Long Hao is very upset to see Chen Mo walk into the border, and he also steps towards the position of the border.

"Chen Mo, if you break the boundary rashly, it's not good for everyone, because the border is not as simple as you think. If you see the biogas, it contains poisonous gas."

"Deep in it, I don't think you can get out."

"So, the best way is to give me a little bit of benefit, and I can break this barrier."

Until this time, Long Hao did not forget to ask for benefits.

"Long Hao, since you can break the border, but you want benefits, so taking advantage of the fire, what qualifications do you have to stay in this team?"

Chen Mo has long been unhappy with Long Hao.

Without Zhan Wu, Long Hao could not come to this secret place.

But now, he has to speak for good. How can Chen Mo tolerate him.

When Chen Mo says this, Long Hao seems to have eaten a lump of excrement, and his face is very ugly.

"Well, well, if you want to be brave, I'll see how you can break this barrier."


Long Hao simply stood aside and didn't speak any more, but he had already scolded Chen Mo countless times in his heart.

As an enchanter, he should be respected by everyone.

As a result, Chen Mo didn't get any oil and salt, so he didn't give him any benefits.

Thinking of this, Long Hao looks at Chen Mo with a breath of anger.

At the moment, Chen Mo's body is standing outside the swamp. He has an intuition that the swamp will become a space of its own, and then the swamp will be born.

In fact, this is a cover up.

As long as the space is broken, the swamp will not attack and disperse.

"Well, is there any way to break the border?" Zhan Wu comes to Chen Mo and asks.

To be honest, he didn't believe Chen Mo could break the border.

After all, this is the performance of Fang Ling, one of the top ten students in the inner courtyard. Chen can't unlock the mystery alone.

What's more, Chen Mo knows nothing about the border, which makes it impossible to break the border.

However, Chen Mo said: "I can try."

Under Zhan Wu's eyes, Chen Mo exerts the force of the five elements, and then enters the swamp.

The power of the five elements is penetrating, containing five attributes, such as gold, wood, water, fire and earth, which become a strong attack in the swamp.

The edge of gold!

Flood the earth!

The depth of the earth!

Wood show in the forest!

The flame of fire!

Five different forces, which are mutually reinforcing and mutually restraining, directly converge into the attribute force of the vast ocean. They seem to be galloping horses, running around in the swamp.




The noise was deafening.

The swamp was crushed by the force of the five elements, forming a violent rolling scene.

"How could that be possible?"

Looking at this scene, Long Hao's face turned blue. He couldn't believe it. Chen Mo broke the boundary with brute force, and the process was so simple that he defeated the swamp with the force of five elements.

As long as the space does not collapse, the swamp will exist forever.

Chen Mo's brute force, not to mention the swamp, I'm afraid that the space will also be broken by Chen mo.

"This guy must know that he can break through the swamp, so he doesn't speak and deliberately makes me embarrassed."

As long as long Hao thought about it, in order to break through the swamp, he did not hesitate to ask everyone for benefits. At the moment, he turned into a mixture of five tastes, full of shame.

He hated Chen Mo for breaking the array easily, but he didn't tell him.

As if Long Hao could do a very difficult thing, he asked for the benefit.

As a result, Chen Mo is very secretive and can accomplish it in a short time.

This is like a slap in the face of Long Hao, making his whole face twisted and ferocious.

"Damn it. I'll let you be arrogant for a while. When I find the treasure, I'll try to kill you."

Long Hao clenched his fists and regarded Chen Mo as a must kill enemy.

If we say, Long Hao didn't take Chen Mo seriously.

Then, at this moment, he began to pay attention to Chen Mo, who first let the people of the ancient people retreat, and then easily break the border. These two things can not be done by ordinary people.

"Younger martial brother Chen Mo, you really make me look different. I didn't expect to open up space with natural attributes. However, only you can do this method."

Seeing Chen Mo's five element power, Zhan Wu is also very surprised.

The force of the five elements is so mysterious that it can easily break the boundary set by Fangling.

Chen Mo is enough to show his potential.

"Who wants the benefit fee to break the boundary just now? I think you really will put gold on your face."

The fire dance sees Chen Mo can break the boundary, and looks up at Long Hao for the first time.

Her words made long Hao feel ashamed.

At the moment, Long Hao can feel his face twitching, looking at the fire dance, not daring to look directly.However, the fire dance was reluctant to say: "Long Hao, please recognize your identity, I did not invite you to come here, and you do not contribute, but to the benefit of the effort."

"Now, Chen Mo broke the border. Shouldn't you apologize to Chen Mo?"


After listening to the words of Huowu, Long Hao's face became more ugly.

He didn't expect Chen Mo to break the border.

Therefore, he would dare to ask for the benefit fee.

Now, Huowu even asked him to apologize to Chen mo.

How could that be possible?

He is a great master of Haotian. He really wants to apologize to Chen Mo, but how can he mix up in the future.

"Fire dance, I'm a little arrogant, but I'm not going to apologize to him yet?"

"It's impossible for you to ask me to apologize."

Long Hao's tone is very positive. He will never apologize to Chen mo.

"If you talk big, you don't have to apologize to my younger brother. Don't want to leave here!"

But at this time, a roar suddenly rang out. It was Zhan Wu.

He has long been dissatisfied with Long Hao. It was just because Long Hao is still valuable. Now Chen Mo can break through the border. However, Long Hao does not know how to repent and even does not apologize.

Therefore, when Zhan Wu was angry, he was released with a sense of killing.

Seeing this situation, Long Hao was startled.

As one of the top ten in Bahuang college, Zhanwu's own strength is not inferior to Long Hao.

Not to mention when you are angry.

For a moment, the scene became serious.

The other four members of haotianzong, surrounded by Long Hao, share a common hatred against the enemy and look at Zhan Wu with anger.

"When were the students of Bahuang college so arrogant that they didn't pay attention to the young master of haotianzong."

"Zhanwu, although you have good strength, are we haotianzong worse than you? "

" if you add Chen Mo, there will be two or three people, but there are five of us. "

Yanwu is not afraid of the number of people.


" the people of haotianzong are so interested in their interests that I disdain to be with you. "

"Get out of here."

When you are angry, you can take too much care of it.

All he knew was that long Hao was as cunning as a snake, but he had to pay for breaking the border. He didn't apologize for it afterwards.

Such haotianzong, entering the secret place with them, is certainly not good.

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