"What sword is this? Why is it so heavy?" Chen Mo looks at the motionless sword carefully.

Bad, the sword appears in the position of Jianmo, but a lot of red sword moves.

However, Chen Mo is confident that he can pick up the sword. It will only take time.

Put away the rest of the spirit sword, Chen Mo for several days, trying to pick up the red Xia sword.

On the third day, Chen Mo has been able to pick up the Cabernet Sauvignon sword, but the time is only a few seconds, which also makes Chen Mo see the hope. But if Chen Mo wants to control the red Xia sword completely, I'm afraid it won't take ten and a half months to do so.

On the fifth day, Chen Mo takes out Honglian Shengyan.

"This herb has been kept for half a month. It should be refined to increase its own fire element."

Chen Mo immediately puts Honglian Shengyan into his mouth, and the medicinal material melts at the entrance, and falls into the five viscera and six Fu organs along the veins and muscles. Chen Mo * * suddenly has a burning breath.

The skin was crimson and his face was very red.

"Honglian Shengyan really deserves to be a panacea, the effect is actually so overbearing."

Chen Mo is also surprised that the medicine is powerful.

At the beginning, Chen Mo was dying, refining Taichu Xuelian, and then came back to life.

Honglian Shengyan and Saussurea involucrata have the same medicinal power, and the effect is natural and domineering.

Under the constant refining of Chen Mo, Honglian Shengyan and Chen Mo's body are finally integrated.

Chen Mo is only one step away from the middle stage of he Dao.

Looking at the red Xia sword again, Chen Mo's face has a touch of self-confidence.

"I refine Honglian Shengyan and increase my strength by tens of thousands of Jin. I believe I can pick up this red Xia sword. "

as he said this, Chen Mo pressed his hands on the hilt of the sword, and lifted it vigorously. Chen Mo immediately held the Chihsia sword, which was as heavy as Mount Tai, in his hands, and the whole yard was filled with powerful aura.

"What's the matter? "

some people practice in the yard near Chen Mo, and feel the violent breath released by Chen Mo's yard, and they are surprised.

"This yard is Chen Mo's practice place. He won't be possessed by the devil, will he? "

in recent years, Chen Mo is still in his infancy. Many students in the inner academy have a certain understanding of Chen Mo and beat Huang Yu and Lin Ye.

Even Chen Mo needs only one move.

Chen Mo's ability to cross the level of challenge makes many people feel afraid of Chen mo.

However, some people still refuse to accept Chen Mo's arrogance and want to challenge Chen Mo in his practice place.

It's just that Chen Mo can't get out of the house, and others can't easily break in. This is a rule set by the senior management of the college.

One practice, the other can't interrupt.

Otherwise, they will be expelled from Bahuang college.

"Chen Mo, get out of here. I want to challenge you." At the gate of Chen Mo's yard, someone is shouting.

However, the sound could not reach Chen Mo's ears.

Because there are arrays in the yard to isolate sound.

"Hey, Chen Mo is too noisy, and Liao Yuchen is no longer here. That's why he came to challenge Chen mo. but now it seems that Chen Mo can't shrink back. He is a turtle with a shrinking head."

"Although Liao Yuchen is not one of the top ten students in the inner courtyard, he and Yan Wushuang have a fight, and their combat effectiveness is infinitely close to Yan Wushuang, only because he can't compare with Yan Wushuang in terms of defense and finally lose. Thus, it can be seen that Liao Yuchen is very powerful."

Everyone looks at the guy who challenges Chen Mo, and his eyes are full of fanaticism. Liao Yuchen can fight Yan Wushuang, but he almost loses in chess, but many people affirm his strength.

Hearing that Chen Mo defeated Lin Ye and Huang Yu, he was so arrogant just after entering the inner courtyard.

Liao Yuchen recently wanted to find someone to improve his strength. After knowing Chen Mo, he immediately came.

But he didn't expect that Chen Mo didn't show up, which made him very angry.

"I have the courage to say that I'm very strong, but I dare not face the challenge. Chen Mo, I think, is just bullying the soft and fearing the hard. Anyway, I don't waste my time."

"But the next time I meet you, I'll teach you a lesson."

With that, Liao Yuchen stares at the courtyard coldly, and then reincarnates. His angry appearance makes many people know that Chen Mo has offended Liao Yuchen. However, everyone also thinks that it is reasonable for Chen Mo to shrink back. After all, Liao Yuchen is also a strong man in the inner court.

Among the crowd, Xiao Yue and Ning Gu watched Liao Yuchen leave, and their eyes were full of thinking.

"Ninggu, how many days have you said we haven't seen Chen Mo?"

Xiao Yue said.

"Well, it should be five days." Ninggu KaiKou road.

"Five days, Chen Mo won't really shut down. I also want to ask him to kill monsters and earn points with me."

Since entering the inner courtyard, Xiaoyue found that the points were not enough, and even she had no points to eat.

You know, in Bahuang, in addition to the Mahayana strong, he Dao friars still need to eat.

Otherwise, it will lead to the physical strength can not keep up with, the strength can not break through naturally.However, in the dining hall of the inner courtyard, there are too many points for consumption.

Otherwise, Cui Cang, as a student in the inner academy, has his own middle-term accomplishments, but he also has to go to the canteen of the outer courtyard to buy food. Even Yan Wushuang earns points every day for his sister's sake, but his purpose is not to buy monster's flesh and blood to cure his sister.

Therefore, the students in the inner academy have no points and can't do anything.

Hum ~!

All of a sudden, the courtyard appears bright, showing Chen Mo's body.

At the moment, Chen Mo is holding the Chihsia sword, as if holding Mount Tai. His hands are drooping.

In the eyes of outsiders, Chen Mo is obviously dragging a long sword, and his behavior is very strange.

Chen Mo, who can defeat Lin Ye and Huang Yu, actually uses both hands to hold the red Xia sword.

This guy, he won't be practicing in seclusion these days. He doesn't eat!

But even so, it doesn't need to be so exaggerated!

Although the monks of Bahuang usually need to eat, they can still maintain their strength for a month if they don't eat. Moreover, Chen Mo can't get out of the house, so he should have extra strength.

But why did he take the sword in both hands.

"This guy is so funny. He needs a sword in both hands?" Someone said.

Immediately the rest of the people sneered and echoed.

"Huang Yu and Lin Ye were defeated by him. It is estimated that there is a lot of water in his hands. I'm afraid that Cui Cang was also deliberately defeated in his hands. Otherwise, it is difficult to explain the problem in front of him clearly."

"It's not that he is one of the strongest in the inner courtyard. Now it seems that his old lady is selling melons and boasting. Now he is going to make a face."

"This bird is a disgrace to our students."

"It's just...!"

A few days ago, Chen Mo defeated both Lin Ye and Huang Yu. What's more, he couldn't help being stupid and tried to defeat Chen Mo and gain fame.

Chen Mo despised these people and practiced in seclusion for a few days. After swallowing Honglian Shengyan, his strength improved by leaps and bounds. Although he was still in the early stage of syncretic Taoism, Chen Mo now is quite different from Chen Mo a few days ago.

What's more, Chen Mo also got the red Xia sword. How can he be afraid of these guys.

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