"Brother Chen Mo, are you ok?"

Only now did Liang Feiyun look at Chen Mo seriously. She thought that Chen Mo died in the hands of Liu Hao.

However, Chen Mo in front of her, for example, is still mysterious. It contains a mysterious and infinite power, and a pair of deep sea is so vast that Liang Feiyun is deeply fascinated.

"I'm fine. You're surprised. "

Chen Mo looked up at the sky and said," next, they should have something to do. "

as soon as the voice falls, Chen Mo's body changes and disappears. Liang Feiyun and Chen Xi look at each other. Somehow, Chen Mo in front of her becomes strange and more confident than before.

Later, the two girls catch up with Chen Mo and go to Xuanyuan clan.

At the moment, on the square of the Xuanyuan clan, the top ten have been selected. Naturally, huangfuchen and muronghua are the first to bear the brunt. Both of them have defeated countless people.

The other eight monks, whose strength is not simple, are all in harmony with the Tao and activate the power of totem, but they still remember leaving Chen mo.

"If that guy's still here, I'm afraid I'm not in the top ten." Muchen, who happens to be in the top ten of race comparison, is standing on the challenge arena and looking at all directions.

It was he who defeated countless challengers from Chen Mo's arena.

Although he has good strength, he asks himself that he is still far behind Chen mo.

"Ladies and gentlemen, congratulations on completing the top ten disputes. I am xuanyuandong, the great elder of Xuanyuan clan."

An old man in a Taoist robe stands on the challenge arena.

His eyes were bright, and he looked at the ten young people who had been screened out in front of him.

"Next, there will be a battle among the first three. Whoever can win the first prize will be able to obtain immortal Dharma.

"So here, I feel very honored to be able to preside over this arena battle."

Speaking of this, Xuanyuan put his hands together. In an instant, the whole arena rose several times, and the brilliance flowed. It formed an indestructible defensive Gang, which made countless people's eyes startled.

"Will the first three disputes finally begin?"

Race comparison, the top ten is nothing.

Only when the top three are killed can they be rewarded by the Xuanyuan clan.

Therefore, everyone looks at huangfuchen and muronghua, and they can't help thinking of Chen Mo leaving.

If he is still there, maybe Chen Mo can fight for the first place.

As a result, Chen Mo left half the way, which made everyone disappointed and felt sorry.

"I declare that the first three disputes have officially begun."

Xuanyuandong suddenly drank and continued: "for the sake of fairness, I will draw lots to decide your opponent. I don't know if you have any objection? "

Huangfuchen and Murong Hua nodded and said in the same voice: "elder, we have no opinion."

"That's good. Start the draw."

Xuanyuandong took out a wooden box with the names of ten Tianjiao demons in it.

Then, looking at huangfuchen and muronghua and others.

"Everybody, who you draw lots depends on luck. I wish you good luck here."

As soon as the voice fell, Xuanyuan waved his big hand, and the lottery box rose into the air. Tianjiao, who was already ready, chopped the ground one after another, and his body soared into the air.

Shua Shua Shua!

All the ten figures released a strong momentum, and there was no need to fight for it. Murong Hua shot it with one hand, and the momentum was overwhelming. In an instant, he killed a Tianjiao nearby.

"Get out of here."

With a roar, muronghua's eyes are indifferent. With his strength, he can naturally ignore the rest of heaven's favoured children. Only huangfuchen can be his opponent, so he despises them at all.

On the other side, huangfuchen also hands, the terrible force slants out, lets the human cannot approach his body, just when he wants to take away the draw box, suddenly the eye is dazzled.

When he opened his eyes, the lottery box disappeared.

"Who robbed the lottery box?"

Look around Huangfu box and take away his eyes.

It's just the next second, he's stunned.

He thought that it was Murong Hua who took the lottery box, and that if it was not good, he would be the other favourites.

Unexpectedly, it was Chen mo.

"How did he come back?"

When they see Chen Mo, they are surprised. They are all not sure. Therefore, it is reasonable to say that when the race competition comes to the second round, Chen Mo gives up in the first round, so he is not qualified to participate in the second round.

Then why did he take the lottery box.

Is it that he is not willing to give up halfway and want to participate in the race contest again.

At this moment, everyone looks at Chen Mo with anger.

"What do you mean, Chen Mo?"

"Everyone is taking part in the second round of race contest. Even if you want to participate, you are so bold that you even take away the lottery box in front of the elder Xuanyuan. You don't have a royal law in your eyes?"

At the moment, xuanyuandong is also angry and stares at Chen Mo with sharp eyes."Give me a reasonable explanation."

Chen Mo stands on the battle platform. If his eyes can kill people, he can definitely die countless times.

Hearing Xuanyuan elder's words, Chen Mo faintly smiles.

"Master, I didn't come here to participate in the race contest. "

" what is that for? "

"Kill! "

" you didn't tell a joke? "

Chen Mo's words about killing people are light, but Xuanyuan's heart is full of thousands of grass mud horses.

He did not expect that Chen Molai's Xuanyuan clan was actually to kill people. This reason is not too involved.

The rest of the people also feel that Chen Mo is extremely arrogant. His body is petrified on the spot, staring at Chen Mo at the moment.

They can't imagine that Chen Mo, a big race, has gone back and forth in order to kill people.

This reason makes them all feel scornful.

In order to kill people, Chen Mo doesn't need to stand in the arena.

He clearly wanted to participate in the race contest.

Otherwise, offend Xuanyuan clan, absolutely not Chen Mo good fruit to eat.

"He Why is he still alive? "

The most shocking people are Chen Wanli and Liu Hao. They witnessed Chen Mo's death under Liu Jin's attack. But how could this scene happen?

For a moment, both Chen Wanli and Liu Hao felt that things were not good.

When Chen Mo comes back to kill people, who will he kill besides Liu Hao and Liu Jin?


At this moment, everyone felt that Chen Mo was a complete madman.

Originally, Chen Mo could take part in the second round of race Dabi, but he left halfway and returned to the Xuanyuan clan.

Even more boastful, killing people.

Two words are enough to prove that Chen Mo is crazy in everyone's mind.


At this time, Chen Mo's figure disappears from the arena, and even his breath disappears.

"No, he really wants to kill people. Be careful."

Xuan Yuan moved to drink a lot, and his forehead was sweating violently.

For the first time, he had seen such a fearless guy who was not only reckless in front of him.

And in front of him, killing people.

But who Chen Mo is going to kill is worth making such a big fuss.

At this moment, countless people flashed strong questions and concentrated on looking for Chen Mo's trace.

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