"Chen Mo robbed yukongguo. He was arrogant. We didn't need to be merciful and killed him. Our Sima family is very grateful."

In order to kill Chen Mo, Sima Nanguang pulled up the Sima family, which made some people more eager to move.

It didn't need too many benefits. Just Chen Mo snatched yukongguo fruit, which made everyone break into pieces. However, with the promise of Sima family, when people looked at Chen Mo, they had a deep blood light, and the momentum of killing was incomparable.

"Hum! It's just a soul. It's hard to kill him. Just wait a moment. I'll take his dog's life now. "

All of a sudden, a figure flickers out, with the light of Jing Tian Hong to Chen mo.

"Chen Mo, you're lucky to die in my Mu Lingyun's hand. Die for me."

The voice mixed with endless fighting intention, as if to * * space, some people's eardrums are about to be lost on the spot, only wood Lingyun's earth shaking roar in his mind.

"Stop it, Mu Lingyun. "Xue Bing drinks a lot later, but her voice doesn't come into Mu Lingyun's ears. Looking at Chen Mo in the field, Xue Bing's palms are so nervous that she secretes a cold sweat.

"Chen Mo, I hope you're OK, otherwise, I will avenge you."

Xue Bing has never paid back Chen Mo for saving her life. Now she sees Mu Lingyun kill Chen Mo, but somehow, her anger is hard to suppress. She has a sharp sword in her hand.

The rest of the people looked at the scene with all sorts of complicated looks on their faces.

"Although Mu Lingyun is the son of a small family, he controls the attributes of wood, and even has a certain understanding of the power of the law. Killing Chen Mo is just a small use of ox knife."

"With him to deal with Chen Mo, we can rest assured that Chen Mo will die."

People believe that Mu Lingyun's strength and ability to deal with Chen Mo is not only the reason for mu Lingyun's strength, but the most important thing is that Chen Mo is a soul body, and he can't kill Mu Lingyun with the power of his soul.

At the moment, Chen Mo looks at Mu Lingyun's killing, and his mind is moving.

"I don't know if my current strength can deal with Mu Lingyun, but I have no choice. I may not be defeated if I control the power of soul."

During the battle of the nine palaces in tianque, Chen Mo had a younger brother named Jun Aotian. He was also a soul body. Although Chen Mo at that time could kill Jun Aotian at will, Chen Mo had a physical body at that time, but now he has only one soul body.

Chen Mo's confidence in his eyes is fading.


Seeing Chen Mo standing still, Mu Lingyun drinks and stabs Chen Mo's abdomen with his sword in his hand.

Where the blade passes, the sword is shining brightly, as if it can destroy everything, making the void filled with terrible sword power.

"It's hard to practice together, but I'm not afraid of any demons and ghosts."

"Mu Lingyun, you deceive my soul body. Today, I will let you experience the power of soul body."

Chen Mo's voice resounds from all directions, and his wrist turns upside down, adding a bloody sword.

At this time, Chen Mo even wants to use a long sword against Fu Mu Lingyun.

People look at this scene, are all laugh and cry.

"This guy, he doesn't have spiritual power and uses a long sword. He's dying."

"The soul body itself has only the power of the soul, but everyone present has the power of the soul."

"Relatively speaking, Chen Mo can't change the situation just by relying on his soul."

When he saw Chen Mo take out the blood eating sword, no matter Sima Nanguang or anyone present, there was a look of disdain on his face. He looked at Chen Mo and despised him.

However, Chen Mo doesn't care about all this. He looks at Mu Lingyun and flies out on the spot with his bloody sword. With Chen Mo's supreme will, he immediately confronts Mu Lingyun.

Dang Dang Dang!

The sound of sword sounds like thunder for nine days.

The colorful sword light burst out.

However, Mu Lingyun is not in a hurry when facing the bloody sword. He even looks at Chen mo.

"Don't you think it's funny to use the sword technique against me?"

"My ability of Mu Lingyun will never be so simple on the surface. Next, I'll let you learn the supreme sword formula of the wooden family. The wood will shine brilliantly in the forest."

"Drink, wood Xuan sword formula, the power of imprisonment."

As soon as the voice falls, the sky and the earth seem to be gusting with wind, and the cold mood spreads from all directions.

At the end of the day, people seemed to feel the power of wood attribute, which spread all over the hall.

In Chen Mo's whole body, there are many vines spreading. In an instant, Chen Mo's body is wrapped up, and the wood properties are brewing, and Chen Mo Ning is gradually gathered into a statue.

From a distance, the wood attribute is rich and extreme, and the majestic energy is constantly surging out.

Seeing this scene, Mu Lingyun breathed a sigh of relief.

"You are lucky to live up to your life. Chen Mo's body has been sealed off by me. He is now a small man to kill or kill. However, I still have to take yukongguo from him."

The biggest reason for mu Lingyun to deal with Chen Mo is absolutely Yukong fruit. Now that he has caught Chen Mo, there is no reason to blame. Naturally, he wants a Yukong fruit.Sima Nanguang nodded and said with a smile: "well done, I will give you a Yukong fruit, but this Chen Mo, I will tear him to pieces."

The mission of Sima family is to kill Chen Mo in the secret place of heaven and earth. Now it is finally finished. Sima Nanguang is very proud and looks at Chen Mo with a sneer.

"Sima Pingguang, you are really a coward. You are such a small person, but if it was not for you, how could Sima Nanguang be entrusted with heavy responsibilities by the family?"

Originally, Sima Nanguang captured Chen Mo and should rescue Sima Pingguang at the first time.

However, he did not have this idea at all. The competition of the big family is doomed to be ruthless in everything.

Sima Nanguang and Sima Pingguang are both young masters of Sima family. He would like Sima Pingguang to die in Chen Mo's hands. If Sima Nanguang killed Chen Mo, he would be valued by the family.

After a look at Xue Bing, who is angry beside him, Sima Nanguang steps towards Chen mo.

At the moment, he naturally felt a lot of back, but all along, Xue Bing didn't like him.

In this way, Sima Nanguang doesn't need to care about Xue Bing's feelings.

Xue Bing stood in the same place, a pair of eyes full of anger. A member of Tianbao chamber of Commerce nearby looked at Xue Bing in a dilemma and said, "Miss, it's not a good time for us. Even if you save Chen Mo, you can't take him away."

"No, no one can hurt Chen Mo with me. "Xue Bing shakes her head and strides towards Xue Bing. However, she looks at Sima Nanguang and has already moved to kill her.

However, we did not pay attention to Xue Bing, after all, Xue Bing is the first lady of Tianbao chamber of Commerce.

Sima Nanguang didn't dare to offend them. They didn't want to offend them. Anyway, they came to the secret place of heaven and earth for the benefit.

So, just as Xue Bing came to Sima Nanguang's back, everyone just took a look at Xue Bing.

And Sima Nanguang's eyes, looking at Chen Mo wrapped by wood attribute.

I can see that a large number of vines reveal the wood attribute. Chen Mo is the center and continuously diffuses energy. Even if Chen Mo is the soul body, he can not break the wood attribute at this moment.

"Chen Mo, I know you can't escape at this moment. Since Sima Nanguang is going to tear you to pieces, I will not break my promise. However, I advise you to hand over Yukong fruit honestly. In this way, I can guarantee that you will suffer less pain."

Sima Nanguang waves his hand and several members of Sima family immediately surround Chen mo.

They take out their swords in unison and inject powerful spiritual power into Chen mo.

For a moment, the dark light soared to the sky, the sword spirit reverberated, and the breath of death filled the whole area.

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