"I am willing to hand over the dragon vein, but on one condition." Mo Gaolin finally agreed with Chen Mo's decision, and looked a little farther away. "Our sect and Tianyi gate were one family hundreds of years ago, but because of some things, they were divided into two groups. I will give the dragon vein and give it to you, which will surely make our sect a small force, and even may even die."

"This is not the result that I want to see in Mo Gao Lin, so I am willing to combine xuanjian gate and Tianyi gate into one faction. From now on, xuanjianmen will obey the orders of Tianyi sect unconditionally."

"Master, please think twice."

After listening to the words of Mo Gao Lin, a group of powerful men of xuanjianmen began to shout, and their tone was imploring.

"Headmaster, our sect has become the middle power of Tianyuan island. If we merge it into Tianyi gate, how can I raise my head from now on?"

"Although the Tianyi gate was once a member of our sect, as time goes by, we have not taken Tianyi gate seriously. Moreover, xuanjianmen may not return to the state of life and death."

The famous xuanjianmen disciple stares at Chen Mo and says: "we have thousands of people in xuanjianmen. If we can't deal with a hairy boy, what's the significance of xuanjianmen's staying?"


The others nodded their approval, unwilling to merge xuanjian gate into Tianyi gate.

See this situation, Mo Gao Lin helpless smile.

It is also his helpless move to merge xuanjianmen into Tianyi gate.

After all, xuanjianmen without dragon veins will decline, but let xuanjianmen merge into Tianyi gate.

With the relationship between Chen Mo and Qian Biluo, xuanjianmen will become a subordinate force.

But Mo Gaolin believes that Chen Mo's talent is amazing, as long as he doesn't die young, he will be famous one day in the future.

It is because of this, Mo Gao Lin will want to let xuanjianmen and Tianyi gate.

I didn't expect that the disciples of xuanjianmen would change so much.

One by one, they refused to let xuanjianmen merge into Tianyi gate.

"Chen Mo, they don't seem to agree with the plan." This Mo Gao Lin looks at Chen Mo, his face is more bitter smile.

Zhang Huo saw this scene and said, "you don't know how powerful Chen Mo is. You are not afraid to tell you that all of us are not Chen Mo's opponents."

"Only let xuanjianmen merge into Tianyi gate is the best choice."

After listening to this, people look a little moved, but more people still don't want to let xuanjianmen merge into Tianyi gate.

Seeing all this, Chen Mo said with a smile: "now it's not as simple as whether your patriarch wants xuanjianmen to join Tianyi gate, but it depends on whether I agree or not."

"If I don't agree, I will take all the Dragon veins of xuanjianmen."

As soon as Zheng Shao said this, all the disciples of xuanjianmen were filled with righteous indignation.

Looking at Chen Mo is also angry.

"Hateful guy, who are you entitled to take the dragon vein of xuanjianmen? And what qualifications do you have to let xuanjianmen merge into Tianyi gate? "

Many disciples know that Chen Mo's strength is extraordinary, but it matters a lot. Their feelings for xuanjianmen can't be changed in a short time. To let them merge xuanjianmen into Tianyi gate is equivalent to following the orders of Tianyi gate in the future.

What a difficult choice for a man.

Seeing these people still hesitated, Chen Mo did not answer, and turned his eyes to Mo Gao Lin.

When Chen Mo looks at him like this, he sighs a little.

"Chen Mo, I hope you can give me a way to live. There are only three dragon veins in xuanjianmen these years, two of which are large-scale ones, and one of medium-sized ones."

"I can give you large-scale dragon veins, but medium-sized ones need to stay in xuanjianmen."

Mo Gaolin said this, almost in a consultative tone.

Hearing this, Chen Mo nodded and said, "two large dragon veins are enough to make your xuanjianmen decline from now on. And for Zhang Huo's sake, I won't take away the medium-sized ones."

Mo Gaolin takes a grateful look at Chen Mo, and then brings Chen Mo to the important place of zongmen, where the dragon vein is located.

Mo Gaolin stands on a flat ground.

Looking at Chen Mo, he said, "Chen Mo, there are two big dragons here. Whether you can take them away depends on your ability."

Mo Gaolin stepped back to make room for Chen mo.

Chen Mo's mind goes out and feels the spirit of the dragon from the ground. He immediately urges his own law of death to enter the ground. After a while, the earth shakes.

The whole xuanjianmen seems to be trapped in an earthquake, and the soil is flying.


Suddenly, a dragon song resounded through the sky, followed by a huge figure.

If you look carefully, you can see the Golden Dragon. The real dragon comes out of the ground and turns into a huge object that blocks the sky and the sun, and stands between heaven and earth.

That pair of eyes is cold and merciless, to Ni the world.

Staring at Chen Mo, he flashed the supreme power of the ninth five year plan.Chen Mo looks at the Dragon veins above the sky and says, "I'm here to change your world. If you can understand what I'm saying, you can enter the void immediately."

In his words, Chen Mo's five fingers joined ten, and there was a rule in his palm.

In the twinkling of an eye, a whirlpool of swallowing heaven and earth is formed in front of Chen mo.

The dragon vein stares at Chen Mo, and his eyes flash with a puzzled look.

It can feel, feel the breath of another world from within the whirlpool.

But how can it enter easily? Nine times out of ten, it will not be able to return to this world.

Chen Mo is waiting quietly.

He believed that with his own ability, the dragon can naturally enter the world of five elements.

As long as there are enough dragons in the five elements world, Chen Mo can let many monks enter the five element world, enhance their strength, and then create a new world.

This is Chen Mo's simplest idea and the most effective one.

After waiting for a long time, the dragon vein still overlooks Chen Mo and remains unmoved by the five elements world.

Chen Mo scratched his head, thinking about how to face the situation.

Seeing this situation, Mo Gao Lin nearby has a smile on his face that is hard to wipe away.

as long as Chen Mo can't take away the dragon vein, maybe his xuanjianmen will not have such a big loss.

Just when Mo Gaolin thinks so, Chen Mo grabs with his bare hands, and the golden scale snake appears directly in his hand, and then comes the voice of dissatisfaction from the golden scale snake.

"Master, what's the matter with you?"

The golden scale snake looked around and quickly noticed the existence of the Dragon veins. "You won't let me deal with a mere dragon vein. It's easy for me."

The golden scale snake is the spirit of heaven and earth. It has a natural understanding of spiritual objects.

Chen Mo shrugged his shoulders and said with a smile: "Xiaojin, I give you a task to let this dragon vein enter the five elements world. I need its mysterious Qi to increase the spiritual power of the five elements world."

"Master, do you want me to deal with dragon veins? The golden scale snake is quite speechless. No matter how it is said, it has a head and a tail, but it wants to recover a dragon vein.

However, it still opened its mouth to the Dragon veins and said obscure words.

And the dragon vein seemed to be able to understand, and soon accepted the golden scale snake.

Even, he took the initiative to lower his haughty head and courted the golden scale snake.

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