"Chen Nan, I can't give up. You know, it's my honor."

Chen Xi replied lightly.

She is still quite afraid of Chen Nan's bull totem. Chen Nan's strength has already been strong. The bull totem can increase her strength. In this way, she will be defeated by Chen Nan.

"Chen Xi, since you are stubborn, don't blame me for my ruthlessness."

"Zu Bi, I will definitely win the first place. You are still my stepping stone to achieve my strong road. "

Chen Nan's eyes are shining cold, and the bull totem behind her is soaring, just like a powerful man standing in the sky and earth. With a mighty breath, she is running towards Chen Xi.

At that moment, it seemed that the ancient sacrifice revived. The strength of the past and the present fell on Chen Xi. It was like the road to the truth. Originally, Chen Xi still had the confidence to win Chen Nan.

But at this moment, her face changes constantly, unable to be in a calm state.

She knows most clearly that Chen Nan, who uses the bull totem, is not her opponent.

Sure enough, Chen Nan blows out a fist, as if it can break the space, directly to Chen Xi's chest.

Powerful and powerful.


With a muffled sound, Chen Xi's body fell back violently and fell to the ground. She opened her mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood.

"Ah, Chen Xi hasn't activated the totem yet. How could she be Chen Nan's opponent. "

the onlookers looked sorry.

Ba Huan looked at Chen Mo with a smile and said, "recently, the little Lord is also activating the totem. There is a great chance that she can obtain the Tianfeng totem. Then her strength will advance by leaps and bounds."

Chen Mo is pleased with Xuanyuan dance.

However, Chen Mo's face soon became stiff.

"Chen Mo, Shaozhu is the inheritor of the ancient people. You and she are not from the same way.

"I hope you know yourself. "

here, the meaning of Ba Huan is self-evident.

Chen Mo and Xuanyuan dance are not of the same level.

After all, Chen Mo is an outsider who is not compatible with the ancient people.

Xuanyuan dance, the little master of the ancient clan, how noble the status is.

The senior officials of the ancient clan knew that Chen Mo and Xuanyuan dance had contact with each other, so they naturally wanted to stop it.

If it was in the past, maybe Chen Mo would have a long relationship with Xuanyuan dance.

But since the experience of Tianxuan chamber of Commerce, Chen Mo has regarded Xuanyuan dance as the most important person in his mind.

How could he abandon her.

On the spot, Xuanyuan dance once said.

"Brother Chen Mo, is dancing worth ten fairy stones? "

give Chen Mo another chance, and Chen Mo will definitely reply," wu'er, I have you in my life, I have no regrets. "

therefore, Chen Mo raised his head and said haughtily," I am Chen Mo, I don't need to be pointed out. "

" there is no way out in the world, and it becomes a road when more people walk. Although wu'er and I are not biological sisters, we are brothers and sisters. Only dance son can leave me. You can't let me leave her. "

Chen Mo's words are extremely serious.

Even Ba Huan didn't expect Chen to say these words.

He brought words from the top to Chen Mo, who thought he could succeed, but Chen Mo boasted about it.

Originally, Ba Huan wanted to laugh at Chen Mo, without self-knowledge.

You can see the determination on his face, for a moment also froze.

At this time, Chen Mo looked down at Chen Xi and said, "there is nothing you can't do, only people don't want to do. "

" bull totem, good power. "

" but I can break it with one punch. "

Chen Mo's words fell, and everyone in the audience heard it clearly.


All of them are shocked by their bodies. When they turn their heads and look at Chen Mo, their eyes are somewhat cautious.

Chen Nan is looking at Chen Mo more, see his body is thin and weak, the color of a smile on his face.

"Boy, you're ridiculous. What can't you do? "

" in this case, I'd like to challenge you. Can I fight with me to prove whether what you said is correct? "

after saying this, Chen Nan stares at Chen Mo with her eyes, as if to see through Chen mo.

However, Chen Mo is still as plain as water, not happy or sad.

"To defeat you, you don't have to do it yourself. I just need to point out a few moves and you can beat the challenge. "

" arrogance, ignorance, is just a child with a yellow tongue. "

when people heard Chen Mo's arrogant words, they were filled with righteous indignation and looked at Chen Mo with anger.

"Chen Nan defeated Chen Xi, everyone can see. "

" this boy, did he come up with the limelight and belittled Chen Nan at this time. "

" hum, the limelight is not so prominent. It will be a joke if it doesn't have enough strength. "

" it's just that I'm curious about how he'll give advice and beat Chen Nan. "

Between the words, people are cold and hot ridicule to Chen Mo, there is no meaning of looking down on Chen mo.Chen Nan's strength, we see in the eyes, is absolutely terrible incomparable.

With Chen Mo's weak body, how can he be Chen Nan's opponent.

At this time, someone said to Ba Huan: "Ba Huan, who is he? Why is it so strange? "

" he? " Ba Huan bowed his head and said with a bitter smile, "it's a foreigner who has something to do with the little Lord. I'll bring him here. His surname is Chen. He's the same as you."

"Outsiders? So it is. I thought who was so ignorant and despised Chen Nan's strength. "

As soon as they heard about Chen Mo's identity, they all looked up to the top and looked scornful.

"If you can come to the ancient people, you still have the light of the little Lord. However, not everyone in the Chen Clan can live in it, especially the outsiders."

"Yes, for the sake of his surname Chen, or we can give up."

"The premise is that he should defeat Chen Nan and be responsible for what he said. "

in a word, Chen Mo was pushed to the forefront of the storm.

Everyone looks at Chen Mo and wants to know how this guy faces the dilemma.

However, Chen Mo's eyes are still calm, as if he did not pay attention to this matter.

Walking towards Chen Nan, Chen Mo said with a faint smile: "the bull totem can make your strength superpose, but the martial arts practitioners still need skills in the end. I just said that a few moves can make people defeat you. "

" really? "

Chen Nan scoffed and sneered:" who do you want to point out? Is it my defeated general? "

after that, Chen Nan looked up at Chen Xi.

At the moment of Chen Xi, Chen Nan knocked down on the ground, but a pair of eyes are not to admit defeat.

She looks at Chen Mo and doesn't think so.

If Chen Mo instructs her, she can turn the situation around and defeat Chen Nan.

Facing Chen Xi, Chen Mo just said a few words.

"Do you believe me?"

A word fell and the whole place was silent.

People feel that Chen Mo's words are very funny.

As an outsider, how could it be possible to ask local people to believe him.

Unless Chen Xi's brain is amused, she will believe Chen Mo's words.

People all look at Chen Xi and want to know how she answers.

Chen Xi is wearing a fur coat, without the weakness of a woman. Her round eyes are full of strong will. Her face is slightly moved. She sees a touch of confidence in Chen Mo's deep heart.

As if, can help her, a trace of heart, spontaneously.

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