"The night is high and the wind is black. It's time to go on the road for killing people."

As the corpse stepped out, the ripples spread, as if he were as heavy as Mount Tai. Chen Mo lay on the ground and felt that his body was hard to move.


Holding a bloody sword in his hand, Chen Mo is about to crack his canthus, and suddenly he drinks.

Force the force of the five elements, yin and Yang and Qi. Seven forces are injected into the blood swallowing sword. In an instant, the blood is shining and the power is terrible. Then, the corpse is killed.

"Well, I sent you to hell, but you want to kill me. It's heartless. "

" well, let me give you a fatal blow and die completely. "

Tianshi looks at Chen Mo's death and takes a picture of the hand covering the sky again. This time, the power of the hand is even more powerful and more frightening than before.

"Who are you? Why kill me Chen Mo asked angrily.

He didn't think that such a corpse would have a grudge against him. It was obviously ordered.

But the celestial corpse should not, should not, killed Huo Ji.

Because she's innocent.

"Jie Jie Jie." "The dead have no right to know the secret, but when I really kill you, I will tell you who let me kill you."

"Before that, you'd better accept the judgment of death and go to the king of hell to complain."


As soon as the voice of the corpse falls, the big fingerprints are afraid of coming down. In the broken space, a large amount of corpse gas erupts, which presses down on Chen Mo Zhen.

That big fingerprint, as if it can crush everything, momentum.

Chen Mo's pupils flashed backward, thinking about how to deal with the celestial corpse. The strength of the other side does not lie in his horror, and his corpse Qi is rare in the whole continent.

"The corpse comes from the coffin, and the simplest way to deal with corpse Qi is to use flame. I have fire element and more power of sky and sun."

"It seems that I am still too impatient to play my own advantages. "

Chen Mo soon figured out how to deal with Tianshi.

The power of the five elements is mixed together. Although the power of the five elements is infinitely powerful, its power is greatly reduced because of the water element for five seconds.

Fire of Shengyan!

The atmosphere of the sun!

Chen Mo suddenly urges the two kinds of breath. The burning flame superimposes the atmosphere of the sun and turns into a raging flame. It rolls out and disintegrates the corpse gas in an instant.

In the middle of the fire, the corpse gas is like meeting the natural enemy and spreading continuously.

At this time, the fingerprints exploded.

The scene was in a mess, and the strong corpse gas rolled away.

"Jie You have fused the elements of fire and the power of the sun. I despise you, but even so, you have to die in my hands. "

The celestial corpse pretended to be surprised.

However, he soon became a stranger, and a faint light appeared in a pair of evil sleeping eyes, as if he could penetrate his mind and shoot into Chen Mo's eyes.

"Golden scale snake, kill him for me."

All of a sudden, Chen Mo yelled angrily.

"Heller, master, Xiaojin avenged you and killed the monster."

As soon as the voice fell, a golden light bloomed out, among which was a small snake. However, at the moment, the body of the golden scale snake was much larger than before, and the two corners of its head showed signs of changing into a golden dragon.

"Monster, hurt the master, damn it."

The fact that it is a snake still can't be changed.

"Jie ~ is actually a golden scale snake. It's a good treasure. When I refine it and increase the blood of the real dragon, the strength will certainly break through the middle of Mahayana." The moment the celestial corpse saw the golden scale snake, he not only did not have the slightest panic, but also had the idea of refining the golden scale snake.

"Refine me? Do you deserve it? "The golden scale snake mouth spits out gold light, which contains the charm of Taoism. In an instant, it turns into a golden sword Qi, showing its edge and invincible.


The golden sword Qi left a wound visible to the naked eye outside the corpse.

"Damn it, you dare to hurt me, golden scale snake. Die for me."

The celestial corpse felt the external injury and was furious. Two big fingerprints covering the sky and the sun were taken out at the same time, and the corpse gas broke out.

Among them, the golden scale snake only felt the heavenly corpse in front of him, which was extremely terrifying.

Just when the golden scale snake felt that he was about to die, a startling sword light passed by and pierced two big fingerprints.


With a loud noise, the big fingerprints were smashed.

"Celestial corpse, you seem to have forgotten me?" Chen Mo comes out with a sword.

He is not optimistic about the golden scale snake. After all, the fighting power of the golden scale snake is not as good as Chen Mo, but the gold scale snake has the gold element and plays a certain role in dealing with the celestial corpse.

"I'm really sorry to forget you little ant." The corpse licked the bloody corners of his mouth. His face was full of confidence.

"You don't think you can kill me with the fire element and the air of the sky?"

"Otherwise?"Chen Mo doesn't know much about the celestial corpse, but the other party's strangeness is unfathomable. Even if he wants to revenge for Huo Ji, he knows he can't be anxious.

"Ha ha ~, your self righteousness, I will let you pay the price. "

" boy, accept the coming of death, and I will practice it for you. "

"Six evil spirits swallowing soul array, open."


Suddenly, the six figures appeared quietly, standing in all directions of Chen Mo, and they were all corpses, but their breath was only much weaker than that of the celestial corpse, but they were more powerful than the crowd.

With the moment they appeared, the corpse atmosphere became more intense and covered the whole scene.

"Master, who have you offended? They sent out so many strong men? "

the heart of golden scale snake was shaking violently.

At present, these strong men are all perfect monks of the unity of Tao. Each of them has a state beyond the realm of harmony and reaches the Mahayana. In addition, they deal with Chen Mo from six angles. The scene is like Chen Mo alone facing six Mahayana strongmen.

Such a scene is really surprising.

Chen Mo's eyes flash. He can also see that all the six corpses have the fighting power of powerful men. However, they have no subjective consciousness.

"Golden scale snake, you deal with the sky corpse, I deal with the earth corpse." Chen Mo gives an order.

"Master, you can't do things like this. Xiaojin can't deal with Tianshi alone."

"And the earth corpse..."! "

the eyes of the golden scale snake rotate rapidly. In the deep, the golden light explodes.

"Jie Jie Jie Jie! "The harsh voice came from the mouth of the corpse.

"Chen Mo, in order to deal with you, the master has put down the capital. The six corpses will not talk about you or the golden scale snake."

"Is it?"

In Chen Mo's mind, there is a flash of light, thinking about how to deal with the corpse.

"The heavenly corpse is powerful, and there are six earth corpses. I need to use foreign objects to deal with him. "

" in my five element space, there are hell beasts and a group of Sima family members, so I may not be defeated. "


Suddenly, in Chen Mo's thinking power, six corpses kill Chen mo.

The heavenly corpse is to reach out of the palm and take the body of the golden scale snake.

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