He and Chen Mo disappeared for half a year. During this half year, Lin cangping did not receive any information about Chen Mo, so I don't know how strong Chen Mo is today.

Moreover, even if Chen Mo was gifted, he could not shake the whole college in half a year, especially Chen Mo was chased by Shidi Tian.

In this way, Chen Mo's appearance on Siguo cliff seems to be an unexplained doomsday.

However, Chen Mo said with a smile: "elder Lin, don't say anything else. I'm here to save you from leaving. As for Bahuang college, I'm confident to deal with them."

With that, Chen Mo's fingertips gathered strength and directly injected into Lin cangping's body. The powerful force seemed to be able to destroy everything. The iron chain and handcuffs were torn apart on the spot.

After all this, Lin cangping is free and looks at Chen Mo with surprise.

But he knew it was not the time to speak.

Immediately back a few steps, Lin cangping gives Chen Mo enough space.

Under Lin cangping's surprised eyes, Chen Mo unties the shackles of these elders one by one.

Chen Zhong looked at all this, and his face was surprised. Then he looked at Chen Mo fiercely and said in a cold voice, "Chen Mo, there is no place to find. You have to come here without any effort. You even hit the muzzle of a gun and come to Bahuang college to find your death. I'll contact Prince Tianzi and ask him to come and arrest you."

Chen Zhong took out the communication crystal, injected a dark light, and contacted Shi Di Tian.

Chen Mo just takes a look at Chen Zhong and continues to untie the honorary elders.

Seeing Chen Mo still dare to stay where he is, Chen Zhong feels that he has been ignored.

Glancing at the rest of the elders, Chen Zhong said, "everybody, Chen Mo, this son dares to come to Siguo cliff. If we let them leave, we will certainly be punished by the emperor Tiangong."

"And I've already contacted the emperor. In a moment, he will surely come here."

"At the top of the matter, we should hold back Chen Mo, and then we will get the emperor's reward. "

after a few words, everyone breathed faster.

God's wings are divine tools, which can increase the speed. Now you can get the wings just by dragging Chen mo.

Why not?

Several elders, who guard Lin cangping, immediately take a step, and then stare at Chen mo.

"Boy, you'd better settle down for me and don't want to leave, otherwise we won't be polite to you."

It was one of the elders who spoke.

But it represents the meaning of others. They have seen Chen Mo break these chains just like he did.

I don't know why, but I feel Chen Mo is a little tricky.

Chen Mo looked at the elders with a little interest and said with a smile, "it seems that Shi Di Tian didn't tell you how Chen Mo defeated him, and then he fled Tianyuan island like a defeated dog."

"Well, since you have contacted Shi Di Tian, I'd like to see if he dares to appear."

At the beginning, Chen Mo defeated Shi Di Tian in Tianyuan island. He wanted to kill him, but he was escaped from Tianyuan island with the help of the wings of the God of heaven. Chen Mo has always remembered this incident.

At the moment, I know that Shidi Tian didn't tell the eight barren college these things.

Chen Mo has already guessed that with the arrogance and arrogance of the emperor, he will not admit his defeat, otherwise these elders will not be kept in the dark.

At the thought of this, Chen Mo shakes his head and takes Lin cangping and others to leave Siguo cliff.

Naturally, Chen Zhong and the elders did not believe Chen Mo's words, so they followed.

But when they came outside, they saw the director of the sea breeze lying on the ground, his face like a gossamer, and he was about to break his last breath, and there was no life force to show.

On the contrary, in the body of director Haifeng, there is only the air of death, and his whole person is like an old man on the verge of death. From a distance, it looks like a corpse.

"Old Dean, who is it? Who beat you like this

Chen Zhong was indignant and looked around. What he saw was a huge object. Outside the huge object, there was a shivering hell.

"Did you kill the old Dean?" Chen Zhong opened his mouth and said in a slightly relaxed tone.

After all, he had guessed that it was the behemoth who had killed Haifeng.

Otherwise, it doesn't make sense.

However, the hell beast did not answer Chen Zhong's words. When he saw Chen Mo, he swayed his head and tail like an invitation for merit. He walked slowly to Chen Mo, opened his arms and said to him, "master, fortunately, I have not disgraced my life. This old thing has been cleaned up and disabled by me, and I can let him go to hell at any time."

"What? The hell beast is called master Chen Mo

Chen Zhong was shocked.

Their accomplishments are not low, and they can see how terrible the hell beast is, but they didn't expect that Chen Mo would be the owner of the hell beast, especially the hell beast had a friendly face.

Obviously, the hellbeast is not as simple as taking Chen Mo as its master.

Lin cangping and other honorary elders behind Chen Mo are also surprised. Their eyes are unbelievable. They look at the hell beast, and then look at Chen mo. they find that they can't see Chen Mo through.You know, half a year ago, they were growing up under their noses. They had trained Chen Mo as a successor. If it wasn't for Shi Di Tian, Chen Mo would have a bright future.

Just because of what happened half a year ago, Lin cangping and others never got any information from Chen mo.

But they thought that Chen Mo wanted to fight against Shi Di Tian.

At least three or five years, more than a few decades.

But now the scene seems to tell Lin cangping and others.

Chen Mo, who once needed protection, has grown into a towering tree in half a year.

This towering tree can protect them from the wind and rain.

Thinking of this, Lin cangping couldn't help saying, "Chen Mo, what happened to you in the past six months, and why there are so many changes here."

"If we didn't recognize you as Chen Mo, we would all think that it was just a dream."

Lin cangping sighed and said, although his face was a bit lonely, more excited.

Because Chen Mo is the favorite child they have cultivated.

Compared with Shi Di Tian, Chen Mo Ming Xian is more reliable and powerful.

On the positive side, Lin cangping and others won.

Chen Mo looks up at the sky and answers Lin cangping and others.

"Half a year ago, I was a little eagle. I need your protection to grow up."

"Half a year later, I hope to use my true ability to protect you from the wind and rain."

"The grace of cultivation will never be forgotten."

After the words, Chen Mo looks firm.

What he wanted to do most was to protect the closest people around him.

Fortunately, Chen Mo stepped out.

After listening to Chen Mo's words, Lin cangping and others looked at each other for a long time, and their old faces crossed the color of gratification. Then they seemed to have a sharp heart and said in the same voice: "you have a tiger in your heart. When you go with the situation, we will help you. We hope that you can become the supreme one over the nine days. You can be alone and do things without any restrictions."

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