"Oh, I haven't seen you for a long time. You still pay attention to elder martial brother. Chen Mo, don't ask what you shouldn't know. It's not good for you. "

Bu Xiaoyun said.

But Chen Mo recognized the danger, and even Zhan Wu didn't dare to say much.

It can be seen that Chen Mo is not qualified to know the exact location of the secret place.

"Zhan Wu, do you want to stay here?" Bu Xiaoyun asked.

Then he threw himself away.

The back of the show made Huo dance very angry. "What kind of pride is it? It's a secret place. Chen Mo, don't put these people in the heart. He deserves to be beaten."

Just now, Chen Mo saves the fire dance, which is equivalent to saving the benefactor.

Seeing that Chen Mo has been humiliated by Bu Xiaoyun, Huowu is eager to teach Bu Xiaoyun a lesson.

But she also knew that it was not for her to know.

Zhan Wu looks at Chen Mo apologetically and says, "younger martial brother, Xiao Yun is so, you don't have to put it in your heart."

"By the way, the ancient battlefields are very dangerous. You should be careful. You can send messages to me if you need to."

Zhan Wu and Chen Mo leave contact information, and then follow Bu Xiaoyun.

Chen Mo frowns. He has already guessed that it must be the rest of the students who discovered the secret place and then sent a message to bu Xiaoyun and Zhan Wu, and told him not to make a statement about it.

But bu Xiaoyun holds Chen Mo like a thief, and Chen Mo still has some complaints in his heart.

There are countless treasures in the secret place. The less people find them, the better.

The distrust of Bahuang college completely chills Chen mo.

Looking around, Chen Mo arched his fist to the fire dance, "fire dance girl, you and I are going to leave. I have to look for treasures, so I won't waste time here."

"Wait, take me." Seeing Chen Mo going, the fire dance immediately blocks Chen Mo's way.

"Chen Mo, can you rest assured that I will stay here?"

"Liu Feng and Lei Kun should not be far away. Once you leave, if they come back to deal with you, do you have the heart to see me ruined by them?"

Say this, fire dance all girl heart ripple, she didn't expect one day need to rely on men.

Besides, this man and she only have a few ties.

"It's OK. Liu Feng is seriously injured. With his character, he will be quiet for a while. Lei Kun only listens to Liu Feng's words, and I believe he will not come to deal with you."

Chen Mo said with a smile.

But he knew in his heart that he said this in order to be a good person.

Bu Xiaoyun's action makes Chen Mo feel frustrated. Naturally, he also wants to find a secret place.

Right now, everyone is looking for treasures and secrets.

Chen Mo has a golden scale snake, which has a certain advantage.

"Chen Mo, I don't care. Anyway, I will follow you. No matter how I say, I am also a weak woman. I am afraid of wolves before and tigers after. Only by following you can I be safe."

The fire dance is coquettish to Chen Mo, and the jade hand is holding Chen Mo's clothes. Their bodies are close together. Chen Mo can smell each other's body fragrance, which makes people unable to dial themselves.

"Asshole, let go of the little Lord, or I'll cut your hand." Just as Chen Mo is about to push the fire dance away, a voice of anger suddenly comes from behind.

Fire dance beautiful eyes open, immediately cold drink: "Lin Qing, are you willing to come back? "

" little Lord, I just left to find help for you. Are you ok? "

it was Lin Qing who came.

He returned from the original road, saw Chen Mo and fire dance so close, did not care too much, he scolded Chen mo.

"Is it? "The fire dance doesn't believe Lin Qing's words at all, and her tone is a little repellent from thousands of miles away.

"Lin Qing, up to now, you have a hard tongue. If it wasn't for Chen Mo, I'm afraid I would have been more or less unlucky, and you would be worthy of being a disciple of Tianyang sect if you escaped at the critical moment. "

" for the sake of knowing you and me, I will expel you from Tianyang sect in the name of Shaozhu. "

Fire dance is really angry.

At the most dangerous time, his teammates were unreliable. When the other party came back, he accused Chen mo. he was angry for Chen Mo, and he directly had the idea of driving Lin Qing out of tianyangzong.

Moreover, he told Lin Qing that he really wanted to banish him from Tianyang sect.

After listening to the fire dance, Lin Qing looks very ugly. Even he looks at Chen Mo with anger.

"Little Lord, you misunderstood my meaning and thought that I was on the verge of escaping. Because of this reason, you want to drive me out of Tianyang sect. It really chills me to do so."

"I misunderstood you? Lin Qing, please, you have to find a better reason to speak. "

"It's not to say, why are you the only one who came back? "

the fire dance sent out soul torture, staring at Lin Qing with cold eyes.

However, Lin Qing seemed to have expected that with a clap of both hands, five figures appeared in the jungle,

they were dressed in purple and gold robes, with the sun on their chest, and their resolute bodies moved towards the fire dance step by step.

The leader, holding a long sword of gold, looked around a little.Then, looking at the fire dance, he came to know: "fire dance girl, just now I was looking for a secret place nearby, and I saw Lin Qinglang in great distress. When I asked, I knew that you were surrounded by Liu Feng's damned guy, and I passed by immediately. Are you ok?"

With that, the young man looked at the fire dance with caring eyes, but when he saw Chen Mo beside the fire dance, his eyebrows crossed with a touch of dissatisfaction, more of which was brewing to kill.

The reason why he didn't dare to show up just now was that he was afraid of Liu Feng's power.

But unexpectedly, Liu Feng no longer has a Chen Mo, and this Chen Mo and fire dance are so close that long Hao can hardly hide his anger.

At this time, Huowu looks at Long Hao, and his heart is slightly shaken. The guy in front of him is the young master of haotianzong. His status is no less than that of Huowu, and his strength is also strong.

Moreover, he is also the pursuer of fire dance.

There is no need to guess. Huowu also knows that he has a certain hatred for Chen mo.

However, fire dance has confidence in Chen mo.

"Little Lord, you see, I really invite to help the soldiers. I'm still the young master of haotianzong. I hope you can take back the order you just made and give me justice."

Lin Qing both hands arched fist, to the fire dance respect way.

"No more. "So far, fire dance can only take back the words just said.

Lin Qing was overjoyed at the speech.

But at the next moment, he looked at Chen Mo coldly, "little Lord, this man is intent on seeing him. He is so close to you that he still asks me to deal with him. "

" dare you? "

when she heard that Lin Qing was going to deal with Chen Mo, Huowu was angry.

"If it wasn't for him, I would have died in Liu Feng's hands, so what qualifications do you have to deal with him? "

" but! "

Lin Qing still wanted to talk, but when he saw the fire dance's eyes about to kill people, he immediately shrank his neck.

At this time, Long Hao said: "fire dance girl, I seem to see the other two students of Bahuang college walking this way in a hurry. I think they should find the treasure. I think staying here is a waste of time. It's better to find them together. “

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