointment outside the city. Do you dare to come and see it?"

When the sound came into the room, the ancestor of the wooden family stopped immediately and put on his clothes. His face was angry. "Who is so bold that he gave me a letter in the middle of the night? Well, I want to see what kind of rat you are."

With a fierce look on his face, he strode across the door and then looked around him. He found that Chen Mo was missing, and his face was slightly frozen. He hesitated.

He is not a fool. He is challenged in the middle of the night. The other party is either to kill him or to get his treasure, but in any case, it is absolutely for his treasure.

Immediately, he closed the door behind his back hand. The ancestor of the wooden family looked at the two women who were still lying on the bed.

"Get out of here. Don't come in without my order." The angry ancestor of the wooden family was extremely overbearing when he spoke. Even if the two women were stupid, they knew something was going on.

They put on their clothes and left the room immediately.

"Strange, who will challenge me?" The eyes of the ancestors of the wooden family flickered.

"I have accumulated virtue and good deeds all my life. Although I have enemies, they have no ability to revenge. Does anyone have already fixed their eyes on my treasure, so they come late at night."

The more he thought about it, the more he thought about it, the more he thought about it, he went to the storage box and opened it with a mysterious way, revealing a thick black box. With a slap, he opened the black box, showing a strange shape of leaves, but there was a very strong force of life in bloom. The old Mu family only needed to breathe two mouthfuls, and his spirit was immediately * *.

"Fortunately, My Bodhi leaves are still there. As long as I find a way to start the wood spirit body, I can refine the Bodhi leaves in one fell swoop, and I will become a strong one to transform gods to that guy."

With these words, a smile appeared on the face of the ancestor of the wooden family.

He was not qualified enough since he was a child. However, he was unlucky and got a Bodhi leaf by chance. However, he had no wood spirit body, and the Bodhi leaf had little effect on him.

But even so, Bodhi leaves also let him become the ancestor of the wooden family, which shows the extraordinary Bodhi leaves.Whoosh ~!

All of a sudden, a whistling sound rose rapidly, and a black shadow flashed. A black hand snatched the black box from the Mu family's father's hand with lightning speed. When the old Mu family reacted, he looked at it and saw that the black figure had already fled to the door.

"Stop for me and dare to rob me of My Bodhi leaves. You can't escape from the ends of the earth."

The ancestor of the wooden family was so angry that he showed his identity and chased wildly. His voice spread all over the wooden family, even in all directions. After a while, all the people of the wooden family woke up one after another.

"What's going on?" Muxiang is sitting on the bed to practice. Because of Chen Mo's affairs, she can't calm down. When the voice of Mu's ancestors comes, Muxiang immediately stops practicing.

"Bodhi leaves Has Chen Mo started

"But why did he do it? No matter how he said it, he had to leave a little time."

Muxiangqing was already very disappointed with Chen Mo, but she didn't expect that Chen Mo attacked ordinary ye so quickly, which made her feel like a wolf luring into the house. But now, she has no way to control the situation, so she immediately put on a coat and flew to the door.

Looking up, I saw a black figure flying rapidly in the air, and behind him was the ancestor of the wooden family.

One after the other, they soon left the Mu family's territory.

"Is that Chen Mo?" Muxiang opens her eyes wide, and her black figure is very similar to Chen Mo in terms of her body. Her eyes immediately cool down and flashes a look of regret.

"Brother Chen Mo, if you really want Bodhi leaves, I'll try to give it to you."

"Now you steal the Bodhi leaves behind my back. What do I think of you?"

Mu Xiang shakes her head in disappointment, and then chases to the black figure.

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