Outside the gate of Bahuang college, people are surging and the noise is endless.

"Give me Chen Mo, otherwise, don't blame me, long Dingtian, for taking people to step down the gate of your Bahuang college. "

" The Revenge of killing a son is a matter of mutual respect. I, Liu Jin, only need Chen Mo's blood debt to pay for it. "

two Mahayana strongmen, long Dingtian and Liu Jin, led thousands of subordinates and surrounded the whole Bahuang college.

They are very powerful.

Obviously, it is to hand over Chen Mo from Bahuang college.

At ordinary times, Liu Jin and long Dingtian dare not offend Bahuang college. After all, the strength of Bahuang college is not so simple on the surface. However, they are fighting for the Revenge of killing their children. Even if the eight wilderness college is a huge thing, they are also afraid of haotianzong and Hedao sect. No one outside the gate talks with Liu Jin and longdingtian.

Even, the people of Bahuang college looked at each other with a dignified look. They all felt that things would not be so simple.

Chen Mo killed other people's young owners, thinking about the importance of the problem.


A figure appeared in the sky of Bahuang college, followed by Yizheng's awe inspiring voice.

"Lord long, Master Liu, I am situ Feng. I have heard that Chen Mo killed the young leader of your sect. If the facts are confirmed, I will never tolerate Chen mo. "

situ Fengzheng was worried that he had no chance to revenge Chen mo.

Long Dingtian and Liu Jin come to Bahuang college to blame Chen Mo, which makes situ Feng find a chance to revenge Chen mo.

Seeing the cool autumn wind, Liu Jin and long Dingtian looked at each other, and then said with a kind face: "situ Xiaoyou, you are worthy of being the core student. You are fair and just. "

" we will not embarrass Bahuang college. As long as we hand over Chen Mo, we will surely lead people to retreat. "

that's all.

People also know that Chen Mo killed other people's little Lord, and long Dingtian and Liu Jin will definitely take Chen Mo's life.

Otherwise, with their anger, although they can't do anything to the eight barren college, it will also let the eight barren college lose its skin.

"You two, why did you come to Bahuang College for the sake of Chen Mo?"

At this time, Li Ran and several honorary elders came to the gate, and they naturally heard the dialogue between long Dingtian and situ Feng.

However, they also know that Chen Mo has a grudge.

At the moment, it is normal for situ Feng to fall in love with Chen mo.

However, Li Ran did not expect that situ Feng, in order to retaliate against Chen Mo, actually handed Chen Mo to two big doors.

Seeing several honorary elders come, situfeng turns around and clasps his fist at the honorary elders.

"Elder, Chen Mo killed other people's little Lord. In my opinion, it's natural and natural for Chen Mo to kill others. Therefore, I dare to say something and give Chen Mo to them."

Situ Feng narrowed his eyes.

Between words, there is a meaning of ridicule.

However, Li Ran's heart was already burning with anger, if situ Feng really wanted to think about Bahuang college.

He has nothing to say.

However, situfeng actually wants to hand over Chen Mo, just for his own personal gain.

Therefore, Li Ran looked at situ Feng, his face did not wait to see the same, gloomy incomparable.

"Situ Feng, I have my own decision on this matter. If you are OK, please go back to practice."

"Elder, it seems that you want to exonerate Chen Mo from the crime. Although I'm just a core student, I know what's right. Chen Mo killed other people's little Lord. He is so cruel. If he still lives, he will bring more trouble to Bahuang college in the future. "

" therefore, if you don't hand over Chen Mo today, it's hard to convince the public. "

situ Feng said coldly.

Although he is a core disciple, his master is a vice president, and Li Ran is only an honorary elder.

With the vice president as the backing, situ Feng was not afraid of Li ran at all.

At this time, the atmosphere is stiff to the freezing point. Everyone looks at situ Feng and Li Ran.

As they all know, there are differences in Bahuang college.

One side is situ Feng, the other is the honorary elder.

In contrast, the honor of the elderly more powerful, but situfeng is not bad.

He had a master of the vice president, who was about to fight, and there might be more trouble.

Li Ran's eyes across the edge.

By a student refuted face, even if the other side is situfeng, Li Ran's heart is also angry.

Looking at situ Feng, Li Ran said in a cold voice: "situfeng, if you violate my meaning openly, do you really think you can be lawless if you have a vice president as a master? "

" Li Ran, I don't know if situfeng can be lawless, but I know that with me, Chen Mo will be handed over to haotianzong to deal with it. "

the voice fell, and a figure appeared in front of Li Ran.

People fixed their eyes and saw that the other side was the vice president of Bahuang college, named he yuan.

With his appearance, there was a crash, and all the students of Bahuang college knelt down on the spot.

"See the Vice President..."! "

the sound resounds through the sky, which shows how powerful he yuan is.Li Ran appeared, the scene was just a mess.

Compared with he yuan, his appearance is like an emperor in the dust, and the face of each student shows the color of fanaticism.

Even if it was long Dingtian and Liu Jin, seeing this scene, they also felt that the blood of * * was surging up.

They are the Lords of great power, but they are not far behind.

At this moment, he yuan's hands bear back, body proud and stand, eyes light Li ran one eye.

Then, looking at long Dingtian and Liu Jin, he said, "I already know about Chen mo. according to the rules of the river and lake, I will let you hand Chen Mo into your hands. "

" however, he is also a student of Bahuang college. As the vice president of Bahuang college, I still hope that you can show mercy and give him a way to live. "

in a word, people can't help but look at him.

He is not partial to Chen Mo, but also makes people feel that he is the vice president of Bahuang college.

The students, they made mistakes.

He yuan should have killed Chen Mo directly, but he gave Chen Mo to long Dingtian and others.

Later, he pleaded for mercy, which showed that he was the vice president of Bahuang college.

Li Ran and several honorary elders looked at each other and felt bitter.

"Chen Mo, I can't help you. I have to let it be."

"Somebody, bring Chen Mo out. "All of a sudden, he yuan gave a cold drink, with an unquestionable meaning in his tone.

When they heard the speech, they all nodded in unison.

Then, students from law enforcement hall went to look for Chen mo.

"No need. "But at this time, Chen Mo came from the sky.

"No, it's my life. Why bother. "

" I am Chen Mo, I am worthy of myself, Liu Feng and Long Hao, they died in my hands, that's their death, but if you want my life, ask my sword first and agree with me. "

Chen Mo * * falls on the ground, and a burst of dust erupts. Then, Chen Mo strides forward step by step.

Every step is heavy.

As if, he is a peerless strong, can attract the eyes of countless people, appears dazzling.

Looking at Chen Mo's body, situ Feng's eyes were gloomy.

"It's a big voice. Killing people is so justified. Chen Mo, a person who knows the current situation is a hero. I advise you to kneel down and beg for mercy. I'm not sure you can keep a dog alive."

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