Tianxuan palace, 7th floor.

A man in black sits on the ground with his eyes closed, and his eyes are like stars, making the whole face very cold. He exudes a thick spirit in him, just like a sense of immortality, and adds a little more calm temperament.

WOW! Suddenly, the strange wind sounded, as if there were big events. The man in black made his eyes open in vain, showing a bright depth, his eyes cold and cool, and crossed the strong questions.

"my master Si Feng absorbs the essence of martial arts here. Why would anyone beat me first to summon this kind of martial arts essence?"

voice is born be indifferent, be beneath the human character, the black man is slightly squinting, the corners of his mouth are flooded with an arc, and then he has a deep meaning: "interesting, really interesting, the students in the District, like the existence of the ants, actually suck up the essence of my martial arts. It seems that I have not been able to sell the snail's maiden for too long. Pick him up and raise the name of hitchwitz of my situ Feng. "

After that, the black man appeared in a flash, and was on the fifth floor of Tianxuan palace when he reappeared.

His appearance, the whole scene suddenly shudder, followed by the sound of surprise.

"How can he be here, situfeng, the core student? "Said someone with a round eye.

, "Hei hei," he said, "Chen Mo absorbed the essence of martial arts, so that he could not absorb the essence of martial arts, and the character of his core cadets would not give Chen Mohao fruit to eat."

Some people say this in a strange way, and looking at Chen Mo is also a color of acting.

Although Tianxuan palace is not allowed to fight, it also needs to establish those who abide by the rules.

However, it is often not a problem for some people to comply with the rules or even to despise them.

For example, situ Feng, who is the core student of the eight wasteland academy, would not have done too much if he dared not kill Chen mo.

, moreover, Chen Mo's mistake is prior to Chen Mu's absorption of the essence of Shi Bufeng's martial arts.

Otherwise, the core students in the hall will not be in trouble with Chen mo.

Stuart looked at Chen Mo, and his eyes crossed with a hint of anger. He could see that this guy got the essence of all martial arts in the heavenly palace, and his mind contained a vast and seamless will.

Situ Feng never thought that there would be such a terrible foreign school student, but Chen Mo even if again terrible, in front of his core students, it is not worth mentioning.

Because the students from the outside hospital come to the internal school and elite students, then they are the core students. Therefore, situfeng is the core student, and his status is so noble.

Even if it is a Taoist, situ Feng also does not need to put in the eyes.

, "boy, you have the courage to absorb all the essence of martial arts, and cause others to come in white. What's the difference between you doing this and taking advantage of it?"

After a word, situ Fengyi was just saying, and his tone had the meaning of questioning.

However, Chen Mo broke through, and was unable to reply to situ Feng's words, making the atmosphere suddenly cold.

The rest of the people looked at Chen Mo, and all flashed through the expression of the actor.

This guy, offending situ Feng, is absolutely unable to eat and go.

Seeing Chen Mo ignore himself, situ Feng's face became very cold.

"Very well, if I don't teach you today, I'm not worthy of serving situ Feng."

The voice fell, situ Feng rushed to Chen Mo, his body with incomparable prestige, like a vast ocean, unstoppable, with the power of extinction.

The crowd saw the appearance, and the eyes were expressionless.

As if they had seen the moment of Chen Mo's death, there was a indifference in their eyes.

Chen Mo at this time is still breaking through the realm. He seems to enter the state of unity of heaven and human. He is comfortable in mind and body. He feels the attack of situfeng. Chen Mo's body moves slightly, and he avoids the attack from face to face, and then he sends a great noise of shocking.


Tianxuan palace was shaking and shaking. The monk outside looked at the scene. His eyes were startled and he said: "what is the matter? There are no fighting in it. And I think the attack is so terrible that it should be the core students who have taken the hand."

The guardian elder felt the situation of Tianxuan palace, and his face was a little unnatural.

Although he is the guardian elder, but facing the core students, the elder guard is not a big figure. After all, the core students are the most important talents of the eight wasteland Academy.

It is important that only one of the 10000 students in the internal hospital can become the core student.

Thus, each core student is an important pillar, and their future achievements are no less than those of the guardian elders.

originally, core cadets could kill foreign college students, but there were some mysterious backgrounds inside the students. After all, Chen Mu absorbed so many martial arts essences that no one came out to pursue responsibility.

If Chen Mo has no background, the elder guards will not believe it.

So he took out the messenger crystal and sent a message to it.

In Tianxuan palace, situ Feng did not kill Chen Mo at a blow, and he was surprised.But at the thought of Chen Mo's mystery, his mind quickly returned to calm.

"no wonder you can absorb so many martial arts essence."

"But next, I, situ Feng, will let you pay the price and die here completely."

After saying this, situ Feng looks at Chen Mo with a cold face, and his body continues to step out.

In an instant, there was no trace, and it was fast to the extreme. When others saw this scene, they were sure that Chen Mo would die. After all, it was the core student, and it was easy to kill the students in the foreign college.

At the moment of life and death, he didn't know that he was going to be killed by the core students. However, Chen Mo felt the danger and avoided himself.


Situfeng attacks again. However, he still fails to hit Chen Mo, because Chen Mo's body moves quickly to avoid situfeng's attack.

In this scene, situ Feng's eyes were fixed and he said in a cold voice: "I've realized the blinking power of Mahayana master. No wonder he can avoid my attack. What a hateful guy."

Chen Mu absorbs so many martial arts essence, even a stupid pig will become a genius.

Therefore, Chen Mo's invisible blink was once the magic power of some great man.

All of this, let situ Feng kill more.

The rest of the people looked at the scene, full of shock.

"Chen Mo, who actually understands the magic power of Mahayana, is really underestimated by us. However, the external assistance is not as good as the real sword and gun. Situ Feng is the core student, and his magic power will be no weaker than Chen mo. once situ Feng gets serious, Chen Mo will die."

When someone said this, his face was positive. As a core student, situ Feng's apparent combat effectiveness would not be so bad. The aura he brought was extremely terrifying. He could suppress everything and instantly make everyone unable to move.

However, situfeng is only to frighten people, the purpose is to kill Chen mo.

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