"The original power of gold?"

Seeing Chen Mo release another kind of original power again, the patriarch of the big tree clan opens his eyes on the spot and stares at Chen mo. The attack between his hands is much weaker at this time, but Chen Mo still feels the pressure of the wind and rain.

But at the next moment, the old man's eyes were burning and he said with a wild laugh: "what a five element samsara! Originally I thought the reincarnation Dao Zun was just saying it casually, but I didn't expect that after thousands of years of waiting for the reincarnation of the five elements, it was the will of heaven."

In other words, the old man took back all the attacks, and then looked at his eyes. His face could not help but say: "goujing, quickly kneel down to recognize the Lord to the five elements samsara."

"Patriarch, are you?" In the face of the sudden change of the patriarch, the whole person seems at a loss. His eyes are full of surprise. Looking at Chen Mo, his heart is beating wildly.

"Is he the reincarnation of the five elements that the patriarch often hangs in his mouth?"

Goujing is not a monk of the big tree clan.

The reason why she followed the old man was that she accidentally entered the island by accident.

That's why.

Goujing will get acquainted with the old man, and then help him to deal with foreign monks.

Over the years, people have been dying on the island.

These are the masterpieces of goujing and the old man.

At the moment, seeing the old man let himself recognize the master of a young man, he was naturally very reluctant.

She looked at the old man and said, "patriarch, I know that you have put the five elements reincarnation in your mouth these years, but he has only two kinds of five elements' original strength, and there are still three kinds of them

As soon as Gou Jing said this, the old man said displeased: "goujing, can I cheat you? Although the person in front of me knows how to use the two original powers, it also proves that he has something to do with the five elements. If I don't let you recognize him as the Lord, will I not break my promise? "

The old man looked at Chen mo after he finished.

But at the moment, Chen Mo is very confused. He doesn't understand what relationship he has with the old man.

But Chen Mo can be sure that this matter has something to do with reincarnation daozun.

However, Chen Mo is puzzled. Since the reincarnation daozun already knows that he is back in the fairyland.

But why did it happen thousands of years ago.

In particular, the old man wanted to let his eyes be his main concern, which made Chen Mo feel strange.

At this time, the old man said to Chen Mo, "little friend, there is one thing I still need to tell you. Once upon a time, samsara daozun asked me to wait for someone here."

"I thought it didn't exist, because I didn't see any friars of the five elements in this thousand years. However, when I see you today, I know that what the reincarnation Taoist priest said was true. "

The old man said that, looking at Chen Mo is also cordial.

Chen Mo can't help but withdraw the attack and look at the old man thoughtfully.

"According to you, the reincarnation Taoist priest asked you to find a monk of five elements?"


"In that case, I want to know why you want your eyes to recognize me as the Lord?"

Chen Mo has learned the strength of goujing, and although he is also a strong fighter, in Chen Mo's opinion, he is just a weak monk, especially the other side is not outstanding.

However, the old man waved his hand and let goujing come over. Then the old man said to Chen Mo: "you may not know something, young master. Goujing's identity is not so simple. She can help you to create a great cause in the future."

"You say she?"

Chen Mo almost refused to believe his eyes. He almost died in his hands.

If such a person is not simple.

Chen Mo can't imagine what category the old man's simplicity will be.

However, Chen Mo did not refuse the old man, because he really needed a guide.

After all, Chen Mo has just come here and is not familiar with his place of life.

It's the best thing to have eye contact.

Looking at the old man again, Chen Mo asks, "does the reincarnation daozun tell you anything else?"

After hearing this, the old man shook his head and said, "this has not happened. However, he once said that those who want to become great tools need to look for reincarnation eyes, otherwise they will be punished by heaven."

Reincarnation eye!

Chen Mo hears the speech, remembers this sentence, then looks at the hook eyes, then smiles and says: "since you have followed me, you will still change your name from now on."

"Please give me your name."

Goujing didn't mean to resist Chen Mo, because in the fairyland, once the slaves followed their masters, they would change their names and surnames, which was to make the slaves forget the past.

Chen Mo pondered for a moment and said in a deep voice, "let's call Chen goujing."

"Chen goujing?"

Zheng Zheng out of mind read a few times, eyes remember Chen Mo's words, and then with the old man into the tree hole.

This tree hole has a special cave. There are many treasures in it. Now it's cheaper.

Because of these treasures, the old people can't use them.

Chen Mo has some needs, and even some treasures are not recognized by Chen mo.Naturally, Chen Mo would not refuse the food.

The old man sat on the hanging chair, looked at Chen Mo and said, "young master, I have been hunting all the great talents these years, and I just gave you those treasures. They are just the tip of the iceberg."

"Do you have any better treasures?"

Chen Mo plays with a pearl of the night in his hand. Hearing the old man's words, Chen Mo is suddenly curious.

"In fact, the matter is like this. There are Ling Tian gods wearing Chen near here."

"However, these years, Lingtian inheritance has not been found. Instead, it has attracted a large number of favored sons of heaven. I ponder that my cultivation will also break through the Hongmeng realm."

"So in order to improve my strength, I would rather not break the means, but also kill these favored ones."

The old man said slowly, but also forgot to observe Chen Mo's look all the time.

At the moment, he is very respectful to Chen Mo, because the force of the five elements he feels from Chen Mo is very terrible.

If it was not for the fight just now, the old man would feel impulsive and might die in Chen Mo's hands.

At the moment, Chen Mo is still thinking about the inheritance of Lingtian God. He met the God of heaven and earth in the eight wasteland, but the inheritance of the other side was obviously not strong enough.

Otherwise, Xue Bing would not be practicing in the Mahayana realm for a few years.

At present, there is the inheritance of Lingtian God. Chen Mo's heart moves and he can't help but say to the old man: "since I found the inheritance, naturally I haven't missed the truth."

"Please show me the way and let me have a look at the inheritance of Ling Tianshen."

"Young master, this matter is still the eye to lead the way. After all, I can't leave this neighborhood without breaking through the supreme realm of Hongmeng." What is the look of the old man.

Next to goujing, he immediately explained to Chen Mo: "childe, the patriarch, he is a member of the big tree family. From the moment he was born, he only had a fixed range of practice. So he really can't leave the neighborhood, but the eyes can show you the way. "

"The elder is inconvenient to move, so let the eyes lead the way!"

After listening to Chen Mo's words, he immediately led the way and left the tree hole first.

Chen Mo followed Gou's eyes, but at this time, an old man's voice came from his ear, "young master, please help me improve my accomplishments during the robbery period when you have the ability. I can't thank you enough here."

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