The basement where the mining area is located is full of Yin Qi. Several dying men lie on the ground, making the whole space quiet. At this time, the space changes, and a beautiful image of * * diffuses.

"This is that?" Women's voice is beautiful, as if the gurgling water, let people trance.

Several dying men, struggling to open their eyes, hazy, the woman in the eye, vaguely visible, but let their eyes a bright, emerging color.

"What a surprise! Before I die, I can still see such a gorgeous woman. It's a pity that her fate is no worse than ours. It's cheap, boss of the mining area. "


A sigh came into being.

The woman shows eyebrow a frown, beautiful eye stares at a few men, ask: "excuse me this is that?"

The woman just said this, it is to see a few men's breath, suddenly interrupted.

Obviously, it's dead.

This scene, let the women feel that this space is a little strange, her six animals harmless look, appear a touch of caution, and then carefully, step away.

Almost half a column of incense time, the woman came to an exit, but her beautiful look, soon put on a layer of frost, the body is not natural * *.

"Gee, there are women who have come to the mining area and haven't eaten meat for a long time. I'm itching. "

" brothers, seize her and give it to adults in exchange for cultivation resources. "

The slaves in the mining area did not dare to act rashly, although they saw the beautiful women.

After all, in this mining area, the boss is the local emperor.

Without his consent, if you do something to a woman, the consequences will be very serious, and you will pay the price of your life.


At last, a group of people rushed to the woman.

They are like starving wolves, they don't know how to be merciful.

In the face of these people, the woman's face is white.

"Where am I coming here? Why is it so weird here? "

women's words are full of sorrow.

She felt that if she did not leave, she would be caught by these people.

Immediately, she was in a hurry to return to the original road, but did not know that this was just looking for death.

But by this time, she didn't care too much.

Only because they are slaves in all directions and their accomplishments are incarnation realm.

As a result, the woman ran away, thinking about how to escape.

"Hehe, she returned the same way. Let's catch turtles in a jar."

A group of slaves seemed to be dehumanized, speed, chasing women.

"What's going on?" At this time, the boss of the mining area came back slowly. He was not happy because he knew the origin of Chen Mo, but now his face is very ugly.

Instead of working, they fled in one direction.

So, with a stiff face, he strode across.

"My Lord, we found a woman."

"Women? "

hearing this, the boss of the mining area said coldly:" because of a woman, you violate my meaning. I think you don't want to live? "

as soon as the voice fell, a terrible momentum broke out from the boss of the mining area, as if they could crush everything, and countless slaves' faces changed greatly, and they were silent.

At this time, no one dares to be a leader.

However, the boss of the mining area still looks curious and walks into the basement. Although no woman can taste the fresh things under his management, he will never be unable to walk when he sees a woman.

Therefore, there is no need to guess, that woman's beauty, absolutely extraordinary.

As the boss of the mine entered the basement, the rest of the slaves looked at each other from left to right, and then they returned to the mine after feeling bored.

At the moment, the woman looked around as she ran.

But, to her despair, there was no other escape from the basement, and she was walking into a dead end.

At this time, the boss of the mining area finally saw the woman, but he probably saw a figure of his back. However, this also made his face full of burning meaning.

Just this back, let the mining boss heart.

If it's positive, I'm afraid it looks like a fairy.

"Girl, this is my territory. Don't waste your energy. You can't escape like this."

The boss of the mining area strides up.

"Girl, I think you are also a monk who has risen from the lower world. You are unaccompanied now. You might as well follow me, not to mention ensuring that you have no worries about food and clothing, but you are absolutely safe from life. "

the boss of the mining area is also confident.

At this time, the woman's body turned around, showing a matchless face.

If you don't see the true face of Lushan Mountain, it's only because you are in the mountain.

At this moment, the boss of the mining area was stunned.

He swore that the woman in front of him was definitely the most beautiful woman he had ever seen.The key to each other is to be full of mature charm.

In this way, the boss of the mining area will pay more attention.

No matter what price you pay, you should get the other party.

"What do you think, girl?" Asked the mine boss.

The woman looks at the face of the boss of the mining area. I don't know why. She thinks that if she doesn't agree, she will definitely suffer from the other party's harm, but if she agrees, there will also be problems.

In this way, it is difficult for women to choose.

"Damn Chen Mo, I've come all the way for you, but you don't know where you are."

The woman cursed.

However, although she didn't speak very much, her voice came into the ears of the mine boss.

"Wait, what did you say? "The boss of the mine felt that he had heard the wrong thing.

Chen Mo, these two words are particularly harsh.

If this is really Chen Mo's woman, if she forcibly owns it, it will not say that there is trouble, but at least it will destroy his plan.

Woman body * *, looking at the old mining road: "I just said, Chen mo."

"Do you know that guy Chen Mo?"

"Hooray! "At this time, the boss of the mining area took a deep breath of air and looked at the woman carefully.

"Yes, I know Chen Mo for sure."

"Besides, he's still with me."

As soon as she said this, the woman's face was happy, "really? That's great. I'm looking for him. "

" can you take me to see him? "

at the moment, women want to leave here quickly.

The man in front of him seemed to hear the word Chen Mo and change his attitude 180 degrees.

This makes the woman think that Chen Mo should be so powerful that the boss of the mining area is afraid.

"Girl, to tell you the truth, I know Chen Mo, but I want to ask you a question."

The boss of the mining area smashed up * *, and continued: "I don't know what relationship you have with Chen Mo? "

the woman's body was stunned, and the corner of her mouth appeared puzzled. However, she still replied," Chen Mo and I are really husband and wife, and we can be regarded as confidants of beauty because we don't have the status of husband and wife. "

After hearing this, the boss of the mining area didn't hesitate any more and said, "in that case, I'll take you to see Chen Mo now."

"Girl, this way, please." With that, the boss of the mining area made a gesture of invitation.

The woman nodded in return.

Then, they leave one after another to go to Chen Mo's location. , the fastest update of the webnovel!