"The body is clean and dust-free, and has excellent spiritual roots. It is expected to become a golden elixir. If you come to a place outside this country, you can meet this kind of physique. It's worthwhile. Young girl, would you like to follow me to practice in Yue Nu sect and pursue the supreme fairyland?" Unique woman's voice is pleasant and melodious, such as the sound of nature falling with the wind, which makes Xiaohua's body not shake.

She hurriedly knelt down, respectfully and positively said: "sister fairy, Xiaohua is willing to go to the land of cultivating immortals with you, but Xiaohua has a small request. Can my brother and Uncle Chen Mo go to yuenvzong, because Xiaohua can't give them up."

Uncle Chen Mo?

At this time, the gorgeous woman noticed the existence of Zhao Hao and Ji'an, but her eyes were cold to the extreme, as if Chen Mo and Ji'an defiled her eyes and flashed the color of dislike.

"He is old and has no connection with the fairyland. Even if he is taken to the ancestral gate, it is a waste of food. Moreover, the yuenvzong never raises a freeloader. He has no choice but to wait for death."

This seems to confirm Chen Mo's mediocrity. Meimu doesn't want to look at Chen Mo any more. Then Dai Mei flashes, her eyes fall on Ji'an, and her mind fluctuates 360 times. The face of the gorgeous woman is suddenly filled with disappointment.

"You have a good constitution and a young age, but you have no spiritual roots, and you are destined to have no relationship with the fairyland in your life. I advise you to study the three books and five classics, and you may be able to make a success."

"Floret, let's go."

The gorgeous woman's jade hand waved, the sky and earth shimmered, shrouded in Xiaohua's body, as if there was the power to move mountains and fill the sea, and Xiaohua's body flew into the air.

In this scene, Ji'an was extremely envious and angry. The gorgeous woman even said that he had no connection with the fairyland. He might be able to make his mark by reading three books and five classics. However, what was the use of this to him.

We should know that the martial arts are respected in the spiritual world. Even if the literati read poems and books, they are only weak scholars. Compared with those who practice the truth, the literati are just ants in their eyes.

"Ji'an, don't you like the arrangement of fate?" Seeing Ji'an's face flashed with madness, Chen Mo could not help speaking. Ji'an clenched his fists and swore: "Uncle Chen Mo, you told me that as long as people live a normal life, it is a blessing, but if everyone thinks so, what is the competition in the world and what is the meaning of Ji'an's living?"

"What's more, why should I choose to be ordinary when I'm young?" Ji'an's voice represents the will in his heart. Chen Mo's body is shaken by the sonorous and powerful words.


If everyone is ordinary, but the people around you go against the current, ordinary people will feel different loneliness. They are not Chen Mo, they are already at the top of the cultivation world.

For Chen Mo, he is lucky.

For a moment, Chen Mo can be at ease because he has not met a stronger enemy.

However, the heart of the people is * *.

Chen Mo is not an exception. He hopes that all the people around him can live forever and will not be suppressed by the law of heaven.

For this goal, Chen Mo has been working hard.

Chen Mo seems to see the moon through the clouds, and reaches out to pat Ji'an on the shoulder.

"As long as I'm here, one day you'll make it."

"Uncle Chen Mo, are you telling the truth?" Hearing Chen Mo's words, Ji'an is about to burst into tears. From childhood to adulthood, Chen Mo treats him like a family member. How can he say a few words about his kindness.

What Chen Mo said will come true. At this time, Ji'an somehow believes that Chen Mo will not cheat him.

If Chen Mo is here, he will be able to make a difference.

"Ha ha Ridiculous It's ridiculous. " All of a sudden, the sky came from a gorgeous woman's sneer.

"A mountain villager waiting for death, a boy without spiritual roots, is actually here to boast. No matter how well you say the great truth of life, you have to recognize the fact that you can't practice, which means that you will be useless all your life."

"In less than a hundred years, you will be a pile of ashes even if you are outstanding."

Although the ridicule of the gorgeous woman is hard to hear, her voice, like a silver bell, makes people unable to be angry. What she says also has certain truth.

"Sister fairy, Uncle Chen Mo and brother Ji'an are not rubbish." As soon as Xiaohua heard that Chen Mo and Ji'an were rubbish, she pinched her waist with both hands and said seriously: "from childhood to adulthood, Uncle Chen Mo taught me a lot of great principles. I know that to be a man, I need to know how to be grateful. You say uncle Chen Mo Xiaohua is very sad, and then Xiaohua will not go to Yue Nu Zong."

For Chen Mo, Xiaohua has identified him.

As a result, the gorgeous woman said that Chen Mo was a waste, and Xiaohua would not turn a blind eye.

When Xiaohua said this, the gorgeous woman didn't care about everything. She was about to turn around and leave, but at this time, Chen Mo said coldly: "it's a good saying, thirty years east and thirty years West. Don't deceive the youth. Today, you will only get the rat's eyes and Cunguang. I'm here to give you a word. In less than three years, Ji'an will succeed For brother Jindan. "

"Is it?"

Hearing Chen Mo's remark, the gorgeous woman said impatiently: "you want to be a golden elixir in three years. You are a bit of a dreamer. Moreover, you are just a mortal. You have never been a monk, and you dare to speak freely. Fortunately, I don't take your words in my heart to avoid wasting time."As soon as the voice falls, the gorgeous woman and the floret disappear in the air. Her disdain before leaving makes Chen Mo's heart very angry. In three years' time, Chen Mogen didn't need three years to cultivate a golden elixir, but the other side did not have the mentality of believing.

All these make Chen Mo laugh at himself, and then ignore it.

However, Ji'an raises his head and looks at Chen Mo carefully, and he stops talking.

It seems that he wants to ask Chen Mo whether he can become a monk of golden elixir in three years.

Chen Mo stroked Ji'an's head and said with a smile, "man can conquer nature. As long as you make ten times of effort, I believe you can become a golden elixir in three years."

As soon as Chen Mo said this, Ji'an, who had been wavering, had a strong and incomparable confidence on his face.

He raised his head and looked directly at Chen mo.

"I believe Uncle Chen Mo and I believe in myself. In three years, I must become a monk of the golden elixir. At that time, I will take a good look at my interest in Ji'an."

Since then, Ji'an has a strong heart in his heart. Since then, Ji'an will come to Chen Mo every day. Day after day, soon after half a year, Chen Mo has taught some of his skills to Ji'an, but he has not yet stepped into the realm of gas condensation.

Ji'an always asks Chen Mo curiously about this question. However, Chen Mo avoids talking about it. Ji'an is puzzled, but he believes that Chen Mo can make himself a practitioner.

Ye Fang and Dazhuang also saw these days of Ji'an practice. They knew that Xiaohua was proud and reluctant to give up when she went to the practice world. However, they were willing to be a practitioner, and they didn't want to be as mediocre as they were in the village.

It can be seen that most ordinary people want to become practitioners.

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