How about 3000 Yin yuan?

Yan Wang's words clearly want to use 3000 Yin yuan to buy their own arms.

If it had been, Chen would not agree.

But he knew that his present self was not enough to shake up such big people as Yama.

So Chen Mo nodded and said, "three thousand Yin yuan, I'll take it."

"But from now on, I don't want anyone to attack me. You are the king of hell and control justice. You should be able to do this."

"Well, I promise." As soon as Yama waved his hand, a ghost soldier immediately gave Chen Mo Yin yuan.

In fact, Yin yuan is just the most intense Yin Qi, which is condensed into countless threads. It is easy for ghosts to collect. Chen Mo takes 3000 Yin yuan and leaves with Meng Po.

This time, Chen Mo not only improves his strength, but also gets the protection of the king of hell. At least for the moment, it is safe. Besides, Chen Mo is surrounded by grandma Meng, who can cope with the following things.

The king of Yama was still standing there, looking at the back of Chen Mo's departure. His face gradually became ugly.

Not far away, black and white impermanence came over, Qi Qi looked at the complicated Yama.

"My Lord, Chen Mo and Meng Po mix together. What should we do about him next?"

Seeing the power of Chen Mo and Meng Po, black and white impermanence is a lingering fear, but the king of Yama is their leader. Even if Chen Mo is strong, they should listen to Yama.

"Hum!" The king of Yama snorted and disdained to look at black and white impermanence. "You two are just villains. You didn't come out to deal with Chen mo. now you begin to care about the next action of my king. Tell me, do you betray me like Meng Po?"

As soon as this speech comes out, black and white impermanence takes a breath and kneels on the ground together.

"My Lord, we have never betrayed your idea. It is just that Chen Mo and Meng Po are very important people. Therefore, we are only attacking the stone with an egg. Please be aware of it."

Big shot?

Hearing this, Yama looked more gloomy.

It is undeniable that the position of the reincarnation emperor is higher than that of him. However, Chen Mo has not recovered to the strength of the reincarnation emperor. Now he is just the power of the ghost king, and he has to be the top one.

So from the bottom of my heart, Yama doesn't think Chen Mo is very strong.

With a flash of light in his eyes, Yama looked at the direction of Chen Mo's departure.

"They are supposed to go to the place of reincarnation, but the place of reincarnation is very dangerous and may even be reincarnated. If so, I can enjoy it and do not need to deal with them."

Immediately, Yama ordered black and white Impermanence: "you two, follow them, contact me when necessary, and tell them the actual situation."


Black and white impermanence does not dare to have any hesitation, immediately to the reincarnation of the ground gallop away.

After passing through the Naihe bridge, the place of reincarnation is actually built around the mountain and appears in the middle of the mountain. From a distance, there is a pattern of yin and Yang eight trigrams in the middle of the cliff, which shows the power of the five elements.

When Chen Mo saw this scene, he felt touched. He could not help but stride forward. When he came to the pattern of Yin Yang and eight trigrams, the force of the five elements became stronger.

Meng Po then came and explained to the pattern of yin and Yang eight trigrams: "this is actually the entrance to the place of reincarnation. Chen Mo, you should never be too close to avoid being engulfed in it."

On hearing this, Chen Mo really feels that there is a swallowing force erupting in front of the pattern of yin and Yang and eight trigrams. Fortunately, Chen Mo has the power of ghost king to resist the power of swallowing.

"Meng Po, I'm very strange. The samsara emperor occupies a high position in the underworld. Should he be in charge of judicial posts like Yama

Chen Mo said.

"Ah, you don't know. Although the reincarnation emperor ten thousand years ago was in a high position in the underworld, he didn't care about the affairs of the world and seldom had contact with people. Therefore, he didn't have much power in the underworld, but with his name, he could get thousands of troops and horses."

Meng Po Tao!

His words are not exaggerating the reincarnation emperor, but they are true.

After all, the reincarnation emperor ten thousand years ago not only served in the underworld, but also had a place in the fairyland.

What kind of power should such a terrible person care about?

His name alone can bring together thousands of troops to help.

But now Chen Mo, I'm afraid he can't.

"It seems that I have a long way to go."

Chen Mo blinked and realized the horror of reincarnation daozun. He felt how weak he was.

If not, Chen Mo would not have come to the underworld, and was nearly sent to the 18th floor of hell.

Whether dead or alive, this world still pays attention to strength.

By the way, Chen mo

Suddenly, Meng Po seemed to think of one thing and said: "although the reincarnation emperor did not leave a great influence in the underworld, no one has ever entered the cave where he is."

"In my opinion, if you have mastered the reincarnation sword, you should go to the reincarnation emperor's cave.""As long as you get a lot of treasures in it, your strength will also advance by leaps and bounds."

When she said this, she was very excited.

You know, it's reincarnation emperor's cave, he himself is the strongest in the world.

A thing left casually is also a treasure in the mind of countless people.

Chen Mo is also excited. He gets reincarnation sword, and his strength is promoted to the realm of ghost king.

If you find some treasures in the reincarnation emperor's cave, the strength can break through the realm of ghost emperor.

At that time, Chen did not have to be afraid of Yama.

"Mrs. Meng, when I recover my body, I will go to the samsara cave with you. Now I will enter the place of reincarnation and reshape my body with the help of reincarnation." Chen Mo looks at the Yin and Yang eight diagrams in front of him. He knows whether it's life or death, so he depends on the next chance.

Chen Mo, who has no physical body, is lack of something after all.

There are a lot of forces of the five elements in the place of reincarnation. Chen Mo himself is a Wuxing. He is confident enough to survive, but he may also die.

Looking at Chen Mo who looks so dignified.

Meng Po sighed and said, "Chen Mo, I will open the land of reincarnation for you. After you go in, you must insist on it. If you can't, you will be reincarnated."

The place of reincarnation itself is a space for turning and reincarnation. There will be a lot of swallowing power and the law of the world. Once ordinary ghosts enter the place of reincarnation, they will be reincarnated.

Chen Mo is a Wuxing, and naturally has a chance to survive, but the chance is less than 1%.

"Well, Meng Po, open up the land of reincarnation for me. I must go there."

Chen Mo said.

Meng Po didn't answer. She pinched out the magic formula with her hands, and then beat it on the pattern of yin and Yang eight trigrams. With the bright light, the pattern of yin and Yang gradually dispersed.

At the same time, a certain boundary.

A man sits between heaven and earth. The wind around him is rolling, forming a powerful magnetic field. The violent and incomparable airflow is about to attack the sky, making the wind and cloud treacherous.

The man in it has wings on his back. At the moment of spreading his wings, the hurricane cuts through the sky, the mountains and rivers are broken, the wind blows, the sun and the moon are sinking. The man gives his eyes to the world. He seems to be a high emperor and can see through the world.

Under the eyes, the scene of reincarnation emerges.

"What's the matter? Who opened the land of reincarnation Is reincarnation the return of daozun? "

"If it's him, the hell will change. I haven't met a strong opponent for a long time."

The young man swayed, and his body was moving in all directions. In a twinkling of an eye, there was a flash of lightning.

Under the lightning, it is extremely hot.

"Reincarnation daozun, I will meet you , the fastest update of the webnovel!