Under the heavy reward, there will be brave men. The disciples of shenghuozong urge the fire mental method one after another.

The flames mingle, and the flames burn.

The fire was even thicker than before. Chen Mo felt the burning red light from the fire elements all over his body, making this space full of blazing breath.

At the same time, Chen Mo's eyes are slightly frozen.

The idea seeps into the space, as if all the flames are pregnant with life, which makes Chen Mo more proficient in controlling the flame, and the flame emanating from his whole body is more violent, as if beating, and constantly integrating with the flames in all directions. The impending fire element finally transforms into luxury in this instant, achieving the profound meaning of fire.

The whole space takes Chen Mo as the center, as if he is the master of the fire. The flame shows a close breath to Chen Mo, and keeps getting close to Chen mo. the air is also active at this time. It is like singing a song, and the sound is humming. The rhythm explodes, and the flame becomes stronger.

"What a strong fire element, my fire body is perfect." Feeling the situation of * *, Chen Mo's face appears a proud smile. Maybe Aotian didn't expect that he opened the nine sky nihility holy fire array and asked all the disciples of the holy fire sect to attack Chen Mo, but instead of killing Chen Mo, he succeeded.

If he knew the reason, he would spit out blood on the spot.

"It's time to leave."

After a trip to shenghuozong, Chen Mo came back with a full load. Chen Mo's mind was open and cheerful. He was like the master of the fire. The flames made way for Chen Mo one after another.

When Aotian sees Chen Mo's body, he feels astonished. He looks at Chen Mo and says, "how are you alive? My nine day empty flame array can kill those who are strong enough to transform gods. Your accomplishments are just the realm of young children. No matter how strong your fighting power is, you can't block the flame from burning. "

Finish this sentence, proud day silly eye.

How strong is the nine sky void holy fire array? He is 100% sure that he can kill the strong one who transforms God.

However, Chen Mo's hair has not been damaged, and his face is smiling. Obviously, the nine day empty flame array has no harm to Chen Mo, which is equivalent to scratching the itch.

In this case, the self-confidence of Aotian is severely damaged.

At the same time, the other disciples of the holy fire sect stopped attacking. They did not turn their eyes to Chen Mo, and their eyes were full of disbelief. They felt that things were really strange.

Chen Mo can see all the changes of the people. He has the body of fire, and the nine day empty holy fire array may hurt other powerful ones.

But what kind of character is Chen Mo? His combat effectiveness has long been above Huashen.

Even the head of Jianshan sect died in Chen Mo's hands.

This kind of Chen Mo can defend against fire.

With a big wave of Chen Mo's hand, under the eyes of Aotian and other people, the flames turn into red lights, which constantly permeate Chen Mo's body, and the burning breath in all directions no longer exists.

After all this, Chen Mo's eyes looked at Ao Tian and said, "you can't forgive me for stealing the Bodhi leaves from the ancestors of the wooden family. However, if you read the Bodhi leaves on me, I can give you a way to live and tell the ancestor of the wooden family that you stole the Bodhi leaves."

For the sake of Muxiang's safety, Chen Mo feels that it is necessary for Aotian to go back and plead with Mu's ancestors.

After listening to Chen Mo's absurd words, Aotian was stunned for a moment, and then he laughed wildly: "funny, you Mantis catch cicada and yellow finches are behind. You get Bodhi leaves and ask me to make amends to the ancestors of the wooden family. Boy, you're too deceiving. Do you still need me to say how precious the Bodhi leaves are? Do you think the ancestor of the wooden family will spare me? "

After saying this, Aotian is indignant. He not only suffered heavy losses, but also pleaded with the ancestors of the wooden family. How could he agree to this unreasonable request.

What's more, Chen Mo has already got the Bodhi leaf, and Aotian just interferes with it. As a result, Chen Mo has made a profit and asked him to apologize to the Mu family's ancestor afterwards, which is definitely not a good intention.

The rest of the disciples of shenghuozong thought Chen Mo was deceiving others. They all looked at Chen mo.

"Boy, our shenghuozong is a large gate with a radius of 100 li. The wooden family is just a small family. You ask our patriarch to apologize to them. I think you don't know the height of heaven and the earth, and bully people too much. Don't be too serious."

"What's more, although you break through the nine day void holy fire formation, we have so many people in the holy fire sect. Even with the sea of people tactics, you can be killed on the spot."

The monks of the holy fire sect don't know how strong Chen Mo is, but they are used to being arrogant.

Chen Mo ordered them to do things.

How can they bear it.

For a moment, everyone stares at Chen Mo with a murderous intent. However, Chen Mo turns a blind eye to their anger and slaps his big hand, and the terrible mystery of water pours out.


The space is full of the profound meaning of water, which is derived from the flying water. With the whole holy fire sect as the center, the water spray pours down and covers the earth, making the air more fresh and fresh.

"Lord, this is...!" The famous disciple of shenghuozong looked at Chen Mo at the moment and exclaimed: "if the guess is right, he is the guy who extinguishes the flame of Tianyan mountain. No wonder Tiangou will run away when he sees him. So it is."As soon as this statement was made, everyone was stunned.

The affairs of Tianyan mountain are not a secret. Some mysterious strong men put their hands to destroy the flame of Tianyan mountain with the ability to penetrate the heaven and earth, resulting in a new look in the whole area.

But they didn't expect that the mysterious strong man was right in front of them, and this guy took away the Bodhi leaves and broke through the nine day void holy fire array of their holy fire sect. The strength was so terrible.

"Who the hell is this guy?" As for the origin of Chen Mo, Ao Tian faintly guesses that it is a big man. Only he can control the mystery and flame of water, and only he can have such terrible strength. All his actions and actions are of supreme power.

Soon after, Chen Mo stood proud with his hands on his back. His eyes were not cold and he looked at Aotian coldly. He said in a cold voice, "Aotian, I'll give you a chance to live. If you don't want to cherish it, I'll have to kill you and kill the people."

Then Chen Mo * * stepped out one after another. Aotian felt Chen Mo's terrible pressure. His body bent down involuntarily and looked at Chen Mo with fear.

"Chen Mo, I can promise you the conditions, but I want to know if the old Mu family asks me about the whereabouts of Bodhi leaves, how can I answer him?" Ao Tian hesitated.

Chen Mo thought for a moment and then said, "I can give you a treasure. You can give it to the ancestor of the wooden family. I believe he will not trouble you if he doesn't want to."

Chen Mo takes out a magic elixir and throws it to Aotian. Then, his figure disappears.

"If you let me know, you covet huashendan, the consequences are at your own risk."

Chen Mo's breath disappeared as soon as his voice fell. However, Ao Tian treated Chen Mo with caution if he stayed. He knew that Chen Mo's words were consistent. If he really coveted huashendan, it was estimated that Chen Mo would send strong men to kill him soon.

"Lord, what shall we do?" The monk of shenghuozong knew that the guy just now was Chen Mo, who was famous in the Xiuzhen world. His discontent was gone, and he was afraid.

You know, it's Chen Mo, and even if they go all out, they are not Chen Mo's opponent.

In this case, it's better to turn a blind eye to avoid causing trouble.

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