Chen Mo didn't speak. The messenger of heaven was a little surprised. Then he said seriously, "you don't know the power of the holy land of heaven, but I can tell you now that monk Hongmeng can only be an emissary in the holy land of heaven. There are more than a dozen big people like xianzun in the holy land of heaven. Your accomplishments during the robbery period may be able to resist the attack of functional friars, but you are definitely not the opponent of xianzun. "

The voice of the messenger of heaven contains the color of self-confidence.

Even if Chen Moyu is out of reach, he knows how important the heaven is.

But he did not expect that the messenger of heaven was so insidious. He planted a mark of heaven in his own body, which is equivalent to letting Chen Mo appear in other people's sight all the time.

Thinking of this, Chen Mo still doesn't speak. However, the reincarnation sword in his hand has already killed the messenger of heaven. The light of the sword immediately covers his body and completely kills the separated body of the messenger of heaven.

After all this, Chen Mo looks a little dignified.

The old man of the big tree family came to Chen Mo and said, "Chen Mo, you have been planted with a mark by the messenger of heaven. You should be very careful in the future. The messenger of heaven is a giant in the fairyland. Offending such existence will have a great impact on your future."

Hearing this, Chen Mo's brow overflowed with anxiety.

Then looking at the old man of Dashu, Chen Mo couldn't help but ask, "is this messenger of heaven really so terrible?"


The old man of the big tree clan did not deny it. Although he did not see the great figures in the holy land of heaven, he also understood that the existence of such terror was beyond Chen Mo's ability to deal with.

But at the thought of Chen Mo's identity, the old man of the big tree clan shook his head.

"Chen Mo, you are the inheritor of the five elements Taoist reverence. If the five elements daozun comes to rescue you, I don't think the Tiandao holy land will deliberately embarrass you."


The old man of the big tree clan did not go on.

This is because he understands how great people like samsara daozun can easily appear.

Chen Mo did not continue to ask.

Chen Mo is second only to the samsara daozun who has seen him several times, but he has absolutely no good relationship.

So it's very tricky.

However, Chen Mo looked up at the location of Luoshui fairyland and said, "three days have passed. Now one day has passed. I can make good plans to deal with Luoshui fairyland."

As the voice falls, Chen Mo and the old man leave their places and go to the holy land of reincarnation.

The holy land of samsara is not on the island. It needs to cross several mountains to reach the holy land of samsara.

Chen Mo's strength is to cross the loot and understand the law of emptiness. Although he is planted with the mark of heaven and earth, he can't feel the mysterious power of heaven and earth around him, but Chen Mo is also a monk who controls several laws and has his own world of five elements.

Therefore, Chen Mo can also fly in the sky and come to a towering palace in half a day.

The palace is built on the top of the mountain, facing the sea and leaning against the cliff. It seems to be a secluded holy land for cultivation. It gives Chen Mo a momentum of supremacy.

Standing outside the gate of the palace, Chen Mo's eyes showed a strong will, and then a smile crossed his mouth, "is this the holy land of reincarnation? It's even worse than I thought. "

Chen Mo also thinks that the reincarnation holy land of samsara daozun has to have countless strong men.

But outside the door, no one was watching.

This is equivalent to the reason why there are too few strong people in the samsara holy land, which will lead to the shortage of personnel.

"Go, follow me in and see the holy land of samsara."

Chen Mo said a little, and then walked into the holy land of reincarnation with the elder of Dashu.

At the inner door of the holy land of samsara, there are still few monks, but a voice comes from the corner.

Chen Mo couldn't help but quicken his pace and entered the main hall. Here, Chen Mo met several monks in the holy land of samsara. Their clothes and clothes are not praiseworthy.

They were four men and a woman. The men's clothes were shabby and their faces were yellow. It seemed that they had not paid attention to themselves for decades, and they emitted a foul smell from their bodies.

As for the woman, though she wore a flaming red dress with a noble cheek, she sat on her legs and said nothing.

At the moment, several men look at each other and ignore Chen Mo who just came in.

The atmosphere is extremely cold, which makes Chen Mo feel chilly.

"Earthwalker, samsara daozun has not returned to the holy land of samsara for thousands of years, which leads to the decline of talents in the holy land of reincarnation. Should you not set an example as a earthwalker?"

It was a man in a golden robe who spoke.

As he spoke, his eyes did not forget to look at the short man in front of him, who was not only short in stature, but also ordinary in his head.

However, there was no fear on his face when he was facing a tall man in golden robes.

"Jinxing, samsara daozun has been gone for thousands of years, but he still lives in this world. At present, no one is in charge of the overall situation in the holy land of reincarnation. I know this very well, but your strength is not enough to control the holy land of reincarnation."The little man said this, frowned a little, and then looked at Chen Mo outside the door.

He seems to have a bright eye. He sees that the old man beside Chen Mo is monk Hongmeng.

Blinking his eyes, the short man said, "this is the holy land of reincarnation. Why did you come here uninvited?"

This sentence is obviously for the old people of the big tree clan.

Because Chen Mo saw the short man from beginning to end, he turned a blind eye to his own attitude.

The old man of the big tree clan looks embarrassed and looks at Chen Mo, and then answers to the earth walker, "I am the head of the big tree clan. Here is my little friend next to me who wants to look for you."

"You say him?"

After hearing the speech, the earthwalker looked at Chen Mo subconsciously. Although his eyes were bright, he could not see Chen Mo's real cultivation. His eyes were full of surprise.

Then the earthwalker said, "this is the holy land of samsara. It's not a place you want to come to, and we don't have much to entertain you."

After saying this, he did not pay attention to Chen mo. Instead, he looked up at the young man in the golden robe just now, "golden walker, this is the end of the matter today. I advise you not to make the idea of the Lord again, or we will certainly disagree."

"Is it?"

Hearing the speech, the gold Walker looked at the other two youths. Their robes were blue and blue. If you guessed right, they should be wood walkers and water walkers.

Sure enough, the golden Walker said: "water walker, wood walker, you should also know that the holy land of reincarnation has been for thousands of years, and there is no one in power. What I practice is the power of gold, and the strength is the strongest among you." , the fastest update of the webnovel!