The strong man of Dandi is also rare in the whole fairyland.

The reason why drunkard can become a Dandi level figure is that he has achieved his present achievements after countless years of cultivation.

But now, the drunkard Dandi is totally stupid.

Chen Mo didn't know how to make pills, but he directly refined the elixir of xianzun level, not only that, but also made perfect pills.

In front of such a scene, let drunkard Dan emperor have some suffocation feeling.

"In the eight wasteland, he was just a small man, but how could he be an expert of Danti?"

The drunken Weng Dandi narrowed his eyes a little, and his heart was wild.

But at this time, Chen Mo clenches the pill in his hand and stares at the drunkard.

"The elixir in my hand is called xianlingdan. This pill is extraordinary. It can increase the immortal spirit of monk Jiedu after taking it, and save decades of hard work. Therefore, this pill is worthy of being called the immortal elixir."

"Drunkard Dandi, according to the agreement between you and me, if you lose, you should tell me your origin..."

Chen Mo's voice dropped and his eyes were fixed on the drunkard.

At the moment, although the drunkard Dandi was a little surprised, he soon calmed down.

Then looking at Chen Mo, the drunkard Dandi said, "Chen Mo, you should be very clear about my origin. It's the Xuanyuan people. As for who it is, you can guess."

"Xuanyuan people?"

When Chen Mo thinks about it, he immediately sees a scene in his mind. He remembers that he once entered the ancestral pool of the Xuanyuan clan, and then he met a bloody heart.

This bloody heart has to deal with Chen mo.

Chen Mo failed because he had a world of five elements.

Because of this, Chen Mo successfully took away the blood colored heart.

Later, in Bahuang college, Chen Mo faced many strong men and was weak. Therefore, he asked blood color heart to help him deal with Shi Di Tian. However, Chen Mo didn't expect that the blood color heart broke his promise and ran away.

Although he had forgotten this incident for a long time, Chen Mo remembered that he had a strong intention to kill the drunkard immediately.

Seeing this scene, the drunkard's face gave a sly smile, "Chen Mo, you still remember who I am after all, but I believe that you want to kill me at this moment."

With this, the drunkard Dandi still does not forget to look at Chen Mo with the eyes of buried elimination. This makes Chen Mo furious and can't help bursting out the killing intention in his body, but he is suppressed by the power of xianzun level.

In the body of drunkard Dandi, suddenly there is the pressure of xianzun level, which directly makes Chen Mo hard to move.

"You're not my opponent at all, so you're just looking for trouble."

If you don't want to kill me, I will not offend you

After hearing this, Chen Mo shook his head and then looked at the drunkard Dandi with a faint smile on his face.

"Drunkard Dandi, can you kill me with your strength?"

"What do you mean by that?"

Although you are too weak to be drunk, you are still staring at me

"And I have to deal with you, there is no difficulty, just in alchemy I lost to you, but it does not mean that I will lose to you in combat effectiveness.".

With these words, the face of drunkard Dandi had a look of arrogance.

When the others heard what he said, they all nodded involuntarily.

"How terrifying is the immortal respecting the strong. Chen Mo, who is a cold headed young man, is so cheap that he still sells himself well. He is actually disrespectful to the powerful one. I think he will surely die next."

At the moment, people don't think that Chen Mo will be the opponent of xianzun level. After all, such a big man has unfathomable power and can kill Chen Mo at will.

Even Zhou Qi was surprised.

"This boy, is really a lengtouqing, but he gives me a different feeling."

After all, Zhou Qi did not believe that Chen Mo could defeat drunkard Dandi in alchemy. After all, Zhou Qi had a great look at Chen mo after he was beaten hard in the face. However, at the moment, Chen Mo had to deal with drunken Weng Dandi at xianzun level, which surprised Zhou Qi.

"I hope this boy can make a big splash for me and defeat the drunkard Dandi."

"In this way, even if Chen Mo doesn't represent the Xiandi City, he will make the Xiandi city have a long face."

Thinking of this, the drunkard Dandi still does not forget to look up at an KeYue. At the moment, an KeYue also stares at Chen Mo, but the worship color on her face is more and more intense.

"If you don't sing, you'll make a big splash. That's the style of big brother Chen Mo, and I believe he can surely beat the most drunk Dandi."

An KeYue is full of confidence in Chen Mo and clenches her fists, as if she is cheering for Chen mo.

Chen Mo is not clear about everyone's ideas.

At the moment, he looked at the drunkard Dandi, and felt that the strength of the other side was weak.From Chen Mo's five elements world, there is a holy power infiltrating into Chen Mo's whole body. All of a sudden, Chen Mo's body is shaken and his fighting spirit is raised.

"I see."

Chen Mo suddenly realized and yelled: "drunkard Dandi, you once entered the five element world of your own, and you have the power of the five element world in your body, but I am the master of the five element world. In my eyes, you are just a mole ant. "

" what? "

As Chen Mo's voice falls, people look shocked and shocked. They look at Chen Mo with disbelief.

They have a kind of intuition, Chen Mo may really have the strength to defeat drunkard Dandi.

Sure enough, the drunkard Dandi's face is very ugly at the moment. He stares at Chen Mo with a ferocious look, and his mouth is full of murderous intent. "Damn Chen Mo, I haven't settled accounts with you, but you mention what happened. If I don't teach you a lesson today, wouldn't it make people laugh and be generous, so you die for me."


For a moment, the killing intention was overwhelming, just like tumbling into the sea. The powerful mysterious force wantonly fell into Chen Mo's body. The indomitable force made everyone shocked.

What's more, he looks at Chen Mo dully.

"It's over! It's over! When a strong man of xianzun level deals with Chen Mo, he is doomed to die. "

"But what is the power of the interface? However, they are still confused about Chen Mo's interface power.

After all, they don't know that Chen Mo has a world of five elements, especially in this case, even if Chen Mo is hidden, he can't be the opponent of drunkard Dandi.

However, when you think like this, you can see that Chen Mo's body overflows with an innate power of domination. In a flash, there is a surge of wind and clouds, lightning and thunder, and a terrible force of interface appears.

"Kill the enemy with my power of domination." Chen Mo suddenly drinks, and his body diffuses out. In an instant, he has a rolling mysterious force and goes to suppress the drunkard. , the fastest update of the webnovel!