Soon after, Xue Bing and Xiaoyu packed up the goods, and then they went outside the cargo ship to the sky. Seeing that Chen Mo had not left, Xiaoyu sneered on the spot: "Chen Mo, it's time for us to go our separate ways. Miss and I will return to Tianbao chamber of Commerce. As for you, it's better not to follow us. "

as she said this, Xiaoyu pulled Xue Bing away and showed her back, but did not mean to retain Chen Mo?

This scene makes Chen Mo very embarrassed.

Originally thought, even if the other side is ruthless, will also take oneself to leave together.

However, Xue Bing and Xiaoyu are so disgusted with Chen Mo that they can't wait to leave. Chen Mo only feels sad.

But just as Chen Mo is ready to follow him up, he feels a secret breath coming from around.

"Is Xue Bing being targeted? "

Chen Mo's eyes leaped wildly, and his mind was released. In a moment, he felt a familiar breath.

It turned out that the other side was a monk of Bahuang college.

However, they are not after Chen Mo, but staring at Xue Bing secretly. Such a sign makes Chen Mo curious. He is a strong enemy of Shidi Tian. In principle, the other party should find him, and then send him to Shi Di Tian to make contributions to get things.

"I want to see what your purpose is and what you want."

Chen Mo shook his body for a moment and disappeared.

"Miss, that guy didn't catch up. I can rest assured." Xiaoyu is also worried that Chen Mo will catch up. When she takes Xue Bing for a while, she finds that there is no sign of Chen Mo behind her. She can't help but feel relieved and spit out a few murky breath.

"Xiaoyu, you can't be a little hurt. "Xue Bing couldn't bear it.

Although Chen Mo threatened him, he didn't hurt her a little in the next few days.

Moreover, Chen Mo also drove away the thousand year old tortoise, which at least contributed to Tianbao chamber of Commerce.

Hearing Xue Bing's remark, Xiaoyu disapproved and said: "Miss, you are kind-hearted. Chen Mo knows people and faces, but he is bad. Even if he didn't hurt us, he didn't need to keep him. After all, he offended the emperor."

Xiaoyu said this.

Xue bingning eyebrows, no more words, and then along with the direction of Tianyuan Island, Yukong flight.

In a space not far away, there are several men in black with strong body skills. Their eyes and thoughts are locked on Xue Bing, as if they are staring at the prey, and they are crossing a bit of evil.

The head of a man in black, breath introverted, looked back at the six people in black behind him.

"Pay attention to me, wait for them to walk for a while, then catch her and hand over to the top. "

" there must be no loss in this task. "

The man in Black said this coldly, with no doubt in his tone. The other six men in black all nodded.

Little did they know that Chen Mo's figure was hidden behind them, but Chen Mo's body method was more powerful than them, so that these people in black did not find Chen Mo's existence.

But at the moment, Chen Mo is extremely suspicious.

From these people in black, we can clearly feel the breath from Bahuang college.

Chen Mo can never feel wrong. Although he didn't know everyone in Bahuang College for a period of time, he felt familiar with several people in black.

These people and Shi Di Tian pursued Chen mo.

Therefore, Chen Mo is so sure that they are the staff of Bahuang college.

But these guys are actually tracking Xue Bing and ignoring their own existence.

This situation makes Chen Mo have an illusion.

When was he so unimportant that he was not as important as Xue Bing, and the price of being wanted by the wings of God was not enough to attract the attention of these men in black.

The next second, several people in black follow Xue Bing and leave Chen Mo's sight.

A day later!

Xue Bing and Xiaoyu, flying in the sky, are still in the Yellow Sea.

It is not necessary to guess that it will take a few days to arrive at Tianyuan Island, which is why most friars will take boats and are not willing to fly in the sky.

"Boss, it's not far from Tianyuan island. If we don't do it again, we'll be back to Tianyuan island by them. Tianyuan island is the territory of Tianbao chamber of Commerce, and it will be very difficult to move."

A man in black looked at Xue Bing's back and said.

And the leader in black, after hearing this, nodded his head and said, "in order to be safe, remember not to waste time when you start. It's better to catch Xue Bing immediately."

"Yes! "

" do it. "

With the voice of the man in black falling, swishing a few times, their bodies instantly appeared around Xue Bing and Xiao Yu, forming an encircling circle. The man in black headed Xue Bing, with a speed of extraordinary speed, quickly buckled Xue Bing's life neck.

"Who are you..." The man in black suddenly makes Xiaoyu lose his square inch. Her eyes subconsciously reveal fear, and then she steps back to look at several men in black."Haha Who are we? "It seems that the man in black seems to have been prepared. He looks at Xiaoyu with gloomy eyes and talks with a banter.

"I'm not afraid to tell you the truth, we are from Bahuang college, and your miss is taken in by us, so you'd better shut up."

"Otherwise, I don't mind having one more life in my hand."

The voice fell, full of a bloodthirsty smell, Xiaoyu, as a little girl beside Xue Bing, was still worried about being hurt. Her face turned blue and looked at the man in black.

She couldn't believe that Shidi Tian would send someone to catch Xue Bing, and even more wanted Xue Bing to be a cauldron.

You should know that the furnace tripod is a disgusting means in the whole eight wasteland and even the Xiuzhen realm.

There is no other reason, only because the furnace cauldron does not treat women as people, and it is used to collect Yin and replenish Yang.

Thinking of Shidi Tian's handsome face and domineering posture, Xiaoyu shook her head crazily and said, "you are definitely not the people of Bahuang college."

"Shi Di Tian, who I know, is a real dragon student. He is handsome and handsome. Most women can't sleep at night in order to become his Taoist companions. Although our young lady is very expensive, he can't get us by such dirty means."

After a few words, the man in black was stunned on the spot.

Xiaoyu's feelings are admirers of Shidi Tian.

Otherwise, Xiaoyu will not be partial to Shidi Tian and doubt the identity of the man in black.

Chen Mo in the distance can't help but smack his lips.

"This woman, as expected, has long hair and short insight. She didn't see that the man in black was deliberately planting the emperor Shidi Tian."

Chen Mo also doesn't believe that Shidi Tianhui needs to capture Xue Bing by dirty means for Xue Bing.

All of these indicate the emergence of conspiracy.

However, Xiaoyu's writing style is absolutely infatuated with flowers. She even questions the words of the man in black.

if she does so, the consequences must be very serious.

Sure enough, the man in black, the leader, has a sharp eye and stares at Xiaoyu coldly.

This woman is more stupid than he thought.

He said on the spot that it was sent by Emperor Shidi to arrest Xue Bing. Naturally, it was a case of debt and booty.

However, if Xiaoyu doubts about it, it will disrupt his plan and can't give Shidi Tianba dirty water.

"Kill her for me." The man in Black said coldly, his body appeared an invisible killing intention. , the fastest update of the webnovel!